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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Congrats Angah.....!!

I woke up at 5am, excited and ready. It was Saturday Aug18th, the day of Zeti's convocation.
We left home dead on time as planned and arrived at the venue, the Putra Jaya convention center also dead on time. To those who have not been there, I can confidently vouch that the PICC is really a first class facility.

Zeti looked radiant and magnificent in the graduation robe. For the first time I saw her as a young longer my little girl. A lady who is ready to fly into the sky, to sail the ocean and to weather the storms and the ups and downs of life. When her name was called up the stage, I beamed with a silent pride and wiped my watery eyes, and due to that unexpected tripped of emotion I missed the opportunity to take her photo. Photography wise, fortunately she was called two more times to go up stage to receive awards as the Best student for her course and also for being on the Dean's list. I clicked away.....smiling, and whispering praises.
When the official ceremony was over, our celebration started. Hugs and kisses! More clicking away at the shutters of Zeti with her friends, lecturers and siblings. LiL was a proud mom, her smile beamed gloriously. MIL was equally thrilled .....One of the recognition accorded to her as a high achiever was to be invited for lunch with the VIPs and Parents were invited along. LiL and I enjoyed the recognition more than the food. Zeti obviously was happy that she has delivered her promise to us....."To do her best in her studies" In the excitement of the moments, I am glad that I remember to congrat LiL for it was her who has provided the support, encouragement and guidance to Zeti more than I.

One of Zeti's strength is her clarity in what she wants to achieve. Her interest in accountancy started when she was ten years old. She sets herself high standards and expectations. She was the best student for her course from year one until the final graduation. Something she take pride in....and of course so do we. She is self-motivated. As a person, Zeti is cool and happy go lucky. She gets on along very well with people. Although slightly on a shy side, she is confident of herself. She has strong views about things and has no hesitation in sticking to her beliefs even though it will mean she has to take drastic action. I wish her more success in her future.....

Bouquets of flowers to Zeti.....congrats!!
Tonight, Zeti will be leaving for Dublin. We will be missing her of course. We will also be cheering her on....encouraging her to spread her wings, and reach for the sky..."We all love you!" If there is one highlight of my vacation this time, this must be it! Seeing my little girl turning into a young and capable lady, one qualified to be an accountant and one who stay as sweet as she has always been.

At the same convocation, my eldest son Along also celebrated his friend's graduation - the friend was one of Zeti's classmates. Ada apa2 ka tu Along...hehehehe. <---this song is of MMU, the university attended by my eldest son A-long........the song is sang by one blogger I know ! Isn't she wonderful....!!


  1. Hi Id,

    Congatulations to Zeti and of course to both the proud parents. I am happy for you and family. Well done.

    My dinner went well and my video presentation went superb. I am exhausted today but happy.

    You keep well.

  2. yes lovely voice kan??

    and congratulations to zeti..and to you and sis Lil

  3. Congrats Zeti. Have a safe flight back to Dublin and hopefully we'll see you here in Dublin

    As for Mr.Idham and K.Lil... congratulations. No words can describe how proud you are. 2 birds already soaring the sky and soon others will follow.

    A mixture of feeling of sadness and happiness when kids grew up and leave home..

  4. Congrats to Zeti.
    Glad to know En. Idham & Kak Lil are so proud of Zeti's achievement.
    Well done!

  5. Congrats Zeti! Kejayaan yang memang akan sentiasa dikenang.

  6. Salam Abg Id...Congratulations to you and Kak Lil...Seronoknya menjadi saksi kejayaan anak...terasa berkatnya kehidupan yang dilalui kan?

    Saya berdoa, kejayaan yang dirasai oleh Abg Id juga akan spread to my family...I still have a long way to go to witness and experience something like yours...

    Take care and salam.

  7. mr. idham, congratulations on your proud moment! i would like to think that i've done my part in making my parents proud some 10 years ago.

    it's not always easy, the journey. but it was all worth the while!

  8. Congrats Zeti and all the best...semoga berjaya dlm apa jua perkara yang dibuat...

    to abe id and kak lil...semoga berbahagia selalu deh..


  9. Congrates to Zeti and ofcourse to Abang Id and wifey....

    Pergi Dublin, ambik medic yer?

  10. dear glad to hear abt the success of ur event, but then again I never had any doubt that it will turn out extremely well...
    u went abt it with lots of passion!

    thanks for ur well wishes...



  11. Mas....I am so sorry we did not get to was my wish to meet up with u...tapi in the end, there were so much to do within so little time...i hope u are enjoying ur job and my best wishes for ur future.

    Thanks for your greetings...


  12. K.D...:) thanks for ur greetings...Zeti arrived in Dublin safely, Alhamdullillah...and I am now replying to comments from Amsterdam. Got here this morning...for another farewell dinner with the ex company and boss! Not bad aye....!

    Selamat Pulang ke Malaysia...k A will be there until Aug 28th...sempat ka jumpa?
    Calling la dia.... :)


  13. Idham,

    please extend my congratulation to Zeti! She looks so lovely with graduation robe. She has all that is needed to keep building every success in the future.

    To Idham and Kak lil, I can feel the happinest seeing the success of your offspring..Remind me of my parent during my graduation day many years ago.

  14. cat cat...:) yes we r truely proud of her achievement...she surpassed our own achievement when we were students! hehehehe


  15. dlt...:) thanks for ur greetings...appreciate it!

    how was ur own break in Muar?


  16. raden...:) setiap ibu dan ayah mengharapkan yang terbaik untuk anak2....i live and strive for my provide them with the best preparation & guidance I am able to give for their lives Dunia dan Akhirat. :)

    Alhamdulillah....they are doing well.

    InsyAAllah, u will get to see the success of yours too....


  17. Anamira...:) Happy belated birthday to u...

    best wishes.


  18. Congrats Zeti, well done! May you continue your excellent achievement in Dublin and place Muslim Malay lady in the eyes of the world!

  19. PuJie...:)

    Kami ni memang happy sokmo...hehehe...hujan pun happy, panas pun happy...

    Thanks for ur well wishes for zeti..


  20. Helena...:)

    zeti buat she is pursuing with her professional qualifications...ACCA...:)


  21. anggerik...:) zeti's main strentgh is she sets herself a very high standard and expectation....and she is quite cool too...hehehe

    insyAAllah, she will continue to be successful...


  22. Tahniah Zety , you and kak Lil... tahniah semua ...

    Semoga kecemerlangan berterusan untuk ACCA nanti, InsyaAllah.

    btw, memang muka zety nampak cerdas dan bersih je... ikhlas pujian dari aunty ina.

  23. Hi Idham,

    Someone pick pocketed me and I lost my handphone. Lost your number lah. Can I have all your numbers again...upsetting lah. You and Lil balik bila?

  24. hai Loveujordan, Rina....:)

    Yes, Zeti is calm and is easy to underestimate her capabilities because she is so down to earth, easy going, shy and modest. In her own way, she is a very determined person and well grounded with Islamic values.

    eh....ampun, terlalu memuji anak sendiri pulak...hehehehe!


  25. dear ruby...:)
    looking at your picture here reminded me of your hairstyle when we met for tea hari tu...cute!

    sorry to hear abt your loss....aduhai, menyusahkan u kan...
    itulah masa i di KL, I was so paranoid abt safety...
    banyak ka hilang? so also la inconvenient kan ...

    my number ( roaming ) 016 3355557.

    take care,


  26. congrats zeti and the proud family!!

  27. D.....thanks.!


    bila u abis viva?


  28. Salam.

    Lompat-lompat blog and suddenly nampak muka zeti here.i think i know this girl..mcm pernah nampak je kat Dublin ni.Hehe should get to know her more and learn from her determination. Need one too!

  29. fakhiratul mukhlisah...:)


    kalau nak her phone number pakcik boleh berikan...

    pakcik idham
