"Will you be there tomorrow morning when I take the bus?" He asked.
"Of course....I will be there" I reassured him, and immediately set my alarm. The bus was to come at 6.45am and he was the second to be picked up.
Luqman worries about things generated only by his imagination. For instance, he was worried about what would he talk about with whoever kid who sits next to him.
"You know I don't like to talk early in the morning.....shall I pretend to sleep?" He asked, worried.
"You can listen to musics....that way you don't have to talk" suggested his brother Haziq.
"But I am not allowed to bring the MP4 to school" He retorted.
"You can talk little bit...at least to say good morning to your friend on the bus" I chipped in.
"Can I bring the MP4 ayah?" He asked, against his own instinct but hoping I would say yes.
And I said yes! Lil frowned, but gave in.....
So, that night we helped him to upload more songs into his MP4.
The morning arrived. I didn't sleep after the Fajr prayer and chose to wait for his bus to come. I was anxious about how he would react at the crucial moments. So, I was half ready in clothes decent enough to drive him to school just in case.....
LiL was more relaxed.
Luqman was quite chirpy....and was even willing to pose for pictures while waiting for the bus.
Then ....it happened!
Like a true man...he shook and kissed my hands, then strode confidently to the bus....put his best foot forward...and did not even look back. I waved him goodbye.....and he was gone. My youngest son.....is growing up faster than I myself is ready to let him go. But when he strode out as confidently as he was that morning, I knew I have little to worry about. Perhaps, LiL knew her son better for she was relaxed all the way.
I admire u!
ReplyDeletewah..best tu, pergi sekolah tak payah pakai school uniform
ReplyDeletewah canggih bas dub@i. as expected from.. Dub@i... heheh.
ReplyDeletego luqman go!
It's vice versa in my family.It's always me who start to worry or panicking, or not confident that my son is ready to face the 'adventure'.
ReplyDeletekudos to dear luqman, he's mature than he seems to be. :)
ReplyDeleteEncik Idham,
ReplyDeleteCantik rumah Encik Idham.. Loved the color... Eeekk, why school bus not in yellow color...?
Hmmmm...before you knew it, he'll be boarding a plane to further his studies somewhere across the world pulak, Brother Id...
Mr Idham.
ReplyDeleteLuqman looks just fine and confident for the mission.
I guess not much to worry since the school bus looks inviting hhahah!!! Terasa macam nak naik pulak.
Whatever it is, the car looks more inviting!!!! kan? kan? kan?
assalamualaikum.. apa khabar skrg? :) wah big event tu. first time naik bas... siayah tu yg mesti lebih risau dari anak kan.
ReplyDeleteby the way.. Selamat hari raya. maaf zahir batin
suria ...:) i have visited ur blog. selamat berpuasa dan menyambut hari raya...
liyas....the school ada uniform...masa tu belum dapat...now dah pakai uniform la..hehehe...:)
ReplyDeletehow r u brudder?
ReplyDeletebus sini tidak colour kunin as in malaysia...pakcik pun heran...but ok la...dalam bus tu ada dua ladies yg jaga anak2 kita tu...di samping pemandu.
DR NO....between me and LiL ...she is earth & water, i am wind and fire...hehehe...
ReplyDeleteshe is calm and cool, i am excitable and emotional...:)
tapi kan, ada bab tu dia yg emosi la...hehehe....
cat cat....aha, school buses here color grey grey jer...not orange or yellow.
ReplyDeletehouses pulak yg byk color oren hehehe...
wanshana....u know, we planned to hv our children in three batches - the first three are close to each other than a six yr break, then the next two close to eacsar2 dah other than a six yr break before luqman....the reason was so that we will hv a child always with us bila yg besar2 dah fly out from the nest....i guess luqman's time will come too...*sigh*
littlemuffins...now he is happy nak naik bus...dah ada kawan2...
ReplyDeletecuma one day tu he complained ..."the boy who sits with me ...man! his breath stink@!"
hehehhe....ada2 jer ...
bani...how r u brudder? me and family alhamdullillah sihaqt2 jer...
ReplyDeleteselamat hari raya to u too...
Abg.Arief, sekarang naik bas gi sekolah. Tak lama lagi minta kereta drive sendiri!!
ReplyDeleteTime flew and they grow up so fast. Before you know it, you got grandchildren already :D
Selamat hari raya to you and family.
k.d....kereta tu mungkin kena beli sendiri la kut hehehe...but but i hv set precent la jugak by buying cars for along and zeti...hehehe...
ReplyDeletegrandchildren ....nak nak nakkkk.....heheheh...tolongla carikan menantu ....doktor2 d dublin tu ok gak..hehehe
selamat hari raya to u too..
abg arif.
hai, i am new in dubai. got ur blog link from yahoo group. nice blog u hv here. selamat hari raya.
ReplyDeleteada open house ka?
a desert bird
i always like your post on your kids...always so... i dunno, it just makes me smile. i have a lil brother who i watch like a hawk (the ONLY boy kan). he grows up so fast, it's unbelievable...
ReplyDeletebaru lil bro dah mcm ni.dunnola kalau ade my own kids...hehehe
he's a big boy now.. ni awatnya ayah yang gabra terlebih nie?? hee.. hee. ralax...
ReplyDeletemacam adik leed anas, rasa mcm dia kecikk je lagi, rupanya dah pegi sekolah tadika.
ReplyDeleteluqman's sooo sweet!
abg id - i cannot imagine how you felt.. youngest son dah besar and independent.. i rememebr i felt so emotional when i sent balqis for her first field trip with the school.. hehe. tu baru field tri[..belum masuk college ke apa ke.. emosi btul..
ReplyDeleteabe id, dah besar yer si bongsu tu. hopefully cepat dapat cucu, lepas ni bila si bongsu dah dewasa, ada si kecik lain leh wat main. and usually, atok sayang cucu lebih dari sayang anak sendiri. just like my father. tengok ler nanti... hehe!
ReplyDeleteI thought I had left a comment here yesterday ....
ReplyDeleteBut anyway ... years from now, Luqman is going to thank you for capturing this day and the pics of his first schoolbus ride. I still remember mine when I was 6. Going home, I didn't get down when I should, and being a new kid who joined in the middle of the term, I guess the van driver forgot I was there. So I enjoyed the drive all over and across town, with the driver oblivious to the fact that he had a passenger who failed to alight, and with my father in hot pursuit after the van!!
Salam Abg Id..Luqman is indeed an independent boy..at least for now dah nampak ciri2 beraninye dan berdikarinye tu...
ReplyDeleteThey grow fast kan? Errmmm..can't help it lah bro..your house is so nice...cantik and besar tu...
Take care. Salam to Kak Lil ya.
tak lama lagi dapat menantu laa...20 tahun tu tak lama dah...
ReplyDeleteBro Id-hae :
ReplyDeleteBaru baca pasal Haji Zainal from your earlier posting. Thanks
All I can do is offer prayers from this side of the world.
salam Ariff,
ReplyDeletehurm..dah besar anak ayah ya...Along dan Angah tu bila lagi, nanti dapat cucu pulak...tak lah sunyi Kak Lil kat rumah tu..(hehe..I like the color of your house) rumah pun dah besar, nanti sunyi aje...;-))
Macam I ni semua peringkat umur ada..dari tadika hingga lah universiti... tak habis2 pergi Hari anbik Report Card, Hari Progress report, Graduation Day, Hari Penyampaian Hadiah etc etc... tapi yg paling kelakar nya bila pergi ambik progress report atau graduation daya di mana anak ada buat persembahan (anak yg bongsu ni lah)... rata2 semua parents muda belia belaka, bila tanya semua anak no 1 atau no2... TAPI bila dia orang tanya I, anak akak ni anak no 2 ke? HAHAHA...nak gelak pun ada, tapi senyum aje lah depan parents lain sambil berkata ,"ni anak akak yang ke-8!!!" Sure terkezut depa...
Do u still have a kid-photo of yourself? luqman prolly took after u kot.
ReplyDeleteI wish i'll also have intelligent and obedient kids like urs!
Bestnya Luqman naik bas pi school. Lovely house you have there. Seem to be nice neighbourhood too.
ReplyDeleteId, salam aidilfitri to you and family in Dubai.
Bestnya Luqman naik bas pi school. Lovely house you have there. Seem to be nice neighbourhood too.
ReplyDeleteId, salam aidilfitri to you and family in Dubai.
adesertbird ...
ReplyDeletewelcome to dubai...!
yes, we are inviting friends to ou house on the second day of Eid...pls come over. I will post the location map in the next entry...
you and family are invited!
Ummi ...
ReplyDelete:) i smil reading ur comment...now i am curious abt ur lil brother...hehehe....will go visit some of ur older posting if u hv written abt him.
InsyAAllah, one day...u will have kids of ur own...and i am pretty sure u will make a wonderful mom...:)
Mummy Rizq ...
ReplyDeletehehehe.,..mungkin sbb dia anak bongsu kut na...:)
Leeds Al-Malique ..
ReplyDeleteaha kan...yg bongsu ni selalu baby di hati kita....hehehe...
abg id
konot ...
ReplyDeleteenjoy...Balqis the best u canwhile she is still residing in ur nest...sekali dia dah terbang...rindu nya susah di ubat hehehe...:)
ada plan untuk dapatkan adik ka for Balqis? *wink*
ReplyDeletehehehe...suka jika dpt cucu....my Along tersenyum tu bila baca comment nie hehehe....Along, hint hint ..bila lagi? hehehe
Queen Of The House ...
ReplyDeleteAwww, so u went on a free ride...nasib baik masa tu masih ada ciri2 keselamatan...jika sekrang nie bahaya tu Queen untuk biarkan anak kita go for a free ride liddat....adushh....imbasan wajah Nurin masih terbayang2...
See....your father acted exactly how I would - in HOT pursuit...!
Raden Galoh ...
ReplyDeleteLuqman is a clever boy...he worris a lot, and he thinks like a boy beyond his age...
In a way he is a perfertionaist as well....which s counter productive...so I hv been telling him where to be perfect and where he should just go ahead with 70% correct...
the house is nice...alhamdulillah..
Maklang ...
ReplyDeletehehehe....menantu tu harap2 nya tk yah la tunggu sampai 20 tahun....heheh kita dah ada bujang tu...dah 23 tu..dah ready tu hehehe...
yg susahnya, bujang kita suruh kita carikan jodoh untuk dia...ehem...di mana ye!
ALONG...ayah dok usha la ni..hehhehe
JoKontan ...
ReplyDeleteJo kenal ka dgn Zainal tu?
TQ...sama2 lah kita berdoa....
nurazzah8 ...
ReplyDeletesalam Azah.
aha, tu la Along dulu kut...Angah masih study tu..hehehe...ada pak Iranian sorang tu dia nak jodohkan anak lelaki dia dgn Angah...hehehe....dia kata dia dah ada rumah di London...wadushhh....Terfikir jugak..."mata duitan kah aku hehehe".
Along...dia minta saya carikan jodoh...hehehe....siapa ek ada calon2...
wah....Azah...best lkan mcm tu..sentiasa meriah je rumah bila anak2 ramai bersama2..
bila depa confuse pasal anak bongsu as anak number dua tu....depa compliment pasal awet muda azah tu tau....:)
Manal ..
ReplyDeletethe earliest photo i have is when i was in standard four....masa tu camera pun hitam putih....itu pun cikgu sekolah yang ambekkan....for his project paper.
i still remember how he lend me a pair of shoes which belnged to my class mate...sbb i tak de kasut ..huhuhuhu..
Luqman took after me in many aspects...hehehe..
Anggerik merah
Yes, we live in a gated community -a nice neighbourhood...mostly expats...
good to hear from u....hopefully ur big and lil men are doing well..
Luqman ni macam Amy kut, warm up lambat sket in the morning. Ckp dgn hubby jek..itu pun pendek2 jek. While driving to work in the morning pun, most of the time Amy diam je walaupun adik ada sama ..bila dah masuk middle morning baru rancak sket mulut ni :P
ReplyDeleteBestnya Abg Id punya plan anak2, I wish I could plan..takde hasil pun lagi :D
Oh ya, kita terbalik. Amy yg wind and fire, Zul earth and water, tersangat la rileknya dia tu hik hik
Amy....insyAAllah mudah2an....ada rezki untuk mendapat cahaya mata nanti...semestinya Amy dah Zul sentiasa berdoa kan...dan kata orang2 Alim, doa dalam ibadah Umrah itu Makbul....Abg id ameeenkan doa2 Amy...
ReplyDeletehehehe....wuhuuuuu fire eh...kena pulak angin....mcm abg id ni..hehhee....terus jom heboh hehehe!
selamat hari raya Amy..maaf zahir batin.
hahaha.. senyum i baca soalan abg id.. Insya Allah.. doa2lah ada rezkei kami nak bagi Balqis adik.. dia pun dah boring dah sorang2 tuh.. :)
ReplyDeletejika itu juga doa Konot...maka abg id AMEEEEENNNNkan...semoga ada rezki nanti...
best kan bila balqis ada adik...!