Second, I really appreciate the presence of my friends both those known via blog and my friends of old. PB & Family, Onde-Onde & family, Ibu & family, Fynne & daughter, Rad and Banji - many thanks!
Umie & Hubby, Hj Anwarul and Family, Tn Hj Syed, Hj Ali & family - your presence added significance to the occassion.
A special mention to Amy ( Anwarul's daughter ) for sportingly and ably taking the role of Master of Ceremory for the games, Tn Hj Syed for leading the Dzuhur prayers and the majlis Tahlil, Umie and Fynne for contributing kueh2, Wani Onde Onde for the secret recipe cake, RAD for compiling the tags and ibu for the Cola and other contributions.
Here I also want to THANK YOU all who have done the meme / tag so sportingly. Bloggers united! and for a good cause too......I am proud to be known as a blogger!
I went to Darul Izzah today to give love - and I received lots of love and happiness back in return. A smile like this one below is priceless!
Lunch, eaten in communal way - the nasi putih with sambal udang, fried chicken and mixed vege - taste even better when had together as one big family! I was seated next to a ten year old during lunch, and after some warming up ...he shared his story with me. His father died of cancer at a young age and his mother left him with his grandparents and dissappeared. He thinks his mother is still alive but he does not know where.....His ambition is to be a Doctor so that he can treat people who suffers from cancer. During school holidays he goes back to stay with his grandparents and visit his dad's grave. When we finished our lunch, he said all of a sudden, "Saya suka makan bersama pakcik....boleh kah pakcik datang lagi. Anak2 pakcik tu bertuah ada ayah macam pakcik....". I had to look away....hiding my teary eyes. With a tap on his shoulder, I could only say, "InsyAAllah....panjang umur kita dapat bertemu lagi". I do realize, to him it could have been any pakcik.....what he yearns for is to have an occassional meal and a decent talk with a father figure he misses so much. To have a conversation which showed interest in who he is, and how he is feeling.......When I was leaving, he came to the door and kissed my hand.
Last but not least, I want to say thank you to my organizing team below who has put in lots of love and passion into this project. I love you all.......
Also read here (Rad's )& here ( Banji's )& more picture here (UMie's) & Here ( OndeOnde's )
Hi Id,
ReplyDeleteShukor dah berjalan dengan baik. It looked like it went with a blast. Well done to you and all those who helped. So nice to see the kids enjoyed themselves, not forgetting the adults too..he he. Salam.
Abe Id & family,
ReplyDeleteI was anxiously waiting for this story and pic...all I want to say is you give love you get back love especially from those children.
Well done to the lovely committee & those that provide helping hand and contribute in many ways! Pictures tell thousand stories..
tahniah...sayang tak dapat hadir, sebab kami terlalu jauh...
ReplyDeleteKenangan yg paling manis buat umie dan hubby mumgkin juga kawan2 yg lainnya... Umie tak dapat menahan sebak, menahan renangan air mata... terbayang andaikan anak2 ku di tempat mereka... ya ALLAH ampuni lah dosa2 hambanya. selamatkan lah mereka di dunia dan akhirat,,,,,amin..
thanks for ariff and family...
akan ku kenang hingga akhir hayat ku...
perjumpaan yg sukar dilupakan hingga akhir hayat..(kata2 dri PAk Yong..)
ALhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar dan seperti yg dirancang ya... Hajat hati mmg ingin join sekali, mula2 nak buat hari Sabtu mmg saya tak boleh dtg sbb ada kelas, bila ditunda ke hari Ahad, ingat boleh lah datang, ttp MIL pulak dtg rumah...hurm..mmg tak ada rezeki nak bersama-sama memberi kasih-sayang kpd anak2 yatim ini...anyway, saya berdoa agar Allah limpahkan rahmat dan hidayahNya kpd Idham dan family serta rakan2 semua yg bersusah payah meraikan anak2 yatim ini.
Syukur semuanya berjalan sebagaimana yang dirancang, apa yang pasti semua yang hadir dapat berkongsi rasa terharu dan ceria....
ReplyDeletesemoga Allah memberkati your family dan semua yang membantu dan menyokong usaha murni ini... bestnya kalau I dapat hadir sama....
suka tengok gambar yang akhir... a big happy and kind-hearted family...
En. Idham,
ReplyDeleteI had a teary-eyed when I saw those priceless smiley face pictures with priceless of the kids. It is indeed a blessings from you to host this wonderful event. Great job!
semoga dirahmati Allah selamanya..
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Sebak nengok semua gambar tu especially gambar makan beramai2, terus nangis
ReplyDeletesekali lagi tahniah dan terima kasih buat cik idham, atas semuanya.
ReplyDeletetak ada apa yg saya boleh sumbangkan selain dari hanya meramaikan. jadi untuk semua yg menyumbang... mmg Allah sajalah yg boleh membalasnya
*saya minta izin guna satu gambar dari blog cik idham utk blog saya :)
Bravo abg Id.. semoga usaha abg Id 7 co diberkati Allah...
ReplyDeleteyang pastinya kedatangan abg id & the other bloggers telah membawa seribu keceriaan untuk kanak kanak tersebut..
abe id, masa on d way to muar, nampak darul izzah from d highway. teringat d event. sayang sekali tak leh nak join. looks like the boys had so much fun on dat day. well done to all.
ReplyDeleteabe id, masa on d way to muar, nampak darul izzah from d highway. teringat d event. sayang sekali tak leh nak join. looks like the boys had so much fun on dat day. well done to all.
ReplyDeletethat mak we in blue tudung, hmm macam pernah tengok ek, Dr apa ke nama entah....
ReplyDeletehe he he
Alhamdulillah, thanx for your hospitality Abe Ariff, kak Lil dan your family serta everybody else yang terlibat, kami cuma meramaikan majlis macam Banji cakaplah...actually nak bersembang dgn anak2 darul izzah tapi being the sensitive one, takut flood gate pecah karang haruuuuu pulak majlis..masa anak2 ni salam dgn kami pun dah sebak dah..tapi control macho aje tu..
ReplyDeleteatenah: kita tak cam ker?
dear went very well indeed....just after we finished our games a heavy downpour of rain accompanied us for lunch...hujan rahmat.
ReplyDeletememang seronok....better if this things abt 'giving' can be weaved into our life as a routine....
and, when i say 'giving' i dont mean can be giving our time!
cheers my friend.
ReplyDeletethanks. the organizing team memang enjoy what they were doing....we had lots of fun preparing for it, rehearsing the games at home to make sure they work etc etc....hehehe.
Have a good week.
maklang....:) i do understand....biar jauh di terengganu asalkan dekat di hati :)
umie...:) it was really great meeting u and pak yong too...walau pun tak la jauh sgt, namun kalau tidak ke sana semalam tu susah gak nak jumpa ....
ReplyDeletekueh2 tu memang feverit tu...seri muka, dan kueh talam tu...thanks so much! dari dulu hingga kini, kalau dgn umie...mesti stop tepi huighway untuk sampai2 makan makan....hehehehe
azzah8.....ameeennn.....majlis membaca yasin dan tahlil pun begitu shahdu semalam....bila anak2 kita, dan kawan2 kita dapat bersama-sama di dalam rumah Allah....
ReplyDeletegambar last tu si ayahnya posing tu..hehehe. anak2 natural jer ek...
rina dah tiba malaysia ka nie?
cat cat...
ReplyDeletesensitive hearts u hv cath cath...and that is sign of great person within.
ReplyDeletenext time kita buat lagi....dan wan zuha cuba2 datang join ye...:)
Banji...I appreciate ur presence....u made a difference with ur participation and encouragement to the boys...:)
ReplyDeletemany many thanks!
hey...that is a nice piece you wrote in your blog!
mummy rizq.....:) awatlaa mummy tak leh datang....jika mummy dan rizq ada kan lagi meriah....
ReplyDeletelen kali naa....
ameeen, atas doa mummy rizq itew.
idham family and i definitely had so much fun...hopefully the boys and others had as much fun as well....
yes, we missed u that day.
how is muar? masih ada buah2an ka...
hai atenah....:)
ReplyDeleteshe may know u too....
Salam Bro. Idham
ReplyDeleteit was most unfortunate that I did not get the notification about the postponement, I apologize for unable to show up on Sunday.
Though I am glad it was a resounding success, really wish I could have been there.
Hopefully, there will be a next time...
ReplyDeletetu yang I suka gambar last tu, candid and masing-masing gembira...
I balik september nanti, tengah busy packing and shopping....hubby remains kat UAE.... salam .
abe id and kak lil plus your anak2, thanx for your hospitality; like what banji mentioned above kami hanya meramaikan saja but it's a good thing to attend - at least for me this is my first experience; forgive us if we are not the best company; i want to talk to anak2 darul izzah but i know that i cannot trust myself - nanti flood gate pecah haruu pulak :)
ReplyDeleteAll in all, mudah2an majlis tersebut di rahmati Allah; my children pun terkesan nampaknya tengok ada ramai children yang sebaya mereka less fortunate..Thank You!
p/s: atenah - do you notice me in the pic?
"I had to look away....hiding my teary eyes. With a tap on his shoulder, I could only say, "InsyAAllah....panjang umur kita dapat bertemu lagi.."
Salam. Wah..meriahnya. Wish I could be there too. Ayahnya muda benar...
ReplyDeleteVery Well Done till the end, Alhamdulilah
ReplyDeleteSaudara Idham,
ReplyDeleteMemang tak de rezeki saya nak join. Insya Allah kalau ada buat lagi, saya join and I want to help organise too. Tahniah.
uncle ID..
ReplyDeleteglad everythinng went well.
meriahnye majlis.=)
too bad i'm stuck far far away here.
the pictures of the kids..their smiles...sayunye hati sy tgk.
may they find happiness in their life.
thanx again for all ur effort uncle ID.
p/s:doakan sy yg nk exam ni yer?=)
i'll try my best uncle. fyi, skarang tgh carik keje lain. uncle doakan zuha dpt keje lain yg boleh buat ibadat ngan sempurna ;-)
ReplyDeleteen. idham, allah bless your soul!!
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullilah program kita sama2 berjalan lancar ye abe id w/pun berlainan tmpt tapi situasi nya sama je..sedih tgk anak2 yatim ni..gembira sungguh dia org tgk kita datang..padan muka tak baca blog so tak tau la program abe id dah ubah tarikh..if not dpt gi dua sekolah anak yatim...apa2 pun gembira dpt jumpa abe id, kak lil dan anak2 di jasin melaka...lauk sedap tapi malu makan dgn jiran2 mak kak lil so makan sikit je la...hahaha
ReplyDeletei would have called you if I had your number....sorry for the miscommunication.
Ec Hamdan of DIO did tell me that you came on Saturday....
Onde Onde....:) oo, patutla nampak wani dok tenguk2 dari jauh jer...
loveujordan...rina....jika hubby continue di uae...ada la tu nanti peluang for us to meet....intro la dgn hubby, mana tau boleh jugak kami bertemu dulu...:)
onde onde....:)
ReplyDeletememang dah kenal ka dgn atenah tu?
itulah kan...abg id pun expose my children to kerja kerja amal nie...mudah-mudahan dapat juga menyerap ke sanubari mereka....:)
Jo...:) Lagu mano elmu gedebe hehehe dok guno do KK sana ko?
Abg Jo gedebe dari kontan!
zlaa...:) thanks!
Pn Minah Celoteh...:) we had a wonderful time....
mior adzhar....:)
ReplyDeletemungkin di lain kali...insyAAllah tahun depan kita buat lagi..
ReplyDeletemy prayers and best wishes for your exams...
tenang dan lapangkan dada....
ReplyDeletebila interview?
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you again. Thanks for dropping look more relax lah sejak balek kerja malaysia nie...mungkin udara dubai kurang sesuai ek..
seriously, saya rasa sedih, sebenarnya sayu, bila membaca this post esp part anak kecil 10 tahun tu... saya selalu terbayang bagaimana perasaan saya kalau jadi mcm dia.
ReplyDeletetapi, everything is in God's hand.
cuma, apa yang you guys buat di situ, memang saya sokong dan salute.
maybe next time, saya join!
salam abg id...seronok dan syahdu dpt tgk gmbr ni..
ReplyDeleteterkilannya tak dapat join.
semoga usaha abg id dan family diberkati Allah. amin :)
Bravo, bravo...
ReplyDeleteThanks Abg Id, Kak Lil & family for organising this. Sorry kelewatan ... x leh nak elak due to Idin's fixed Sunday morning session, tambah dgn hujan lebat during the journey so drive pun slow jer. Though we missed quite a lot, rasa syukur panjang umur & langkah sampai ke situ walaupun x sempat pun beramah mesra with anak2 di situ & bloggers yg lain.
Maybe panjang umur & murah rezeki dapat kita semua berkumpul lagi in similar events, insyaAllah.
Every little helps!
abg id,
ReplyDeletei pun cam onde2 gak can't trust myself to tanya2 khabar.. masa diorang salam reramai tu pun i dah sebak.. niways.. it was fun (meeting new friends *waves at them*)and a very good exposure for me and my daughter too.. on de way back my daughter asked.. "mama, anak yatim tu dia takde mama & papa ek".. "kalau mama dan papa takde esok, akak kena duduk kat asrama mcm ni ke? Takmo la mama.. akak nak wan & atuk jaga, boley??"
ohhh... sungguh sedih hatiku...
thanks again abg id n family for the opportunity..
ReplyDeletedr blog kakpb..rugi rasa x join saya mmg susah nak kesana sini..belum dpt paspot penuh..apa2 suka tgk anak2 yatim tu gembira
Alhamdulillah it went well and ended well...syukur...missed it but on that day teringat you all organizing the event tu masa kat Makkah...hanya doa yang mengiringi...semoga usaha ini mendapat keberkatan Ilahi...
To Abe Id n family
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih daun keladi,
Tahun depan buat lagi?
Heheheh...not the tagging part lah but maybe just get together with everyone's contributing for the kids.
Pecah kaca pecah gelas,
Jasa tuan sekeluarga tak dpt dibalas!
tumpang lalu Sir Id,
ReplyDeleteOnde-Onde, yg pakai bj purple tu ke? Was Jo there?
alhamdulillah! looking at the happy pictures & reading your reports abt the day made me feel overwhelmed with emotions... i'm shedding tears myself! tsk, silly melodramatic me :)
ReplyDeletemasyaAllah.... memang hanya Allah aja yg dapat membalas jasa u all... *salute* :0)
ReplyDeletebless you bro...alhamdullilah for everything that went well..
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulilLah wa SyukurilLah.
ReplyDeleteTahniah Bro. Semoga sentiasa dalam rahmatNya. InshaAllah
Onde-onde....thanks for the pictures....and I have linked the site in my entry...hope u don't mind
One Love....:)
ReplyDeletethanks. Next time InsyAAllah....
I think next time I want to do one in rumah sinar harapan kuala kubu baru...
leeds...i was expecting u and babe...tak per, now i faham la kenapa dua2 tak muncul tiba ...
ReplyDeletewere you at the tiga serangkai dinner?
ReplyDeletethanks...biar terlewat pun asalkan sampai juga niat ibu untuk ke sana...tentunya happy anak2 di sana tu dengan kehadiran ibu dan family dan juga dengan sumbangan itu...
Pinat....uhuks, anak2 bila mereka berkata2 tu....bunyi mcm innocent jer...tapi menyentuh sanubari kita tu kan...
ReplyDeletehugs ur daughter....what a lovely and adorable pretty girl she is...:)
ReplyDeletetak time cuba ek...join sekali.
raden galoh...welcome back from ur umrah...:)
ReplyDeleteyes, it went well....
en hamdan ada bertanya khabar pasal u....
RAD....great! yes, we will oprganize another one insyAAllah...
ReplyDeletehehehe....sudah gaharu cendana pula....
abg Jo tak dtg....sibuk la tu agaknya..
thanks for ur comment.
been to ur blog....what a very nice family photo u hv there!
mas adorable....:) went well....i enjoyed it.
ReplyDeletehow r u?
Sir Idham,
ReplyDeleteAlhamdullillah, glad everything turned out well and dandy.
Your great work as well as those who were involved will be forever etched in the memory of these fine kids.
Take care.
superhero..thanks :)
thank you both for visiting.
Dah dpt satu position la uncle, naik pngkt, naik gaji and etc tp mak x kasi pegi, so x pegi.. :-) Skarang tgh apply keje lain, doakan zuha dpt ye
ReplyDelete( Saya bersama anak2 darul izzah depan internet blog Encik Idham kat rumah saya.)
ReplyDeleteDari Aniq, Aidil, Saiful, Zulhelmi dan daniel ( yg tak balik rumah cuti ni pasal ada program gerak gempur UPSR di sekolah )
Kami anak-anak Darul Izzah mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kerana sudi melawat kami di sini dan membuat program yang menyeronokkan. Semoga pakcik Idham dan kawan2 pakcik dan keluarga panjang umur, dan sihat selalu dan murah rezeki dan tidur nyenyakk...mimpikan kami ( ini Saiful dan Aniq yang cakap.
Kami akan berusaha untuk mendapatkan 5 A dalam UPSR tahun ini. Terima kasih atas gambar2 ini.