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Monday, October 8, 2007

Selamat Hari Raya EdilFitri...!

All of a sudden tonight I miss my other three children who are not with us here in Dubai.

I was planning for a Hari Raya open house, and I was overwhelmed with thoughts of them - in faraway land. This year will be the first time ever that we as a family will not be together during Hari Raya.
Tonight I understood how our parents must have felt when we were not with them to welcome the first of Syawal. ....

I wanted to know their plans.

Along and Achik will be driving to Melaka on Wednesday to spend Raya time with their Grandma ( My MIL ). Both LiL and I are happy in a way, that MIL will have them for company. Otherwise she will be alone unless my BIL returns from JB, which is unlikely given the nature of his job. Already, Along is buying some Raya cookies to bring back to his Grandma. He is also preparing his first ever Duit Raya to give away….my advise was, Sikit pun tak per Along asalkan ihlas….ikut kemampuan sendiri lah”.
Achik, will be bringing his course work along, for he will face an exams immediately after Raya.
Along and Achik is separated by three years, however in size they are equally bigger than me….and in personality they are also equally happy go lucky. Along reported during a phone call, “Kita present kat Achik baju Raya – dia siap tanya pulak, seluar tak de Along?”.
It is heart warming to see and hear how these two get on and along very well…..more like good buddies than like competing siblings.

Angah, is as independent as a girl her age can be. I asked whether she wants to fly to Dubai for the Raya, and politely but confidently she said, “Ayah antar je la duit tiket tu biar Angah buat belanja tuition kat sini….lagi pun cuti sekejap jer Ayah”. Wise girl!
In a way, I am less worried about Angah knowing that she has many friends there and also knowing that our friend the faraway doc is close by – These husband and wife Docs have been more like a foster family to Angah from the first day she arrived in Dublin. To both Doc D and Doc M, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To Along, Angah and Achik – Selamat Hari Raya! Enjoy ….Mak, ayah dan adik2 will always be thinking of you!

To all our friends and relatives out there


Yang kurang itu kami....
Yang terkasar & tersalah itu saya....
Ampun Maaf jua saya pinta!


  1. Seronoknya tengok one big happy family bergambar. Jelous!

  2. salam wanzuha....selamat hari raya untuk wan zuha dan family....maaf zahr batin :-)

    uncle JD.<--from kgchat days...hehehe

  3. Abg arief, Selamat Hari Raya. Kita nak juga join open house tu...tapi kita kirim salam ingatan je lah yek...

    Alahai Abg Arief...Nanti dapat phone call pagi raya tu...jgn sok sek sok sek menangis dah le... sedih hati anak dengar tau...

    As for Angah...kalau dia sudi kami ajak le dia beraya dgn kami pi rumah Haji Fauzi semua...tapi kalau dia ada plan dgn kekawan dia pun tak pe...Dengar nye dia buat open nanti kami serbu le rumah dia!! :D

    Kirim salam raya to your family and minta maaf salah silap ye

  4. Mr Idham,

    Map to the Arabian Ranches tu is small la... tak nampak direction.. So, tak dapatlah datang open house tu hehehe ;)

    Anyway, Salam Eid Mubarak to you, kak LiL and the family..

  5. here's wishing u & yr family a happy selamat hari raya aidil fitri & maaf zahir batin. tu jauh sangatlah bang!

  6. Encik Idham,
    Selamat Hari Raya... A very happy family you have... Thanks for sharing the picture with us. Maaf zahir batin.

  7. Salam Arif..
    Selamat menyambut HAri RAya Aidilfitri untuk Ariff sekeluarga... maaf zahir batin.. salah silap kami sekeluarga juga harap di ampunkan,,, termakan terminum juga minta di halalkan...

    *tak tempah kad raya ke tahun ni??
    happy family...

  8. abg idham - your kids looks exactly like theor parents!! one big happy family! Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir batin to you and Family!

  9. Abg Id...Nice family photo you have there bro...

    Ampun maaf juga saya pohon dari Abg Id andai ada salah silap tutur kata, tingkah laku dan budi bicara.

    Selamat menyambut Edi Mubarrak..

  10. Reading this entry makes me wonder how I would cope later in life, when my kids have left the nest, and have nests of their own (and of course - not forgetting their in-law's nests, too!)

    I know there will be some rayas when it won't be a complete family celebrating under one roof. But, I guess - more importantly is that wherever they may be, their thoughts and their hearts are always with us - just like your children's thoughts are with you and K.LiL this raya. You have a beautiful and wonderful family. God Bless!

    Salam Aidil Fitri to you, K.LiL and family.

    Maaf Zahir Batin.

  11. Eid mubarak to you and family...tak pe, budak2 jauh di mata tapi dekat di hati id.

  12. KD..hehehehe..di telephone tu selalu nya we ceria ceria je...sejak dulu cenggitu heehhehe..

    waduh nak buat open house kasi Angah? hehehehe....ok la tu....ada pakatan dgn housemates dia...bagus jugak tu jika dia ikut sama gi makan nasik minyak rumah tuan haji pauzi tu...sedap nya masih dpt saya rasakan...



  13. littlemuffins...:) hehehehe.....nak yg besar pun ada....Ina beraya di kucing ka di KL?
    meriahkan hari raya dengan silaratulrahim antara seugama...bermaafan sesama kita..

    selamat hari raya!


  14. k.c......janji selalau dekat di hati kan kan...kan...:)

    selamat hari raya....


  15. cat cat..:)

    do u get a chance to visit hari raya celebrations over there? is there a malaysian embassy nearby?

    thanks for the wishes....:)


  16. umie.....:) tak kesempatan berjumpa la tahun ni nampak nye...sbb arif di dubai ...apa2 pun selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin jugak dari kami sekeluarga...
    nak jugak kad raya tu...sempat ka lagi...:)

    salam untuk pakyong ye...


  17. konot....hehehe ke mana tumpah kuah jika tidak ke nasik iye tak hehheehe...
    insyAAllah...semoga terus happy2 ...

    selamat hari raya juga for u and ur loved ones....


  18. raden....) eh kita yg pernah bertemu....jika ada salah silap abg id minta ampun maaf...mana tau, tersalah kata terkasar bahasa...

    semoga hari raya raden dan mambang bahagia dan di berkati...


    abg id

  19. wanshana...:) thank you for linking to my entry ...

    begitulah hendaknya....that no matter where they and we are - our thoughts are always with each other...and that can happen if there is love in our heart...saper tak sayang anak2 kan? hehehehe

    selamat hari raya wanshana...semoga happy dan di berkati bersama keluarga.


  20. mamarock...aha, janji dkat di hati kan mama....semua nya kira ok ...

    sampaikan lah hajat mama nak main bunger api tu...heheheh..

    semoga raya mama bersama keluarga dalam suasana gembira dan di berkati...
    jika main bunga api....hati2...jaga jari tu ye!

    ampun maaf saya pinta!


  21. Salam Hari Raya untuk Mr Idham n family...

  22. selamat hariraya awak disana. meriah nampaknya tahun ni.

    saya anak-anak kecik lagi so semuanya sama denan saya. sedih pulak rasa bila dah tak sama nanti. hu hu hu

  23. Selamat Hari Raya to Abang Arif, Kak Lil & family :o)

    What a beautiful family portrait :o)

  24. Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
    Maaf Zahir Batin

    - Dari kami sekeluarga.

  25. Selamat Hari Raya!!!

  26. Id selamat hari raya and maaf zahir batin to you and family.One nice big happy family tu...anak2 semua besar dari ibu-bapa....hehehe

    When I can get the flight I'll come and visit .... haha...thanx for invitation though:)

  27. tq love blooms....nice name !

    selamat hari raya to u too...


  28. lollies.....meriah jugak lah di sini....masyarakat malaysians ramai dan ramah tamah semua nya hehehe...bukan seperti di tempat lama saya...
    awak pun di sana meriah sokmo kan....saya dulu lagi envy dgn persatuan awak tu hehehe

    selamat menyambut raya bersama lover dan anak2 ....maaf zahir batin....sampaikan salam saya kepada lover awak tu...:)

    jika ke dubai jemput jemput tau ke rumah saya....

    january nanti anak lelaki saya amirul akan ke qatar for a weekned nak jumpa GF dia....leh ka tumpang rumah awak? lebih selamat dari tidor d rumah GF dia kut....hehehehe :)

    lama lagi tu anak2 awak sebelum dia org meninggalkan ur love nest...

    take care


  29. syana...tenkiu....saya juga mengucapkan selamat hari raya ,aaf zahir batin....:)

    salam untuk encik Din....

    itu gambar last year.


  30. sarahmirza.....:) nanti datangrumah ye ...pada OcT 14th..hari ahad tu....jgn lupa pulak...:)

    selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.


  31. hai penglipur lara....selamat hari raya jugak....!


  32. kak elle...:)

    selamat hari raya dan maaf zahir batin juga dari saya....

    nanti ada rezki kak elle datang....saya jemput di epot bawa ke rumah....:)


  33. Very nice family you have there...may Allah bless all of you...

    Salam Aidilfitri from me n my family.

    Thanx for the comment by the way. I'm touched...

  34. selamat hari raya utk abg id sekeluarga :)

  35. Abg Id & Kak Lil,

    Salam aidilfitri, maaf zahir batin. If the feelings are the same like mine long2 time ago, I'm sure your kids long to be with their mommy & daddy too for raya. Nevertheless, glad to hear they are coping well as grown ups.

    Syioknya kalau dapat ke open house di Dubai tu. As for me, I hope to be able to make it back home in time for pagi raya. Hopefully flight tak delay. If not, aahhhh.... x de ketupat lah tawoon ni for my kids. And oh!! Hopefully Ayah x lupa pick me up from airport. Huh... Naya...

    Selamat Gumbira di Hari Raya!!

  36. ummi...komen saya itu di sertai doa agar ummie dan keluarga selalu di lindungi dan di limpahi rahmat Allah....
    salam eidifitri dari saya sekeluarga untuk ummie, adik2, dan mama ummie....:-)


  37. leeds...abg id mengucapkan selamat hari raya for u, ur lovely hubby Mr F, dan adik inassss uyg comel itew...
    enjoy ur first raya as an isteri mithali hehehe.....
    hati mertua mau jaga dik....dan dah kawen tu kena ka kuar duit raya?...:-)



  38. ibu..:-) tepat seperti kata IBU....baru tadi zeti called..tanya sempat ka beli tiket jika dia dtg dubai from dublin...hehehe....last minute hati dia berubah nak dtg...but but, after we talked, kami bersetuju for her to come in Dec when her leave is longer...instead of coming here for a weekend...kena la jugak practical kan...:)

    my TERUNA2 di malaysia tu ok rasanya...becoz they feel they are doing something noble for their grandma...keeping her company...:)

    IBU pulang ke kampung di mana? Terengganu ka?
    My wish for u for a wonderful raya with your family and with your folks back in kampung...maaf zahir batin.

    for house nanti ada nasik dagang kelantan...dan lontong melaka...hehehe...i invited the malasyians in dubai via the dubai yahoo group...hehehe...hopefully ramailah yg datang nanti....:)


  39. selamat hari raya aidilfitri

    maaf jika ada salah dan silap

  40. Idham,
    Selamat Hari Raya to you and family.
    And that is one great family in the picture. My doa is that mine will be just like yours selama-lamanya.
    And since you are faraway, I take this opportunity to jemput your two sons over to beraya at my place in USJ. Do let them know. Don't worry, kita kat sini raya more than sebulan.. kalau depa nak datang lemme know..
    Take care and have a blast this Raya.

  41. Assalamualaikum,
    Kanda Arif dan kak LiL yang sentiasa dalam ingatan ct.
    Salam Aidilfitri buat Kanda sekeluarga di sana. Ct mintak maaf zahir dan batin kalau ada terkasar bahasa dan tersalah kata. Harap di ampunkan dosa. Semoga Syawal kali ni lebih bermakna buat kanda sekeluarga di sana.

    Salam dari ct di alostaq.

  42. Assalamualaikum Abe Id ....

    dari kejauhan pB sekeluarga mohon maaf kiranya ado ssaloh n ssilap disepanjae kito dok saing.

    Halal makae minung .... deh ...

    Nok ata kad rayo pung, mesti sapa lepah rayo.
    Nati pB email jah lar kad rayo ...

    hi hi..
    kalu tahung lepah, sesak barat chari ghumoh orghe tu.
    Sapa dio keno maghi turuk ...

    tahun ni, kalu lalu kot tu lagi, mesti tringat ....


    kiring salae kor orghe ghumoh n anok anok

  43. Encik Idham,
    The closest Malaysian Embassy is in DC... 1 1/2 hours drive from Richmond where I live... Never had a chance to celebrate Hari Raya here... sok sek sok sek.

  44. bang..
    Selamat Hari Raya
    i hope u have a blessed one...

    Maaf Zahir & Batin


  46. Salam Eidulfitri untuk Saudara Idham d sekeluarga. Maaf Zahir dan Batin jika ada terkasar bahasa dan segala kesilapan penulisan semasa berblog di alam maya ini.

  47. Eid mubarak to abang idham sekeluarga, minal aa'ideen wal faa'izeen, kullu aam wa antum bekhayr.

    Semoga terus dimurahkan rezeki so that one day when i get my chance to go to dubai, u can be my host, ok ka? hehe....

  48. encik arif,

    insyaallah kalau ada kesempatan kami sampai ke sana. lagi seminggu ahjer lagi kat sini. RAya 4 kami nak cabut dah. we are now kat shangrila residence. Datang ler visit.

  49. Selamat Hari Raya to you, kak lil and family :)

  50. Selamat Hari Raya to you, kak lil and family :)

  51. Salam Abg Id,

    Ibu nak balik kampung ke Msia! I'm in Seoul now. Malam raya kena rush ler.. heh! Mcm le I yg jadi pilot! hehehe ...

    Trengganu???!!! ahaha... must be from the car number eh? Itu red-herring. Actually, Ibu pagi raya (insyaAllah... kalau flight tak delay) kat Damansara, belah Ayah. Then same day petang balik JB, belah Ibu pulak. Tak gaduh. Every year the same. It's fine with me, coz it means I can spend more days at JB!!! Hehehe....

    Kalau next mtg kat Dubai, kita nak singgah kat Arabian ranch tu lah, buleh ker?

    Salam Aidilfitri,

  52. drNO ...

    Tenkiu Dr No...saya juga minta maaf jika ada salah dan silap...
    enjoy ur raya bersama org2 yg di cintai...



  53. Mior Azhar ...
    salam pak mior...,
    saya juga mengucap salam dan memohon maaf jika ada tersalah kata terkasar bahasa...
    Saya rasa inilah kelebihan kita sebagai saudara islam...bermaafan dengan penuh keihlasan walaupun kita tahu tida ada dosa secara nyata...namun soal hai, kadang2 mana tahu tercuit sentuhan rasa tanpa kita sedari....itulah maka kita bermaafan walaupun belum belum bertemu muka.

    Terimakasih di atas jemputan kpd teruna2 saya itu...akan saya sampaikan..insyAAllah....sungguh besar hati budi pak mior...mengingati teruna2 saya ketika ibubapa mereka di rantau...terimakasih!

    sekira tidak keberatan sudilah pak mior memberi saya number telefon yg boleh mereka call sekira perlu berhubung mengenai direction ke sana...

    semoga raya pak mior bersama keluarga tersayang di limpahi rahmat Allah....dan semoga ibu pak mior sembuh dan pulih dari askit beliau.....



  54. -ctz- dinda....!

    tersenyum kanda melihat komen dari dinda...salam eidilfitri untuk ct dan ibu tersayang di sana. Semoga ceria...mesra...dan kontrol makan minum ye....Jangan terlalu sedih mengingati arwah ayahanda ct...semestinya beliau ingin kan ct bergembira bersama ibu dan saudara2 yg ada...

    kanda juga mohon maf jika ada tersalah dan silap sepanjang persahabatan kita....semoga kekal abadi!

    salam dari dubai ke aloq staq ...dengan ingatan mesra dari k LiL dan kanda!


  55. PB ...
    Assalamualaikum pB ku....,

    Jika setahun lalu abe id menunggu ketibaan pB, aBear dan anak2 di pinggir kampung kemubu untuk kita sama2 berhari raya....tahun ini, kita berjauhan di mata namun harap2nya tetap deat di hati...
    selamat hari raya...maaf zahir batin...walaupun rasanya takdak pung dosa hehehe

    enjoy enjoy deh hari rrayo nih...makae tuh kalu buleh kontrol la deh...menten pinggae hok rapping tuh deh...hehehe...

    kirim salae ko tokma jugok...ghoyat abe id hok jjuppo dio di darul izzah tuh kireng salae deh...:)

    abe id

  56. Cat Cat ...
    ah...what a pity...
    dubai is a small city in a no place is too far away...
    i hv posted a public invitation in the malaysians yahoo group site for malaysians here to come oer to our house....for nasik dagang and lontong....but more importantly for closing ranks and bonding amongst malaysians away from home..
    tak tahu lah how many wil turn up...hehehe...

    nevertheless i wish u, in spirit, a wonderful raya celebration with ur friends in malaysia - virtually!

    I have received many greeting cards and wishes - virtually - from my chinese friends in Malaysia.


  57. AphroditeKuzz ...
    salam kuzza,

    selamat hari raya to you too...and my wishes for a blessed, joyfull raya for u besides ur loved one...especially anak buah u yg cute dan comel itu..

    maaf zahir btin!

    abg idham

  58. puteri1..

    saya juga mengucapkan selamat hari raya ...maaf zahir batin jika ada tersilap kata dalam masa kita berbloggig ini...
    enjoy ur eid...!


  59. zabs ...
    begitu juga saya zabs...kadang2 tu tanpa kita sedari kata2 di blog dan komen2 kita pun mungkin boleh mengguris perasaan...justeru itu, saya juga minta maaf jika ada tersalah kata...:)
    semoga ur raya di berkati...dan ceria di samping isteri dan anak2 tersayang!


  60. Manal ...

    alhamdullillah dengan rezki yg seadanya...anytime u r here, we will be only too happy to host u...siap boleh jemput di epot...cakap jer bila...:)
    and this invitation is for people we consider special friends...:-)

    selamat hari raya to u...

    be the one who others happy too...:-)


  61. Hanafi Mohd Noor ...

    same to you....slamat hari raya...i had a quick peep into ur blog...looks very informative...will find time to go for a good read...thanks for coming over!


  62. Zakiah ...
    pleaseeeeeeeeeeee :-) luangkan masa ye....sudi2 kan lah datang ...dapat juga kita bertemu antara dua keluarga sebelum zakiah berangkat pulang...

    living in a service apartment can be tough, especially with children...however, enjoy ur last few days in dubai...

    salam raya from us to you and family.


    arif @ idham

  63. ween ...

    selamat hari raya ween...:-) terbayangkan ur colourful and delicious cupcakes...
    byk ka buat untuk raya?

    enjoy the eid with ur loved ones...

    maaf zahir batin...jika ada tersentuh rasa sepanjang kita blogging2 ni kan..


  64. IBU ...
    Salam IBU dan AYAH di korea...,

    jauh tu....dah lama ka di sana? sejuk ka ?
    berapa lama tu? huhuhu...jauh eh berpuasa di negara susah nak cari makan halal pulak tu...

    yes, :-) i gueesed terengganu lepas tgk ur merc plate number tu la....T hehehe..terus jer ingat one of u either IBU or ayah org Gganu....salah rupanya...:-)

    semoga u can get back in time to hav first syawal with ur home...and safely arriving in Jb pulak...:)

    we were in Nong Chik for a couple of years...

    so u were from JB and attended secondary school in STF...waduhh dekat rumah tu....tiap2 minggu boleh blek hehehe

    salam eidilfitri...:)


  65. dear arif...

    selamat hari raya aidilfitri dari kami sekeluarga di sini...

    maaf zahir dan batin kalau ada tersalah dan silap...

    love the pics.. u all look so happy ..kirim salam kat kak lil...:0)

  66. simah...:) thanks for the greetings...i also left a greeting in ur blog...sama2lah kita rayakan eidilfitri ini...dengan ingatan juga kepada mereka yg kurang bernasib baik...


    salam to everyone at home....


  67. Abg Id - Amy suka tengok gambo anak2 Abg Id, kan best kalau Amy pun ada gambar bersama anak2. Belum ada rezeki lagi..hmmm. Selamat raya to u and kak Lil..

  68. Amy...:-) selamat hari raya bersama suami tercinta ...balik kemana ye?
    semoga Amy mendapat raya yg ceria, yang mesra, dan di berkati!

    alhamdullillah anak2 abg id "sihat2" semuanya....:)


  69. Mr Arif @ idham,
    Very nice to meet u at S's Hari Raya open house today. I knew it was you the minute u walked in. The baju melayu seakan serupa je dengan yang dalam gambar ni! hahahaha. But, in real life you are more handsome.Thank you for inviting me to your house this sunday. Your wife also invited me. So I will try to come lah!
    I must tell you, I enjoy reading your blog.
    Sorry lah I tak buat open house, so cannot invite you lah.

