Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

100808 - Pertemuan di Kerteh!

Gambar2 di atas di pantai Kelulut, on the way to KT after a stop over at Maklang's house.
1. Luqman made a cheeky appearance.
2. Amirul n I spreading our wings
3 & 4. Salted fish being sun-dried.
5. the boys checking out the fishermen's boats
6.Luqman left his 'love' behind.

Below was our destination - maklang's residence!

Gambar2 di atas telah di ambil olih haziq di perhentian karak!
1. a jantung pisang can look so beautiful!
2. raindrops!

100808 - Pertemuan!
Left KL at 8.30am: Luqman, Amirual & Haziq excitedly took their seats in the rented Serena. It is the first time I drove this SUV which seems a bit small, and when I tried to overtake a lorry along the Karak highway I became acquinted with its small capacity engine - grossly under-powered for overtaking we were nearly stuck between a lorry and an on-coming bus. What gave me a chill in my tummy was the manner the bus approaching us with its headlight flashing but at the same time picking up speed. The lorry I was overtaking was more considerate - the driver applied brake and slowed down for me to pass safely. It was a close call - Scarry~~!!

(cenderahati dari sahabat2 dari T'Gannu - Maklang, sarina dan Mulan - Terimakasih !!!)
1. handbag fr maklang's handi-craft.
2. saving bank for luqman fr sarina
3. kain batik n kaftan for LiL fr sarina
4. kain sembahyang for LiL fr mulan.

Alhamdullillah we were safe.

After that incident, I became cautious and over took only at very safe stretches. As a result we were late, arriving only at maklang's residence at 1.30pm. We were warmly and affectionately welcomed by the most gracious 'Paklang', the Tuan rumah and maklang the Puan rumah. Maklang was already busy entertaining other guests. Sarina and her family were already there. Then I saw the famous dining table which I have so often seen in blog maklang was filled to the brim with food - MasyaAllah, murah rezki!!"Up till now I have only seen pictures of this dining table, now I am here - Alhamdullillah, we are so honoured!" I mumbled words of such effect to Paklang. Paklang and maklang made sure we ate, and ate some more.

Mulan arrived soon after I finished my 'mee rebus'. Although I met maklang, sarina and mulan for the first time - I felt like I a re-union of old friends. Friendship flow as freely with exchanges of stories about our 'real' lives......of children, of living abroad, of foods. Maklang's also invited two other friends of hers whom I felft such an honour to get to know. Puan Liza, Lil and I will be looking up your so many recipes.

Both Maklang and Paklang were so endearing. Their PR and hospitality was second to none. I felt totally at home and comfortable. Paklang even took me and sarina's daughters for a home tour, stopping long enough at his cascading pools for me to admire and enjoyed their calming effect.
Maklang and family
; Thank You so much!! Your hospitality will stay as one memorable viisit for me and my family.
Sarina and Mulan, thank you for being was a pleasure and honour meeting you and your children. Sarina dan Mulan, sungguh peramah dan baik hati sekali. Senang berkawan....

By the time we left Maklang's abode, it was nearly 4pm. We drove slowly up along the coastal road. At Pantai Kelulut, I took a diversion towards the coast, and was pleasantly surprised to see fishermen's boats and 'salted fish' being sun-dried.

That night we stopped over in Kuala Terengganu - at a 'homestay' which was located not far from the Mesjid Terapung and more importantly not far from a 'foodcourt' which spoiled us with a wide variety of choices for yet another one 'over-indulge' dinner.


  1. Bestnya cuti dgn famili. Enjoy!

  2. lawanya umah maklang...ada ciri3 zaman dulu yg rumah skrg mana nak dapat..jeles3..

  3. nanti jangan lupa singgah lagi ye...

    kami seronok menerima tetamu..akhirnya impian menjadi realiti...ha..ha...

  4. Salam perkenalan...
    terharu dgn keramahan keluarga penulis..
    harap sudi mnjenguk resepi kakliza nanti...
