A job search does not start with an interview. It starts well before one lose one's job. The best time to search for a new one is while still in employment. The best place to start is by knowing what one wants - is it a career, is it financial rewards, is it an opportunity to travel, is it seeking experience in preparing for one's own business start up in the future or is it a combination of the above. Or could they be other reasons?
An opportunity to change job should be used to re-launch one's career. We don't get this opportunity very often - so make full use of it when it comes. Sometimes, we are blocked by an open road * please refer to my previous entry - title, Blocked by an open road* and we need a dead end to force us out of our comfort zone and look for a new opportunity.
Assuming that you already know what you are looking for - then the next step is to focus on finding the right one. Focus is the word. Try the hardest you can, but never put yourself in a desperate position. Employers do not hire desperate people, believe me. Employers hire winners!
List down all companies in the industry you are targeting. Get to know the key stake holders; HR Director, the head of the department, the secretaries etc. Get to know the company, search key information about its businesses, vision and values etc etc.
Assuming you have done all of those, then the next step is to get yourself interviewed.
Whether the job you want is being advertised or not, use the network to get your application in. Call someone who knows somebody working in the company. try to meet this person first, get some information about the job and also get him or her to recommend you to the decision maker. Normally, out of people you know, there will be someone who knows someone else who knows somebody in any company. Use the network. Even if the job is advertised, use the network to get your resume and application to the hand of the interviewer. Referrals and recommendations go a long way!
First preparation starts at home. Pay attention on how you dress. Dressing to attend a wedding is different from dressing for a job interview. A jacket looks good. There must be an aura of professionalism. Your dress need to be suited for the occassion, in fashion and material used. Pay attention also to accessories such as brooch, handbag etc....Shoes must always be of the type which do not show your toes. Sandals of any sort is not for office - sorry ladies, but strictly no sandals to the office please. Make up moderately. Please distinguish between making up to attend an evening dinner reception from making up for a job interview. Heavy mascara are more suitable for hostesses in Japanese lounges, but less so for normal nine to five jobs. Pay attention also to other accessories, such as handbag etc.
What I am writing here are so obvious that you probably know already. However, I will share anyway.
Only attend an interview when you are equipped with sufficient information about the company and the job. Have a list of questions you want to ask. List down anticipated questions and rehearse your responses. List down what your strengths are which are relevant to the job. And what your weaknesses are too. Being an ardent blog reader is not a strength you want to boast about.....hehehehe. And not having a blog of your own is not a weakness! Chances are your boss himself or herself are bloggers and they know very well that most Malaysians use office time to surf and update blogs. Hehehehe...jangan ada yang terasa ye!
Once you reach the interviewer's office, be confident and relax. If you are asked to wait, occupy the time to read business magazines or journals. The worst thing to do is to do nothing!
Once called in into the interview room, extend your hand * If you do not shake hands with non Muhrim, sufficient to nod and smile* and shake hand firmly. Make sure your hand are warm and not sweaty. Rub your palms together just before entering the room to make sure they are warm. Avoid dead-fish hand-shake.
Almost 90% of interviews will start with you being asked to tell something about yourself. Be prepared to give a brief account about you as a person, but spend more time talking about your work experience. Be enthusiastic when you talk about your past jobs, past achievements and past experience. And be positive when you speak about your ex-bosses and ex-colleagues. There is no need to say anything negative about any of them. There is a place to be totally honest, but at job interviews skip from talking about anything negative.
Make sure you are prepared to talk about your achievements. I have seen many candidates when asked about what they are proud of from their previous job, they start to roll their eyes -totally unprepared. Equally important is to have a list of questions to ask, but it is not appropriate to ask anything about salary during the first interview.
One tip for you and this is what I personally practice. For each interview, prepare a brief presentation on how you can add value to the business. That way, the interviewers know that you have researched about the company and the job and that you also differentiate yourself from other candidates. Most candidates don't even bother to do this. In attending an interview recently - I spent the first interview by asking the interviewer to describe to me in details about what are the challenges and what does the company want the new person to achieve. He took 2 hours to describe. I then asked for a second interview the day after. I came back with a presentation on how I will add value and contribute. That meeting extended for about 4 hours because he liked it so much he called his other associates to come and listen to me as well. God willing, I got the job. Syukur!
It reflects well to end the interview by asking when you can expect to know the outcome and the next step. It gives the impression that you are keen and pro-active. As you gets up to leave, say thank you to the interviewers clearly and professionally. Don't giggle or gelak2. Those acts are not professional. Keep a professional and confident look at all time.
Last but not least, have faith in God and continue to doa. If it is meant to be it will be.....keep trying, and never give up.
God luck Ida and everyone else who is looking for a job. I am only sharing my thoughts and experience. I will not even attempt to claim that I am an expert on the subject.
and how to get urself motivated at work?
ReplyDelete:) hai babe.....
ReplyDeletemotivation? Some draw motivation from external sources, while others are self-motivated.
If you are the type who needs external sources of motivation, like most people are - then it helps if you:
- do something at work which provides reasons for people to praise and recognise you.
- has a boss who is generous with his compliments, colleagues who understand you and supportive of your effort.
- know how to publicise your work, without being terover!
Motivation has links to esteem.
Find a job in a company and a boss - who are aligned to your values and style. If you can get all three, you are very lucky indeed! heheheehe...be happy if you have one of the three...
hmmm..now i remember i'm supposed to do sumthin'.
ReplyDeleteId, a very good tips indeed. The part you wrote about what appropriate to wear etc to reflect professionalism I like it. That is really explain why I am broke now. Because I have to get new outfit for my office attire...4 years tak pakai dah tak boleh nak zip up...hehehe..but good also at least I can have new collection of my office attire...
ReplyDeleteI am happy to know your plan to stay in Dubai with family. Likes yr spirit!
Another resourceful entry Bro Idham.
ReplyDeleteIf I may, I just wanna add a bit to the “professionalism” aspect of ur entry. Agreed, it is very crucial to be able to clearly articulate our achievement we are proud off at our previous engagement. From my personal experience interviewing and being interviewed :P, it is also equally important to highlight some of the challenges/adversities we faced in performing our responsibilities and most importantly how we addressed them/what we learnt from the experience. We after all are certainly no superhero all the time in all situations to all people, and the explanation can help portray the candidates as more realistic or human. No?
ReplyDeletewhat is that sumething?? hehehe
anggerik merah...:) yea...a ward-drobe for work !
ReplyDeletebest wishes there...both on personal and professional fronts.
ReplyDeletethank you for ur addition.
U r absolutely right there....it also adds to the candidate being genuine, authentic with a flavour of humility. Interviewers like to see candidates who are resourceful....and able to overcpme challenges.
Point well made NJ, thanks.:)
Abg Id..
ReplyDeleteThank you soo muchhh..
This is what I need..Abg Id dah summarykan dengan mampat dan padat. At a glance I now know wat to do. It's just that I know no one in the company. Anyway I have done some research in the net..and its helps..And your tips of the brief presentation- first time Ida dengar..good ek.
InsyaAllah, I will do my best and will try to use all the tips that you have given here. Thanks again Abg Id. It's wonderful that you still can give these tips despite your busy schedules..May Allah bless you and your family with good deeds..here & in the hereafter..aminn
:) Ida
ReplyDeletei hope u find it useful la sikit2 pun jadi la...
gambar tu tambahan terkini...hehehehe...okla kan...
bagi tau usha....she is famous now !
best wishes to u in ur job hunting....
pls keep in touch.
abg id.
Thanks for sharing your info uncle. I love it!
ReplyDelete:) wan zuha...thanks!