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Friday, October 12, 2007

Eid in take!

Pictures of children...they are the angels of our open house!

We hosted an open house on Day 3 of Eid

Ladies with anak2 yang comel-comel!

Some of the men! 1. Frantic rush. Most people were expecting Eidilfitri to be on Saturday. When Friday was
announced, huge number of people made frantic rush to supermarkets. LiL
and I included. And we knew we made the wrong choice of location to go
for shopping as the roads leading to Karama center were jam packed. We will be wiser next year for sure - In not leaving it to the eleventh hour and in choosing where to go for shopping.

2. EidilFitri prayer was held very early - in almost all mosques before 7am. Fortunately we were well advised.

3. Open house. The Malaysian community in Dubai celebrated the first day of Hari Raya in good communal spirit - starting with an open house held at the Malaysian Embassy in Abu Dhabi and numerous open houses held by individuals. Malaysian cuisines were in generous spread, and even Raya songs were in the air. Ours will be on Sunday 3rd Syawal.
Malaysians here really dressed for the occasion - in Baju Melayu, Kebaya and Kurung - celebrating the Hari Raya in true Malaysian style.

4. Duit raya. For better or worse, there aren't 'duit raya' tradition here amongst Malaysians. Children do not expect, and adults don't have to worry about them. Amongst the local community however, children are still given 'Eid's gift of money'. I know because one of my friend's son received AED1000 in an envelop given to him by a local Emirati he they were visiting. Lucky fellow!

5. Drop in guests. I really like drop in guests - those who just knock on your door without waiting for invitation. It is great! To me, true spirit of Hari Raya in villages are just like that. 'Open house' to the villagers are anytime, any day, to any one's house in the community. And the hosts will serve whatever they have. The highlight was to do 're-bonding' and 'forgiving and asking for forgiveness'. However, in Kuala Lumpur and other Malaysian cities - folks have reverted to 'open house by invitation' concept - practical of course but not quite as free-spirited.
6. SMS's played a big role in living the spirit of Raya. I too sent out SMS's and receiving them always brought smile to my face. Many are really nicely worded too. Like these few I received and quoted here

"sepuluh jari di susun rapi
dari ingatan turun ke hati
ampun maaf jua di pinta
di atas silap pada tutur dan kata
tingkah laku dan hati yg prasangka

and the one below

"masak lemang sambil berdiri
hendak makan di aidilfitri
nak hantar kad raya posmen dah cuti
sms saja dpt ku beri
bukan lupa pada tradisi
cuma ikut teknologi terkini
yang ada di hujung jari


and short and sweet below

"tangan di hulur maaf di pinta
semoga lebaran membawa bahagia"

and another one

"resepi rendang santan berlada
di masak untuk si pakcik ahmad
utara selatan atau di mana saja
semoga silaratulrahim tetap erat.."

and one from Along....:-)

"mak ayah! selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin dari Along yg tengah

Thank you to everyone who have sent me the many smss greetings....much appreciated!

7.Children were the happiest. Every open house I have been to - I saw, heard and experienced their happiness, joy and laughter. Eid without them wouldn't be the same. One thing about children, they got on well with each other fast and without any hang-ups. They were least concern about who own bigger toys or received higher pocket money. They simply wanted to make friends and shared a good time.

8. Conversation topics - Here in Dubai, hot conversation topics amongst males are: Traffic jam, Ridiculous High Cost of Living - especially house rentals, Children's schooling, More about traffic jam and progress of Metro-lines, Malaysian politics, Peremb@'s recent issue due to its business in Dubai.
I wonder what the ladies talked about. In true Middle Eastern style, most open houses have separate ladies and men's section. Ermm, not my preference......I don't see why amongst us Malaysians we can't mix more freely.

9. The caterers! Whose business is booming during Eid? The answer is = the caterers! Most of the open houses of the local Emiratis are on grand scales. The Arab hospitality is really demonstrated to the extreme during Eid.

.....have a safe Eid, drive safely!.....


  1. happy eid bro, to you and the whole clan..

    maaf zahir dan batin...

  2. selamat hari raya aidilfitri
    maaf zahir dan batin

  3. selamat hari raya ...maaf zahir batin...

    tangan dihulur pengganti diri
    sempena hari mulia Aidilfitri
    ampun dan maaf jua dipinta
    sebab tak membalas sms abang Id tu...

    alaaah..abang Id...pantun I tak rhyme lee..

  4. Abg Id,

    Selamat Hari Raya..Maaf Zahir Batin :)

  5. masa kat jeddah dulu sembahyang raya pukul berapa? kat sini seawal pukul lima lebih dah start.

  6. mas...thank you for the greetings...i hope ur 1st syawal was a great one. there is still more days to enjoy visiting friends and relatives...



  7. ganja babe....waduhhh ur nama...memeranjatkan abg id....namun apa ada pada nama kan..semoga ur raya ceria2 dan bahagia!


  8. maklang....:)

    tak per tak balas sms...asalkan ada ingatan di hati.

    masih di johor ka?

    kak lil cuba masak the cheese cookies tu...hehehe...ok la menjadi la jugak! dia kata ambil resipi dari blog maklang...hehehe..lupa nak ambil gambar....bila open house tu terus jer habis...


  9. nour...:) thank u for ur greetings....abg id ada gak atar sms to u...

    semoga happy sokmo sepanjang syawal..


  10. ni first time kita bereidilfitri di kurang pasti pulak what time depa sembahyang raya di jeddah....mungkin juga sama tradisi dgn dubai...:-)

    have a good one!


  11. selamat hari raye abg id and family :)

  12. Hi Id,

    Nice family pix. Its late now to write a lot, dah mengantok. Anyway, just to let you know I visited your blog. Kirim salam to Lil. Have a meaningful Shawal. Salam.

  13. leeds....selamat hari raya to u too....meriah dan ceria nampak ur raya picture with the family...:)

    abg id

  14. ruby...thanks for visiting and leaving a note....:)

    u too, may u hv the best of syawal.


  15. What a lovely pic, Brother Id.

    Here's my attempt at composing a pantun raya -

    Gendang gendut tali kecapi
    Kenyang perut senang hati
    Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
    Salah silap mintak sorry...

    (Rhyme what?!!!!) :D

    Salam raya to you, K.LiL and family.

    Take care.

  16. salam aidifitri to abg id and family... sounds very interetsting celebrating raya there.. i'm already working here on 3rd raya.. :( but my raya was very meaningful! tgh tunggu gambar nak update blog :)

  17. Amboi, hensem-nya Encik Idham...
    Bersongkok serta bersamping... Ada gaya...

    Good picture... Raya kat Dubai dah habis ke belum?

    Kat Mesia, kita beraya sampai sebulan, kan??

  18. kandaku...
    hows ur raya?
    mine, meriah la.. ada 'orang baru' dalam hidupku inieh :)

    luv u n take care

  19. Hehehe Idham, good to hear from you again!!!! Selamat Hari Raya :)


  20. wanshana....

    lagu kat ur blog tu best gak, anwar zain ka tu? or samson?

    anak ayam main mercun
    anak itik tergedik2
    dah abis puasa ilang chun
    perut kempis now dah naik!


    itu pantun balas dari abg id!

  21. konot....:-) i read ur first day at work...sian!!! tak patut ur boss tu naik hangin!
    waiting to ur photos....hehehe..bila nak hapdet?


  22. Wah!! Best punyer pantun! Hmmmm... tak terbalas pantun Brother Id ni. Hehehe!;D

    I've just changed the song today - it's "Ketulusan Hati" by Anuar Zain taken from his latest album. The song grows on you.

    Meriah betul Open House Malaysians in Dubai ya? Glad that everything went smoothly (but, I bet all of you sakit-sakit badan now ni...)

    Have a good rest.

  23. cat cat...:-) thanks...for the compliments...kembang abg id kena puji hehehe

    u know...i am infatuated with ur annabel! she is so cute....lovely eyes....sweetest of smile..


  24. ctz dinda ku...:-) sungguh gumbira hati kanda mendengar berita dinda beraya sakan....tambahan pulak ada orang baru dalam hati itew...hehehe...siapa agaknya pengganti orang lama itew ye...hehehe :P

    jaga diri naa....jgn sampai berdenyut naa....adehhh!


  25. hai liza @ penglipur lara....i knew it was u..hehehehe....:-)

    how r u? and how waz ur raya?

    hope all is well...


  26. wanshana...:-) aha memang best lagu2 anuar zain....strong vocal!
    one of the best....

    ala...berpantun la lagi....hehehe...mana tau besuk pagi ada ilham baru...:P

    abg id

  27. Sure meriah sungguh raya kat Dubai. Kat sini tak rasa raya langsung. Hope you & your family had a great Aidil Fitri

  28. Abg Arief, selamat hari raya. Seems like you had a wonderful raya. Celebrity ye you kat sana..sampai 150 orang datang!Meriah raya!

    Family pic, walaupun tak lengkap keluarga, still bring smile to my face...especially looking at Luqman's happy face!

    Lawanye rumah you...nie tak sabar nak jadi guest you nie!

    BTW, Aeda said Selamat Hari raya to Luqman. She said she'll call someday :)

  29. Happy eid mubarak arief!

  30. Abg Id..You sure had a joyous first day of Eidul Fitri...And already post some photos too...

    This raya had left a scar in us...Mak Mahyar left us last 14 July and the first day of Eid marked her 90th day leaving us...tu yang macam takde mood nak prepare Raya...but we still took the kids around to the relatives house coz MambangHijau said that's the tradition that Arwah surely would never miss to do on Raya...

    You have a telented photographer in the house eh bro!

    Take care and thinking of you all this eidul fitri...

  31. have a blessed eid fitr to u & family.. maaf zahir batin..

    meriah betol tu open house.. ok, ok la.. jgn terkejut kalu we all ketok pintu rumah nanti ya..!!

    (^_^) ha ha...

  32. shirin...:-) i must say...raya di dubai meriah! satu sebab memang ramai juga penghuni Muslims. Dua sebab msyarakat malaysians sini pun sama2 merayakan dalam suasana dan semangat persaudaraan.



  33. k.d....:) i will be there meeting u at the airport when u come...just let us know when..of course kena runding dengan ur BIL / and ur Kak N here juga la kan ;) they too I am sure want you to be with them here...lovely people!

    Pic of Aeda with Luqman taken by the lake tu dengan megah nya di pamirkan di ruang tamu kami....such lovely pair they are! hehehe
    now pulak sama2 kehilangan gigi depan..lagi cute!

    abg arief.

  34. melisa...hai...:-) thanks...and semoga raya di sana pun ceria and bahagia!


  35. raden galoh...:-) selamat hari raya to u and mambang..

    i can understand how u felt, with the absence of mak mahyar....someone as dear as her to ur heart...Al Fatihah!May she looks down from heaven smiling with your prayers.

    we are blessed with a wonderful raya!



  36. mulan...:-) u and family are wlecome to be our guests...

    yes, the raya was meriah...
    masih ada satu jemputan this weekend...hehehe


  37. Salam Idham,
    Meriah sungguh di Hari Raya, seperti di dalam salah satu lagu Selamat Hari Raya. Begitu juga nampaknya di rumah anda yang beraya di perantau.
    Selamat Hari Raya sekali lagi.

  38. Abg Id - Meriahnya Raya kat Dubai! Meleleh air liur baca menu, especially lamb beriyani - favorite food si Zul ni ah :D
    Tell Kak Lil your house is gorgeous! I love the curtains especially yg dlm gambar 7 and 8 yg ada ladies semua tu...

  39. zabs...thanks for coming over....:-)


  40. amy...:-)

    yea..beriyani feverit too...

    the curtains tu memang i suka jugak... kita oorang buat yg express ...tiga hari from measurement to fully installed.
    cepat tu.. hehehe


  41. salam,

    meriah sungguh open house di dubai... mesti penat... takpa, penat tapi happy ye dak?

    eido omedetou gozaimas
    (Eid Mubarak in Japanese)

  42. salam a z haida... :-)

    memang terasa meriah..!
    penat nya cuma di rasa bila rebahkan badan di katil time nak tidor hehehe....


