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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dah mood cuti cuti Malaysia...

I am ready for cuti-cuti Malaysia. I am counting the hours to be with that young man pictured above. My bags are not yet packed, but I am ready to go. In my mind I breath Malaysian air, listen to raindrops, the aroma of Malaysian bakeries tempts me. I eagerly await the announcement, "Kepada warganegara Malaysia kami mengucapkan selamat pulang!" I want to go home....
Except for make belief moments when we live on foreign soil, Malaysia is home! As they say, home is where one's heart is. For me - my heart has never left Malaysia. To be more precise, my heart has never left my birth place in one kampung in Kelantan. The sight and sound of a kampung life remains in a kampung boy's heart forever. I will travel a thousand mile to revisit and re-live scenes of golden padi stalks dancing to the evening breeze, sound of birds chirping and chicken clucking and be able to drink cool water from a well....
I have adjusted very well to foreign soils whenever I am, living the life to the full while at the same time always learning about life itself. I have been disturbed and dissappointed with some news I read about home. Despite and maybe even because of all that are happening - I yearn to be home even more.

My kampung, like most kampung wakes up to morning sun with simple hope and pure enthusiasm. As the sunset brings amber hue on the horizon, a sense of peace and tranqulity sets in. Adzan from nearby mosques can be heard and everyone find their way to a prayer place. In a kampung home, it is still very common to see a father leading his whole family in prayers.

In my excitement about going home, I called a few friends. While driving to work yesterday, I called pakzawi. And he made this announcement here.
Since my vacation time is short, only eighteen days, I have to maximize how I use the time. Planning is important. Therefore, being clear with big items I want to accomplish is key. Alhamdullilah, after a few phone calls and some pondering, I think I have a plan. Lil has also endorsed the plan!
First two days: In KL. Priorities during these two days, to visit sites of my property investment under construction. Also to show real estate agents and potential buyers the cendana condo for which I will be getting the keys on the day of my arrival. I will be stopping over in Shah Alam from the airport to visit the Bukit Jelutong project site, and will be calling2 PB and nurazzah8 too ( if she is free ) for a quick teh tarik dan roti telur!
If there are friends who would like to meet me, I can be found at the Cendana Condo ( attached to the Rennaisance Hotel by a bridge ) on 9th August from 10am to 4pm. You may call 013-3603099.
Next six days: Going 'home' to my kampung. We have chosen to drive via the East Coastal route. Maklang has kindly invited us to stop over for lunch. Thank you maklang! I am hoping to also meet up with Silversarina dan Mulan while passing through Kemaman and Kerteh.
We will be spending one night in KT - adakah blogger yang sudi bertemu di sana?
Five days following that we will be in KL. I want to visit dear sister Dalilah, InsyAAllah. There will be many appointments to settle numerous official businesses. These five days will be hectic for me. I will try to make time to meet up with friends old and new. One of new friends I wish to meet is ummuasiah, to listen to her perjuangan yang belum selesai. Mamarock, ummie365, the Queen, if you are free let us have a cuppa too....Dah dekat tu dengan KLCC! Dan kawan2 lama yang pernah bertemu tahun lalu di DIO, onde-onde, pinat, rad.....di mana kamu? Saya semestinya akan cuba untuk bertemu ummi ( kak yong dan family ), dan dinda ku ctz jika dia sanggup ke KL. hehehehe. Maaf di pinta kepada cikmilah, kerana program ke utagha telah dibatalkan. Dan....sahabat saya, anggerik merah - jommmmm pekena satey samuri seperti tahun lepas! Setiap tahun sebelum ini saya pasti bertemu minum kopi bersama rubyahmad, namun beliau telah lama menyepikan diri...ermmm, ke mana ya??!
The next three days will be quiet and quality time enjoying one of the Malaysian resorts. Luqman has been waiting for the time we can build sand castle, splash sea water, and enjoy some water sports.
It will a short vacation, but InsyAAllah it will be one which will renew old relationships and start new ones. It will one where some pending business issues will be settled. I pray that it will be one which will be blessed by Him. InsyAAllah....
PS: Jokontan, GAB, please calling2 - hopefully we can meet. Maybe you can come to my 'condo open viewing' on 9th Aug tu.....Mummy Rizq & Syana have confirmed they will make an effort to be there and Dr Bubbles said he will try to come.


  1. salam, jealous........
    nak jumpa maklang, silversarina dan Mulan...

    tentu sibuk plan apa nak buat kat malaysia nantikan... dah tak ada rezeki last time you balik tak dapat jumpa semasa buat program kat rumah anak yatim hari tuh...

    IA ada rezeki boleh jumpa ... kot kot masa you buat kenduri kahwin anak ke...

  2. selamat pulang ke malaysia bro pakpayne.

  3. yeaaahhh.. welcome to t'ganu..!!!

  4. PP: Saya pun nak pulang kejap nanti (18-26/08)...ada training kat Sony Bangi....
    Teringin jugak nak dengar "announcement" kat KLIA tu...

  5. Pak Payne,

    Selamat Bercuti dan Semoga Selamat Pulang ke Dubai semula selepas itu...hehehe

  6. I remember the excitement and anticipation I had when it was about time to return for the 'annual holiday'. Instead of utilising the 30 days given, I'd split it into 20-day portions so that I can go home 3x in 2 years instead of once a year.

    Yes, planning was the ultimate preparation without which, nothing would happen. My returns were at that time arranged so that it would coincide with some event or another.

    Seronok, memang seronok. Despite having friends on foreign soil, nothing beats going home.

    Welcome back, PP.

  7. ni yang jeles ni.. dapatlah makan durian dan rambutan kan..
    nak jugak balik!!!!!

    tapi, neeza balik raya.. lagi best hehehe..

    selamat bercuti and have a safe journey...

  8. Abe Id :o)

    Welcome home(soon)! Selamat pulang ke Malaysia :o)

    Have a safe journey back to KL :o)

    Kalau sempat, maybe Sya & Din pun singgah jumpa Abe Id & family of the 9th :o)

    take care :o)

  9. pp..

    selamat pulang dan selamat bertemu dgn semua keluarga dan teman-teman...InsyaAllah.. :))

    Melati..Gombak..KL...dah dekat tu..

  10. pergh bikin ana jeles ini macam...

    takpe3...time kita pon nanti sampai juga...balik ni jgn lupa makan apa yg teringin kat jaga3..takmo pisang berbuah 2x, sian kak lil...

    have a safe journey home..take care. kem salam kak lil...;)

  11. Nak datang Shah Alam tapi tak nak jumpa suria ye??? Tak pe!!!

    Call lah saya bila dah ada di shah alam tu.... when is the exact date?

    Hopefully kita boleh teh tarik sama2...

  12. Salam Arif..
    Insyaalah dapat bertemu lagi tahun ni...kalau di izinkan Tuhan..


  13. Pak Payne,

    will get in touch wt you once I am back from Rio...Insyaallah...diizinkan kita jumpa lagi for satay treat..

  14. Salam..
    alaa..tak jadi mai ka. Tak pa, InsyaAllah jika dipanjangkan umur kita jumpa dikesempatan yg lebih baik. Semuga selamat percutian ini.

  15. i'm coming home for my summer holiday too...!!! :)

    slamat cuti2 malaysia for u n ur family!
