Kenyang perut suka hati"
Tiba-tiba LiL memanggil, "Abang....datang...cepat!". She was in the bedroom. But it was only 7pm....I thought to myself, "Buang tabiat ka si LiL nie....baru kol 7 petang dah panggil aku masuk bilek tidur nih".
"Tu bang....the neighbours sana tu dok pasang bara .....and that one sebelah sana tu dah bakar2 dah tu....patutlah dari tadi macam ada bau kan....".
That was on Thursday night.
Dan aku pun memasang hasrat.....berdendam! hehehehe
So semalam (Friday), aku ajak LiL and the boys to Emirates Mall - nekad untuk mencari BBQ set! We got the one yang guna arang rather than a gas aided type
We also masukkan satu beg besar charcoal ke dalam trolley. Then we took another trolley to fill it up with two garden tables and ten chairs - BBQ bersama kawan2 lagi best la kan...hehehe.
Before we left, we realized we needed one more trolley - for daging, lamb, prawns, chicken and some veges. While driving back, I called a few friends with families - they declined because ada raya open house invitations else where. Called the Bujang friends from Arabian Ranches - they said, BBQ punya pasal, they will come!
Waduhhh, untuk pasang the BBQ set tu satu hal la pulak. Tercabar sungguh kesabaran dan kejuruteraan skill pak idham! In the end, I gave up! Amirul however persisted and sorted out all the parts, screws and nuts. He only came to ask me for help when he needed some brawn work....all the brain work was done by him!
For effect, we pasang also pelita minyak tanah ....macam survivor series gitu. Kebetulan, our back yard is sandy - so we did have a beach like effect.