"My life is my argument." - Albert Schweitzer.
There was a lesson from my Eid open house which I want to share. A lesson which I learnt from children - they were strangers to each other, had fun playing, argued passionately about their views, and ended up having more fun together. The lesson was - they argued so that together they were better!
They are the master of the arts of disagreeing and yet be accepted.
Children do this the best - they disagree with each other, and yet get on along building on each other's ideas. I was observing Luqman and his new found friends playing during our Eid open house - there were about ten of them at the living area designated for kids. PS3 and lots of crisps were supposed to keep them occupied - and they were! I came up to take a close look after hearing what sounded like a big argument....only to find them in close huddle, arguing and disagreeing at the top of their voices, but with smiles on their faces and obvious camaraderie and respect for each other. They did not take anything said too seriously or personally! Everyone was cool.....
It seemed to me they understood the principle of "Disagreeing with the view, with the subject ...but not with the person."
At work, knowing how to disagree and yet get accepted makes a difference whether your own ideas are listened to - hence get implemented. And those who can slice in their views without causing ripples of objection tend to move on and up in the corporate ladder. To be successful we need constant renewal of influencing skills - for everyday we will come across people with big ego, resisting to change and refusing to corporate.
For the Eid open house preparation for example, LiL and I disagreed on many things; from our open house menu to what color should our curtains be. Disagreement can be generative or destructive depending on how it is done.
Instead of focusing on what is not agreeable, try to focus on exploring options by asking questions so that everyone can understand the implications of the idea. This will often lead to the person modifying his / her view, or opening up to other ideas.
Disagreeing is not a competition of who has a better idea! It is about generating - together - a better solution.
At work, everyone has ideas - people think they are paid for their ideas. If A says it should be blue, B somehow often feels compel to say it should be red. A will defend his blue idea. The two will argue. C can either agree with one of them, or come up with another idea - that it is black. C can also suggest a compromise of A and B's idea - making it grey. But that is compromising! And compromising is not generative! To be more effective, C should play mediator role - asking questions so that both can see each others idea from a different perspective. Asking question, "Have you considered......" or "What if we......" can make the other person less defensive and more receptive.
Try it....!
The children at my open house came together as strangers, but they left as friends. Argument is an effective way to get close and personal - if you follow the rule of treating others with respect and dignity!
I will end with a quotation which is also an advise....."Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument." - Voltaire.
I will end with a quotation which is also an advise....."Never argue at the dinner table, for the one who is not hungry always gets the best of the argument." - Voltaire.
Greetings Idham...Selamat Hari Raya to you :D
ReplyDeleteThank you for visiting my blog, I truly appreciate it, do come by again ;D
Yes....agree to disagree but many times people at work take it too personally. Mature adults argue and walk out of the meeting room as friends :D
Bro Idham
ReplyDeleteWhat an insightful post. Children do instinctively know that any disagreement towards their views is not necessarily a personal rejection. However, the irony is that as we grow older, we somehow manage to unlearn this skill. What's worse, sometimes even when we (as adults) have similar points of view, we can still find it in our heart to reject the other person.
"Disagreeing with the view, with the subject ...but not with the person."
ReplyDeleteHmmmm that's a good one. I should keep that in mind the next time I argue with my boss ;)
A lil late but..."Selamat Hari Raya"
Abg Id...Now you are back with some thought provoking piece...Hmm..Camnelah saya tak respect kat you ek...see, you always have another angle to shoot...and now from the children's behaviours there goes a lesson for us to learn...
ReplyDeleteI still think you should be a consultant eh bro...
That photos are indeed the proof that your new phone is worth buying...no?
Take care and salam.
Abe Id
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Raya nah!
I very de jeles ur kamera fon de very clear one u know. Tangan kena steady ke? Mine kadang2 ok kadang2 tak ok...
abg id - i totally agree with you. we always hv lotsa stuff to learn from children.. another example is negotiation skill.. hehe.. my balqis is superb in it.. dunno where she gets it.. definitely not from me.. kena belajar byk nih..
ReplyDeleteshionge...:-) u have an interesting blog....and will there regularly!
ReplyDeletewhen people start taking things personally - life can be more complicated than necessary. hehehe....i prefer to keep things simple.
bangkai....:-) so true MB...adults make life more complicated by being judgemental, sensitive beyond reasons, and creating & wearing too many masks. in the end, our attitude determine our behaviour...so, if our attitude is already one of prejudice, competitive, and egoistic pride....then we will arguee for the sake of winning an argument.
ReplyDeletei rarely heard children saying - "i disagree!" what i often hear them saying is..."i think...." or, "why not...."
the more tentative approach is better accepted, especially amongst new acquintances.
You said it - chuildren do that instintively!
ReplyDeleteWith bosses....there is another rule to bear in mind....hehehe,
and that is rule # 1. Bosses are always right. hehehehe.....or they always think they are right....so, sometimes it is necessary to step back 2 steps in order to gain 5 steps forward....
I also like another rule I follow ...
"not to take myself too seriously..." i find i keep my youth better that way.
raden...u r being generous with ur compliments....:-) but i like it...so, many thanks!
ReplyDeletethe mobile comes with a 5 megapixel camera...wuhuuuuu, now tak yah bawak camera lain kan....
fayrahim....:-) selamat hari raya to yew...
ReplyDeleteyes yes tangan kena steady....i tried also in taking gambar curi minah arab...tapi sbb tgn tak steady, gambar2 blur jer....hehehe
which fon u guna tu?
ReplyDeletei rasa-rasa la kan...dalam firasat i la kan....balqis dapat skill tu kan...ehem, dari orang yang dia paling sayang tu !
komen ini tiada kena mengena dengan entry abg id..
ReplyDeletenak komen pasal gambar tu.. I LUV DOING GROCERIES.. ITS BETTER THAN SHOPPING!
id, tak nak argue la kat sini...nak wish selamat hari raya aje :)
ReplyDeleteyour open house looked meriah!
hmm... can't agree more..
ReplyDeleteanyway...best la ur camera phone...mmg x pyh bwk kamera lain dah...cukup terang n jelas...:)
berpadan la dgn harga...ehhehh..
mummy rizq...i pun suka shopping for the kitchen...and my feverit is the FISH section...kalau pasal ikan, LiL serahkan to me...and I know quite a bit abt fish!
mama rock...:) kita toaksah argue la naa...hehehe....makan kueh raya lagi best...
ReplyDeletemeriah jugak raya di dubai nie...
malam ni gi open house siap ada satey@@!!!
drNO...hehehe...now kan, mobile phone ni...selepas enam bulan jer harga dia dah turun...
abg id, org tew masak ape dlm periuk besar tew??
ReplyDelete(sajer nk tau..hehe)
oyay..thanx 4 the great quote , and im goin' 2 try it @ skool, bencilah setiap kali balik klas, argue ngan classm8, sentiase meninggalkn perasaan yg best langsung (masing2 x nk beralah, nk menang jek). oyay..
raya sakan nampak kat dubai!!
7xZZkW The best blog you have!
ReplyDeleteuxz6po Hello all!
ReplyDeleteWonderful blog.
ReplyDeleteactually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
ReplyDeleteThanks to author.
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