When you are away
will my conscience sleep
should I leave the door open
for cool breeze to soothe my feet.
While you are asleep
why am I awake
staring into darkness
finding solace in emptiness
shall I let my conscience floats
like foams on troubled water
blown by winds and dance with the waves
broken by the shore
does that even our scores?
Will my conscience sleeps
when I serenade out of tune
to the full moon outside
while you turn in your own bed
so what do we keep?
a promise?
or what we think is right?
or a reality which bites!
Tonight, like every other
i'm a traveler enveloped by summer
loneliness is my pillow
darkness hides my sorrow
and i curl here, alone
on my own
and you
on your own.
Again morning sun comes too soon
taking away the darker side of the moon
jolted by this break of day
I want to scream out my dream
but instead I whisper softly your name
for in my heart - I confess without shame
you are my conscience!
you keep me hanging on
when I am at the end of my rope
you tie me a knot
when I am on a slippery slope
you are my conscience......
you keep me going
you give me hope.
-idham, 26-08, room 829, crowne plaza, dubai.

When I was a young boy, I looked up to men of fifty with awe and fear. Awed for they somehow looked very wise, ones who had answers to every questions. Feared because they came across as stern, serious and unapproachable. The death of my father robbed me not only of a fatherly love but also of a father figure. I grew up envying my friends, and feeling sorry for my mother. I tried to help her with what little plot of rubber trees we had. I remember my early childhood as one filled with love but also with loneliness. I was feeling sorry for my mother each time I heard she cried in the darkness of the night. Each morning before Fajr prayer when I heard her reciting the Quran I felt hope and calmness. When I was a little boy, I wanted to be successful for her sake and for the sake of my sisters who had sacrificed their own schooling to make way for me. My mother could only afford one of us through school. Orphaned at a young age myself - I felt for the boys at the Darul Izzah.
When I was a teenager, I wanted to be thirty. To me at the time, being thirty means happiness and fulfilment. I dreamt of having a family, having a good job, owning a house and having sufficient money to spend. Looking back, I was right only on having a family and owning a small house. The job was ok but I remember frustrations of having to do things which in my view were trivial and counter to my intuition. Financially I was constantly in the red at the end of every month. I used one credit card to pay for another, and was constantly digging holes to cover another holes of expenses. Life wasn't as sweet as what a teenager me dreamt of.
By mid thirty I have committed all the sins imaginable and had erred on many of my own decisions. Learnt from most of them I did, and as a result I had grown wiser and smarter in handling life's tribulation. By this time, I was able to say to most "I've been there, I've done that". Mentally I refused to grow older beyond mid thirty. A promotion into a directorship position brought along a new level of income which afforded us a bigger house and a luxury European made car. Life was fun at mid thirties....and I did not want to grow any older.
A combination of money, power and mid-life crisis made my decade of being forty a colourful phase. My marriage went on the rock - all my doings, and survived - all credit to LiL's enduring love. My career progressed into the international arena - moved from KL to Singapore then to the Middle East. I lost my dearest mother, and were blessed with our youngest son. I became financially independent - being an expat has a lot to do with it, but emotionally dependent - having lost my mother, I experienced a huge void in my life.
The forties were probably the most glorious years of my life. By this time, I have seen three quarter of the world having traveled to all of Asia, most of Europe and Africa, parts of North America.
Approaching fifty on 26-08, I wish for calmer waters for my ship to sail. I wish for good health, for wisdom to prevail in my decision and action. I wish for more time with my family. I wish to keep and nurture my existing friendship and not make new enemies. Life is a loan to us all, and I have almost paid off my interest and now reducing my principle. At fifty plus, I am an 'orang tua' but hopefully one whom young kids does not find too stern and too fearsome. For I hope they will see the child in me still wanting to play.....
To my own children, I will gently remind that as you grow into being young men and woman
and your mom and I grow older......the equation of love changes. Older people are more sensitive - so be more perceptive with us. We tend to be grumpy - bear with us. We may be forgetful and losing things - help us to remember. We may fall ill - nurse us with kindness. We may advise when you least want us to do so - pause before you shut us up.
We are your parents whose love never dies. All I am asking is for you to be our children whose love continue to grow with each passing day!
To LiL and my children,
Thank you for the birthday party you did for me in Kuala Lumpur. The gifts are wonderful...and I really appreciate your loving thoughts and gestures.

"Brief is Life, But Love is Long......" Quote from anon.
Happy birthday. Many happy returns.
ReplyDeleteto abang Id
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday!! semoga Allah panjang umur and murahkan rezeki
from Babe and FD ;)
ReplyDeleteI have been a silent rider, visiting your blog every now and then ever since I was tagged for the Darul Izzah ophanage do.
This is a very poignant entry indeed, which beckons me to leave a comment today.I know most people could relate very well indeed to what you had written.
Alhamdulillah for the rizq that Allah swt has bestowed upon you and your family, on all of us. Alhamdulillah for the strength HE had granted you and K.Lil in facing the dugaan. Alhamdulillah, for the lessons learnt, from which both of you have come out of stronger and wiser.
Happy 50th Birthday! Alhamdulillah...Syukur kepada Allah.
P/S : Do you mind if I create a link to your blog from mine, please? Thank you.
Nomee...thanks :)
ReplyDeleteBabe....Ameeennn to ur prayers and thanks :)
Wan Shana.....:) Yes you may link up, and thanks for the greetings.
Uncle Id! *wink..hehehehe
ReplyDeleteOne mellow and mushy post this one...Alhamdulillah for your achievements so far in life and for the errs too because without that one, may be our life has not become any better but you are certainly right to give credit for those who earn it. In a famiy, one spouse has to appreciate the other and vice versa..kalau sorang jer bagi dan sorang jer asyik terima it's not going to work out that way..sama-sama lah kan..
Your words to your children give insight to me, yeah - not long time ago I do mistake my parents grumpiness and leteran as "not understanding" but now I understood better ..biasalah sikit-sikit memang ada clash but now hopefully I am more matured to handle that..nanti kalau 2 permata besar tu dah tak ada lagi, I do not want to nurse my regret.
As for you, I pray for your smooth sailing till you reached your pelabuhan.
onde onde...:)
ReplyDeleteThanks...for the birthday greetings.
Parents are, like you said, Permata yang tak mungkin dapat di ganti. Love them and cherish them while they are alive.
Most of the times, it is small gestures which make big differe.
- A phone call
- A parcel with him and her.
- A surprise 'duit belanja' when they least expect
- When they fallen asleep in front of the TV, to pull a blanket covering them up.
- When eating fish with banyak tulang, to pull out all the bones for them.
In short, try to do the things parents would have done when we were a child.
And...yes, the older one get- the more sensitive one become.
ReplyDeleteDidoakan murah rezeki, dipanjangkan usia... bahagia selalu dan heppy sokmo... 50 hanyalah angka... tak ada bezanya...
Senyum2 selalu na.. tambahkan awet muda.. ;-))
Happy 50th Birthday Id:)its just a number wait till u get to my age???haha
ReplyDeleteHave a nice birthday and al-fatihah to your arwah mak.
umie...:) memang happy sokmo...dan hari ni sungguh bahagia rasanya...tadi baru dapat birthday present dari boss baru...hehehe...nak tahu apa ka? memang best punya present la...hehehe...
ReplyDeleteumie jaga diri jugak naa....kita dah sama2 satu keluarga ni...keluarga emas hahahaha
ReplyDeletekita sama jer kut ...sama2 happy dan menten menten gitu kan ...
ameeen....and alfatihah for roh roh orang2 yg kita sayang...
Happy 50th Birthday Uncle. Mwahsss
ReplyDeleteA lot of love,
Happy 50th Birhday.. sama cam Malaysia yek??
ReplyDeleteAbe Id,
ReplyDeleteHappy 50th Bestday. Semoga dilanjutkan usia, dimurahkan rezeki (cepat jadi millionaire tuh), diberkati & dirahmati Allah sentiasa bersama keluarga.
Eh, belum lagi warga emas lah so you're (& umi too) not yet entitle to discounts for them (i think it starts at 60 kot?).
Reading your life journey so far - what I wouldnt do to be in your shoes now (the family & financial stability). Coz life at 30s - horribly terrible!!
So, enjoy ur day 2day (knowing that you're alone without family or friends -sob3x!) - but our thoughts are always with you!
Ok, udah tu - pi buat kerja!
Dear Mr. Idham,
ReplyDeleteI once had a lecturer by this name, so I may address you as sir, hope you are ok with that.
It's wonderful to see someone of your age, a malay muslim man, who has achieved so much in life. You are blessed with a beautiful family, with dear friends and with a strong career. You are fifty years young and to me sir, this is just a glorious beginning!
Happy, Happy Happy 50th birthday!
ReplyDeleteWoww... anak merdeka... 50.. but you ni awet muda... masih hensem dan bergaya...
semoga terus dimurahkan rezeki dan menjadi teladan buat generasi muda...
So, now kira you dah officially tinggal di Dubai ke ?
hai zuha...:) thanks...
ReplyDeleteameeen di atas segala doa.
D...aha sama mcm malaysia....anak merdeka...:)
ReplyDeletemerdeka merdeka merdeka!!
rad...yea...alone today celebrating my birthday...but LiL and anak2 dah celebrate dah hari tu sebelum i left malaysia. :)
ReplyDeletesiap dapat present lagi...
today i am getting my new car from the new employer - so kira mcm birthday present la jugak kan..
a bmw 525i.....:)
wiz....ameeennn....yes, hopefully this will be a beginning for more glorious years!
ReplyDeletebest wishes to u too...
loveujordan ...rina...:) eheh, blushing i kena puji...
ReplyDeleteawet muda tu ada rahsia tau...i enjoy the company of the youngs...!
anak merdeka yang memang rasa cukup merdeka!
U have a lot of people who care for you :) happy birthday.. sharing your stories with us have me made to stop and think for a while.. on life, family and love.. again..happy 50th birthday! and many more to come
ReplyDeletei am blessed in that sense, that there are people who cares for me.
i have read ur blog, and i wish u happiness and success!
sometimes, happiness is lurking around in our own shadow - if only we pause to think.
happy 50th birthdayyyy, wishing all your wishes come tru :).. alahhhhh apasal tak order 50 cupcakes from me??? Kak Lil, next time call me :)
ReplyDeleteween..tHanKs....we would have ordered if we knew...
ReplyDeletenext time ye..:)
really nice lah ur cupcakes tu..colorful sungguh!
Happy Birthday :)
ReplyDeleteMay the best of your past be the worst of your future...
May all your sorrow fade and everyday is like a new leaf..you start it with a new spirit and end it with a smile of content
Ehh... nak tau jugak la.. apa present boss bgi... tongkat ka..?? boleh share2 ka.... ya la kan.. dah keusia emas mcm kita ni.. ahaks...
ReplyDeleteKita baru blik cuti2 malaysia...
ReplyDeleteyes, thanks for ur greetings. Love what you have writen,
"may the best of your past be the worse of your future....".
My past is experience, my present hopefully is wisdom, and my future hope!.
ReplyDeletehadiah itu bukan tongkat
bukan emas atau pangkat
cuma doa membawa berkat
dan sebuah bmw untuk drive ke pejabat.
walalaa....umie gi cuti2 ke mana?
Happy 50th b'day to Idham. Pray that all your wishes come thru as you are approching 50..:-)
ReplyDeletehappy birthday abg id :D
ReplyDeletemoga panjang umur murah rezeki
bahagia selalu bersama family tercinta :)
waa.. abg id dah menjenguk ke angka 5 yer! its ok.. more wiser & "hensemer" with the age kan! wish you a very happy belated birthday.
ReplyDeletesalam to kak Lil & the kids.
happy birthday idham! so u're a virgoan just like me eh. still looking good despite yr age is half a century...wow!
ReplyDeletekeep on celebrating life...
Abg Id...Terima tak sms I? Anyway, Happy 50th birthday...
ReplyDeleteIt's a long way you jotted up there... You've travelled far, in life and be a man full of wisdom...
Alhamdulillah and May Allah continue to grant you His many blessings...
happy birthday abe id!
ReplyDelete50?? wow.. u sure look young one!! wishing u happiness, wisdom, health n wealth always.. have a wonderful year!
eh.. sungguh comei itu candles "FIFTY" mana beli ek?..
anggerik...:) tq....actually it is quite cool to be fifty...tak caya mai la...join! hehehe..for u it still is a long wait la kan..
leeds....:) ceria bila nampak nama mu hehehe....
hai mummy rizq....:) sudah fivezero....and it is not bad! yg penting sihat la kan...
ReplyDeleteyes, in two days time LiL and anak2 akan tiba...now ni masih siapkan rumah...
k.c....:) i am honoured u r making one of ur rare appearances for my birthday...:)
ReplyDeleteyes, already fifty la hehehe...
but but, menten !!
raden....mungkin sms tu termasuk kepada handfone k LiL kut hehehe...dia kata ada gak sms masuk kat number dulu2 tu....
ReplyDeleteanyway, thanks for ur greetings!
ameeen to ur prayers tu...
take care!
ReplyDeletemasih ensem naa? hehehe.....sejuk hati mendengarnya....;)
itu candles ka? itu mau tanya itu kak LiL la...
hey, u take care.......and let me know when u hv moved to ur new job.
Welcome to the world of 50!!!
ReplyDeleteSemoga Allah sentiasa memberkati hidup mu! :-)
Abg Idham,
ReplyDeleteHappy 50th birthday..wishing you all the happiness in the world. I wish when I am 50, kalau sempat merasa la, I wish that I am as successful as u, career wise and family wise. Still have 20 years to catch up! It must be nice kan to be the same age as our country's independence day.. best!
ReplyDeleteWalala.... umie cuti2 malaysia dekat2 jer...
Kira "Tongkat Baru" le tu... kan ke boleh melangkahkan kaki kita menuju ke satu2 tempat juga... ahaks... Rezeki tu... alhamdulillah..
u are 30??
ReplyDeleteeh silap
abanggggggggggggg id
happy birthdayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
i love amsterdam, their perfumes are so damn cheap!!
Saudara Idham,
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday! Many Happy Returns. Moga bertambah iman didada, rezeki yang halal dan bahagia yang ada.
auntieyan...:) terharu saya mendapat ucapan dari auntieyan :) thank you.
ReplyDeletei sailed into the horizon gracefully and with optimism.
my best wishes to you auntie yan yang saya hormati :)
Amy..thanks for ur grettings...:)
ReplyDeletesemoga impian amy menjadi nyata...insyAAllah...
twenty years ago, I did not know where I will be at 50. But I knew that I wanted to be the best I can be, and provide the best for my family. Alhamdullillah - Allah amkbulkan doa dan berkati usha.
Semoga Amy akan lebih berjaya lagi....
Umie....oo itukah maksud tongkat ...heheh....kalau gitu memang best punya tongkat la arif dapat tu :)
ReplyDeletehey, enjoy ur vacations tu nanti...jaga keselamatan.
red mummy............hai hai , eh tumpang glemer kejap dapat ucapan hari jadi blogger celebriti red mummy :)
ReplyDeletewah, itu hari dah masuk Berita Harian ek...besar lagi ... siap dua muka surat tu penuh gambar2...syabas!!! Bangga lah abg id tgk...boleh tolong memurnikan nama bloggers...
Mior .....terima kasih jua di atas ucapan itu...memang memerlukan banyak lagi usaha ke arah meninggkat kan ke imanan....membuat bekal ke hari yg kekal sana pulak...:)
ReplyDeletebest wishes and selamat menyambut merdeka!!
abg id!
ReplyDeletehappy besday to you!! may allah bless your kindred soul!!
ReplyDeleteHappy 50th birthday! May there be more to come..:)
anamiraa....:) much appreciate ur wishes...thanks!
ReplyDeletethanks...yes, hopefully a healthy long life...
best wishes to u too girl!
happy belated birthday encik ariffin.
ReplyDeletenice knowing u.