An old friend came visiting tonight. Both of us were directors with Unilever in the Middle East at some stage in our career, and both of us have left. To see him again for dinner tonight was to revisit some of our memory lanes, and to share what would be the latest news in our respective life. Sometimes however, unexpected topics come into play. It happened tonight. We were mid way through dinner when he mentioned about his new found friend in Dubai...
"I met this Malaysian Chinese in Dubai, a nice man but full of complaints about your government!" My friend who is an Indian national with New Zealand citizenship, started his story.
"My Government only and not his Government? And I thought you said he is a Malaysian? Complaints? What kind of complaints?" I asked, while my brain was working quickly, trying to guess what the subject of grievance was. Was I being sarcastic? In every breath.
"He complaint that the Malays are taking everything; scholarship to study overseas, places in local Universities, jobs, huge discounts in buying properties and he as Chinese gets nothing although he is also a Malaysian!" Said my friend, with an accusing tone.
Involuntary reaction biologically and physically gave away my anger. My face flushed, my posture straightened and my eyes focused into his.
"If he spoke like that to you, he should not be claiming to be a Malaysian! Also you can tell him to stay away and for Malaysia sake never to return!" I retorted.
"You are angry?" My friend sounded surprised by my reaction. Then he continued, "It must be true then if you become that defensive!"
"Damn right I am angry! That guy not only is a loser, but spreading bad lies about the country to people like you!" I sipped my minted lemon juice, trying to calm myself.
After taking a long deep breath, I continued.
"He is a loser - that is the only reason he loses out on all those opportunities. Let me tell you this, every company has a policy, and if as an employee you don't like the policy he can leave. Every country, like wise has a policy, and the policy is put together by people the citizens have elected, and each policy is for a certain purpose. If anyone doesn't like the policy, or the Government, then he can choose another government by voting wisely during the General Election. If he is a citizen he will be responsible for his Country, and not talking to people like you like he is not part of the problem. He is a loser, and to be honest, Malaysia doesn't need people like him. So tell him, stay put in Dubai and never to return! "
"It is true then the Government is implementing policies favoring the Malays!" Continued my friend.
"The policy was put in place for a purpose. The present Government has reviewed the old economic Policy and is implementing a revised policy which is to serve a new purpose, an Economic Plan for the benefits of all citizen. That Chinese friend of yours is picking on one dimension and exaggerating it. I am angry because he did not tell you the whole truth! He didn't tell you that a good number of Chinese are racist, descriminate, they continue to see themselves as Chinese first and Malaysian second! There are common stories about Chinese employers who won't employ Malays, do you know that? We often hear too that Chinese won't enter shops belonging to Malays, did he tell you about that? " I said, feeling a bit hot under my collar, but controlling myself.
"He said the Government is campaigning for One-Malaysia? How many Malaysia do you guys have now?" My friend asked, and paused to see my reaction. Was he being sarcastic? In every letter of the words!
I realized he had also been brainwashed negatively by his Malaysian Chinese friend on this subject. I valued our friendship and the limited time we have before he had to rush back to his hotel, so decided to change subject.
About one month ago he had called me to help him get a Malaysian visit Visa urgently because he had to travel for an urgent business meeting. Maybe, then he realized a Malay like me have better relationship with the Consulate's office, than his new found Chinese friend. Which most likely is true, because I make a constant effort to stay in touch with the Consulate all the time and not only go there where there is 'Makan-makan' functions, like most Chinese or Indian Malaysians do! Damn, I was being drawn into the ugly side of reality!
So to change the subject, I asked him, "Now, tell me, how was your recent visit to Kuala Lumpur?"
"A very beautiful country. People was generally relax, never in a hurry, and always smiling. I got the impression the people was not very ambitious! I felt safe there!" He said.
I smiled.
"Yea...generally we are like that. Very friendly and live happily. Gratification comes before ambition! Once in a while you would meet a moron bigot like you have in Dubai! Thank God there are not so many of them!"
I just could not resist!
**Malaysian's worst enemies outside of the country; are Malaysians themselves. Some of the Chinese and Indians are blaming the NEP, and spreading lies about the policy. A few of the Malays graduated from overseas and / or working overseas are turning into Kacang Lupakan Kulit! Eh eh, baru Buncit perut, sudah lupa yang dia tu juga Melayu yang mendapat banyak faedah dari NEP~! Apa daaa....**
Jarang sangat Pak Pin menulis lagu ni.....