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Monday, August 27, 2007

You owe her a goodbye...!

Pre amble:
I was attending a meeting in Amsterdam. Actually it was a farewell party for me given by my ex-boss at Unilever. While on the trip, I met a lady who told me about her 'broken heart', when her boyfriend for over a decade just walked out on her. Upon my return, I wrote the entry below.

Dear Heart breaker,
I am writing this letter to you not because I know you, but because I know the person whose heart you have just broken. You left without explanation. You disappeared without goodbyes. That was not the way you started years ago....for then, you treated her like a princess. You showered her with kindness. You lifted her high. And now you dropped her shattering ....Why?

You may have found someone new. But, it is only expected that before you move on to the new....for you to end the old! A proper closure is as necessary as a proper beginning. Why do you leave it hanging. Why are you making her feel cheated and feel stupid. Do you realize that you are hurting her? Yes, she is the same person whom you have protected from being hurt by others for the past years.

Heart breaker,
Please do not make she to curse the day she surrendered her heart to you. Make yourself worthy of her love and the love you have shared with her. The love you once offered..Most importantly, I think you owe it to yourself, to have the guts to say why you are leaving, that you are having a change of heart..even minor..even slight..

What you have done to her, is similar to treating her like a toy on a shelf...for if this one does not work.. you dump, and pick up another. In case you have forgotten, you are no longer a child picking toys in a toy store. You are adults dealing with people's lives. Before you move...take a look at your past...Have the courage to say goodbye.

Do not make them feel not make them feel blind...Before you move....heed these words from the wise.."love is blind but hate has eyes".

Dear Heart breaker,
As humans, we are not immune to a change of heart. When we do change, it is also best to be open and move on with our own lives. But there are ways on how to leave.
We are talking about your feeling and her feeling here. So involve her in a discussion. Give her an equal chance to plot out what is the best way to deal with the situation. How do both of you transcend from being people in love to being ordinary friends. As the saying goes, "Please have the balls".

Dear Heartbroken,
I apologise for not being able to stay longer listening and providing support to you during this difficult period. What you shared with me will remain private. I am posting here an open letter which may be useful to you and others with similar experience. For as long as there is love, there will be heartbreaking moments - the best we can do is to be better at handling those moments when they happen.

We grieve break-ups. Love is a beautiful thing - a feeling of being alive and appreciated. When love comes to an end, our happiness is destroyed. Our sense of security disappeared. We have to deal not only with the loss of our partners, but also the loss of ourselves. The former, is not within our control. But the later - ourselves - is within us not to lose. We may lose everything, but must never lose ourselves!

Accepting that it is over! To me that is a critical step. I personally found writing down on paper why the relationship has to end really helpful. Write down pluses and minuses of continuing, and soon we ourselves will realize that breaking up is the best thing for both parties. We may even be surprised why were so blinded before. Hopefully....that is the case with you too!

Be aware of natural emotional and intuitive reaction to blame ourselves as the cause, and to pursue in mending a broken relationship. Everyone requires help and support from friends at this stage. Have a heart to heart talk with trusted friends. Don't blame yourselves, and with acceptance that it is over, do not pursue. Find your own closure, if closure with the heart breaker is not possible. Bring yourself up a level - pause, and be aware of your own strengths. How special you are as a person. Focus on your great values and traits. Love yourself!

Forgiveness is a great healer! By forgiving ourselves, we can save our emotion from downward spiral of self-pity and self-sabotage. By forgiving ourselves, we can move on faster and quicker. And secondly, it is about forgiving him. This is second, because unless you have forgiven yourself, it is not possible to forgive him fully.

Forgive him, even if he does get to know about it. From personal experience, by forgiving a heavy load lifted. It is liberating!

On the reverse side to forgiveness, anger and vengeance are so potent in poisoning your own heart. Bitterness generates negative thoughts and actions. Stay positive, be forgiving!

I know that I am making all sound easy. No, it is not. Break-ups are not easy. And if your own effort and even with the help of your trusted friends do not help, then it is necessary to seek professional advise. We live this life only once - live it to your own plot and script, and not to the plot and script written for you by the heart breakers.

A few more practical tips :
- Get rid of any thing which reminds you of him. His ashtray, his favourite CDs, his aftershave, etc etc.
- Stay close to trusted friends and relatives with whom you can open up freely and who understand you.
- Stay close to God. His love and compassion are unconditional.
- If it works better, take vacation from work. But keep yourself busy. For some it is better to stay at work. Know what works best for you.
- Develop new rituals and routines that aren't dependent on the other person.
- Indulge for yourself. Treat yourself to SPA, hairdo, new pair of shoes, etc. Feel good about yourself.....Relaunch yourself! This is an opportunity to be a new you....

"The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread"
~Mother Teresa


  1. *takberaniletaknama*Tuesday, August 28, 2007

    Dear heartbroken,
    This is a 'more' practical tips:
    Forget yoga (& its calming effects), learn voodoo instead!
    Imagine that you're holding his, er, family jewels - curse & crush it to a speckle, a minion of the lowest scum of the earth! Trust me - you'll feel immediately better & it's ain't no joke!
    Declare this new national anthem: I don't need a 'man' (referring to him only not to hurt the feelings of all the good men out there) to make me happy by PCD!
    Pepatah Melayu mengatakan, kumbang bukan seekor. Pergh! Petik satu jari, ramai lagi yang menanti!

  2. which one are you?? the 'heart breaker' or the 'heart broken'? hope you are none of it!!

  3. Interesting topic..wonder what trigger this this topic. Good tips too.

    Anyway, to whomever had experienced heart broken or the other must go on..bounce back and take control of your life!

  4. easier said than done everyone!

  5. i love this one!!!!!'kene save nirh!

    "lebih baik terjah masa depan dari fikirkan yg lalu"

  6. because it is easier that way. i dont get to see her pleading eyes, angry eyes and i dont have to get in the big blob mess. i just want to be happy. move on you know.

    but i am not the heartbreaker. tak pernah tau. heh heh

  7. Idham and others,
    Interesting topic,yes..somebody might say, easier said than done...yes..but one thing that i learn from reading and also experiences, "jangan menyayangi seseorang kerana dirinya, kelak nanti kita kecewa dan sedih, hatta, pasangan atau anak2 kita sekalipun, tetapi hendaklah kita meyayangi mereka kerana Allah, sayang kpd suami/kekasih dan anak2 TIDAK BOLEH melebihi sayang kita kpd ALLAH dan Rasul junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad saw." Jika kita berpegang kpd prinsip ini, InsyaAllah kita tidak akan kecewa. Wallahualam.

  8. Dear Ariffin, I know you wrote this for me, honestly, I am in tears, thank you for this beautiful writing. I have printed it out to read it again, again, again until I feel better. Your help is so much appreciated! M. xx

  9. Lollies, you answer makes me feel worried, you sound like you have never been hurt before and until you do, stay happy...but do not forget that this is a very immature answer, coward behaviour...M.

  10. i was heartbroken a while ago.. i know exactly how she feels.. im still left in the lurch without a proper goodbye.. kadang2 senyum sinis bila ingat his promises when he wanted to be with me.. how things and people can change kan..

    dear heartbroken..
    only time will heal the pain, in the meantime..dekatkan diri dengan tuhan and doa banya2 supaya dia tabahkan diri kita..surround yourself with positive people and things..never ever lose yourself.. have faith.. there are people who care for u..

  11. Dear Heartbroken,
    just go jogging/running (which ever appeals)until you are spent. Then you are free. Happy. And move on to better life.

  12. it is indeed. whoever does that is a coward in my opinion. my comment does not mean i condone it. but somehow i have seen it among the many. your assumption that i have never been hurt might be wrong. however i am happy. thank you

  13. by the way i was being sarcastic in my first comment.

  14. Let Go..let it slip away from your the palm of your hands...feel the bones stretching and releasing this love

    I won't tell you that he is a loser cuz he lost you and all sorts of crap..but all I would tell you is beware that when he sleeps and sees you in a dream..he wakes up with a heavy heart..cuz he left you without a proper closure.He knows he did u will haunt him forever while you move on

  15. Abg Id, good post and great tips. Amy mmm pernah jadik heratbreaker and banyak kali heartbroken baru dpt rasa sehappy sekarang :D. Tips no 1, 2, 3 tu mmg betul, buang segala apa yg berkaitan dgn dia, I packed everything - letters, teddybears, keychains, gifts and gave it back to him - to the pak guard of his house. Takmo ingat dah and I really think it helps. And yes, I cried my heart out but I was lucky, mama came all the way down from Perlis and console me, how cool is that?

  16. miss takberani letak nama....:)

    hahahaha, written as anonymous, lepas tu bagitau pulak that this one is cute lah you!
    i do appreaciate though that u told me this is urs...


  17. mummyrizq...:)
    i am both!
    but, the different is - i practice what i preach, i do say goodbye properly!
    breaking up is never easy...


  18. anggerik...

    what triggered this topic is...a friendship i found recently...:)


  19. msJ...
    yes, no one will disagree - it is hard@! scars shall remain, even if the wounds have healed.


  20. babe...:) terjah depan ye...
    kalau gelap, guna torch light...
    kalau terang, guna sun glasses...
    namun, terus ke depan!


  21. lollies...:) understood your comments and the intention...
    u meant well!


  22. nurazzah8...:) thanks for your emphasis...well said!
    Alangkahg bahagia nya sesiapa yang dapat merasai cintakan Allah...


  23. M...*hugs*
    I shall refrain writing in elaboration here, for wanting to safeguard the privacy of what you shared with me...
    I pray you will have the strength and will find closure for this.
    You have taken the first step - continue to go forward, step by step!

    By the way, Lollies meant well...


  24. princess....:)
    selagi boleh senyum....selagi itu masih ada kekuatan dan harapan.
    And I am sure "Heartbroken" will appreciate your well wishes for her...


  25. mior azhar...:)

    that is another view and option..


  26. lollies...thanks for coming back to clarify...although u did not have to.




  27. dark S.....:) well said...sounds like one coming from a perceptive and sensitive person.
    Appreciate u adding to the well wishes and support for heartbroken.


  28. Amy..that is so cool! A Mom's support and prayer is the best of all...
    Happy that you are now happy.
    What happened made u a wiser and happier person.


  29. Hi Idham,

    I think hearbreaks are the hardest to deal. It involves the very basic reason we live for and that is LOVE. LOVE and of course TRUST are the two central commodities of life that make us wanna breathe and go on in life. When these two commodities are breached by someone we adore, our life immediately crumbles and this is seriously a dangerous time for the party concerned. A heartbreak is both physical and emotional pain I read somewhere. It is a serious mpredicament.

    I have read close loved ones or friends best just to lend our ears and lend our hearts. We perhaps don't need to tell her to chin up or be strong. Just be there and keep her company. Let her find her own way out as only she knows the other party who broke her heart. Let her take her time to heal only TIME is her friend for now.

    I read somepeople who are broken hearted are so weak they can't even feed their pets. That's how bad it is. So kalau nak tolong help her with her house that.

    Well, whoever you are, only this I wanna tell you that time will heal your sorrow and in the mean time you are entitled to feel what you wanna feel. Take care.

  30. Salam Idham,
    Happy belated birthday. Welcome to the obove Fifty Club.
    To the Heart-breakers, what you do to others, you will one day experienced the same.
    To the Broken-hearted, "Doa orang yang teranianya makbul, berdoalah untuk ketenangan hati dan tabah mnghaapi dugaan ini."
    I completely forgot about your intended do, at the Darul Izzah. However from the pictures that you have posted here, it was a very successful one.
    I have also read your postings regarding Fifty, and some of the exprience you described, have some similarity with my own. With your permission, I would like to quote some of the writing to my own children. Thank you.

  31. Great entry... enuf said.

  32. dear ruby...:)

    thanks for sharing from your own wisdom and belief....matters of the hearts are complex matters....never easy to understand and harder to find resolutions for.

    but u are absolutely right, no matter how hurtful it appears to the oberservers, the real pain is only felt by those who are involved.



  33. zabs...thanks for the belated birthday does feel good actually to move over to the other side of high noon...hehehe...
    life can only be better from here on...i have gone through enough painly learnings not to be wiser, insyAAllah...

    let us keep in touch...perhaps forming a club ....the sunset sailing club! hehehe


  34. maksu....erkkk....hehehe...saya senyum walaupun kurang faham maksud komen maksu itu...:)


  35. asnor filza....thanks...:)

    have great days ahead.


  36. Hi Id,

    Interesting topic (not to mention the no of comments being left!).

    It takes a while to heal the wound. Scars are there, perhaps to remind us on what we went tru and make the best out of it.

    Sometimes we focus too much on what has been lost than focusing on what we have. :)

    Anyway, good topic.

    ps: Happy belated birthday! you are as old as my mom. hehhehe..

  37. hai miss istanbul...:)

    "untuk warga negara malaysia, kami mengucapkan selamat pulang"
    enjoy while u r back home!

    thanks for the belated birthday wishes.....sampaikan salam to ur mom...! warga se angkatan tu...anak merdeka....hehehehe

    how is ur cute comel lil one doing....?


  38. Encik ariffin, this reminds me of my own pain.
    a good one.

