---------Below is an entry posted from Sheraton Hotel, Amsterdam -------------
For the last twenty four hours I have been trying to write an entry about the Independence day celebration. I wanted to write about Malaysia and about Malaysians - what progress the nation and her citizens have achieved. I wanted to share my emotion and reflection. There were so many stories I wanted to tell - including stories of my life. All fifty years of it.
I deleted more than a dozen beginnings - the words just did not come out right. I had logic clashing heads-on with emotions. Logically, I don't know what I want to celebrate. What do I tell my children that we are celebrating. Are we really independent when we have to live behind bars even in our own homes. We are filled with fear walking the streets. Are we really independent when it is not uncommon to find three generations in a family working to serve "Majikan" and financial loan providers.
Can we be truly proud as citizen of this independent country when we look up and admire towering office building and sky scrapping condominium - Looking up and admire are all we can do. I am told that more than fifty percent of those condominiums around the KLCC are owned by foreigners. Moan, moan , more moaning......Hey, we can find a thousand and one reasons to moan if we look at glass half-empty. Moaners can consider to join Namewee as his back-ground singers and moan moan moan somemore......!
Emotionally, I clenched my fists and punch the air with a cry of "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" every time I see that black and white re-screening of Tunku during the declaration of in year 1957. I could imagine how the hopes and optimisms of every Malaysian citizen in those days floated high in the Malaysian air space - when they saw the National Flags taken over the poles from those flags of the "Penjajah!".
I am ready to celebrate our 50th anniversary of independence and freedom from the Penjajah! Even when they tried to 'jajah' this dignified nation through the currency crisis in this modern day battles of might - we remained free and independent. Bravo bravo bravo to the leaders of the country......
For the last twenty four hours I have not been able to write any entry with substance about the Merdeka celebration. When I stop thinking and just let my mind roam freely across the nation like a Mid-night express train - I do realize there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. The country has progress leaps and bounds. Super modern infrastructure spider-webbed the nation, there are more than twenty Universities without even counting those run by private sectors, and we even produce our very own cars. During his years of tenureship, Tun Dr M has put Malaysia on the global map - that today, Malaysians can walk tall around the world. In her fifty years life, Malaysia has produced qualified and capable talents from renowned heart and brain surgents, scientists and innovators, and even conquerors of the Everest. Hey !, There are a lot of reasons to celebrate! Stop moaning and rejoice......*smiling ...............*
I wanted to write how I am touched by Merdeka advertisements sponsored by Petronas every time they come on air with those well thought of values. How I spent half a morning walking the streets of Mesjid Jameek and Kuala lumpur city center taking pictures of Malaysian flags on display. Never mind that most of them did not even follow the right decorum and procedures of flying the flags properly - in the spirit of the celebration it is heart warming to see Malaysians regardless of creed are all united behind one Flag, one Malaysia.
My ex-school mates, the whole batch of them are celebrating their 50th birthday this year - Anak2 Merdeka. Recently STAR joined forces with SDAR and STF in organizing a fiftieth year celebration dinner - Majlis Makan Malam Tiga serangkai. Unfortunately I did not attend. The creation of boarding schools was a product of a far-sighted vision of the then leadership of the country to provide excellent education to the rural and less elite group. A way of balancing the economical equation .......*applause.....from a beneficiary!*
Being fifty, the same age as the country triggers some serious pondering.....
"Who am I? What do I represent? Where am I going to? and what will I be leaving behind?" Come 31st August, I will be celebrating with my children and other Malaysians inDubai. A Malaysian Flag will be flying high on that day - from the highest point of my house.
Happy 50th birthday Malaysia! Happy 50th birthdays geng STAROBA, SDAR and Serikandi STF batch 1975! Mine will be on August 26th. Lil and my children have already celebrated my birthday in KL, knowing that I am traveling. Nice gesture, thank you!
I feel some sort of panic that I am turning fifty. Feeling inadequate in so many ways, especially in spiritual preparation for the life after. Anxious about my health. I am happy ( although not yet satisfied ) with what I have achieved in my career. I am extremely proud to see my children's development and progress. Most of all, I am grateful that I have a dearest and loving wife in LiL to accompany me growing old......
To God I pray that I will be free from sinful desires....be a better person during this second half of my life journey. My ship has set sail into the horizon........hopefully willingly and gracefully! Dear God, please contnue to provide me with calm waters and smooth winds, ameeeen!
Merdeka! there is only one Malaysia......together, we shape our destiny!

Today Aug 23rd 2007
is the thirteenth birthday
for Haziq!
Happy birthday son.....
and may all your
good wishes
I deleted more than a dozen beginnings - the words just did not come out right. I had logic clashing heads-on with emotions. Logically, I don't know what I want to celebrate. What do I tell my children that we are celebrating. Are we really independent when we have to live behind bars even in our own homes. We are filled with fear walking the streets. Are we really independent when it is not uncommon to find three generations in a family working to serve "Majikan" and financial loan providers.
Can we be truly proud as citizen of this independent country when we look up and admire towering office building and sky scrapping condominium - Looking up and admire are all we can do. I am told that more than fifty percent of those condominiums around the KLCC are owned by foreigners. Moan, moan , more moaning......Hey, we can find a thousand and one reasons to moan if we look at glass half-empty. Moaners can consider to join Namewee as his back-ground singers and moan moan moan somemore......!
Emotionally, I clenched my fists and punch the air with a cry of "Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!" every time I see that black and white re-screening of Tunku during the declaration of in year 1957. I could imagine how the hopes and optimisms of every Malaysian citizen in those days floated high in the Malaysian air space - when they saw the National Flags taken over the poles from those flags of the "Penjajah!".
I am ready to celebrate our 50th anniversary of independence and freedom from the Penjajah! Even when they tried to 'jajah' this dignified nation through the currency crisis in this modern day battles of might - we remained free and independent. Bravo bravo bravo to the leaders of the country......
For the last twenty four hours I have not been able to write any entry with substance about the Merdeka celebration. When I stop thinking and just let my mind roam freely across the nation like a Mid-night express train - I do realize there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. The country has progress leaps and bounds. Super modern infrastructure spider-webbed the nation, there are more than twenty Universities without even counting those run by private sectors, and we even produce our very own cars. During his years of tenureship, Tun Dr M has put Malaysia on the global map - that today, Malaysians can walk tall around the world. In her fifty years life, Malaysia has produced qualified and capable talents from renowned heart and brain surgents, scientists and innovators, and even conquerors of the Everest. Hey !, There are a lot of reasons to celebrate! Stop moaning and rejoice......*smiling ...............*
I wanted to write how I am touched by Merdeka advertisements sponsored by Petronas every time they come on air with those well thought of values. How I spent half a morning walking the streets of Mesjid Jameek and Kuala lumpur city center taking pictures of Malaysian flags on display. Never mind that most of them did not even follow the right decorum and procedures of flying the flags properly - in the spirit of the celebration it is heart warming to see Malaysians regardless of creed are all united behind one Flag, one Malaysia.
My ex-school mates, the whole batch of them are celebrating their 50th birthday this year - Anak2 Merdeka. Recently STAR joined forces with SDAR and STF in organizing a fiftieth year celebration dinner - Majlis Makan Malam Tiga serangkai. Unfortunately I did not attend. The creation of boarding schools was a product of a far-sighted vision of the then leadership of the country to provide excellent education to the rural and less elite group. A way of balancing the economical equation .......*applause.....from a beneficiary!*
Being fifty, the same age as the country triggers some serious pondering.....
"Who am I? What do I represent? Where am I going to? and what will I be leaving behind?" Come 31st August, I will be celebrating with my children and other Malaysians inDubai. A Malaysian Flag will be flying high on that day - from the highest point of my house.
Happy 50th birthday Malaysia! Happy 50th birthdays geng STAROBA, SDAR and Serikandi STF batch 1975! Mine will be on August 26th. Lil and my children have already celebrated my birthday in KL, knowing that I am traveling. Nice gesture, thank you!
I feel some sort of panic that I am turning fifty. Feeling inadequate in so many ways, especially in spiritual preparation for the life after. Anxious about my health. I am happy ( although not yet satisfied ) with what I have achieved in my career. I am extremely proud to see my children's development and progress. Most of all, I am grateful that I have a dearest and loving wife in LiL to accompany me growing old......
To God I pray that I will be free from sinful desires....be a better person during this second half of my life journey. My ship has set sail into the horizon........hopefully willingly and gracefully! Dear God, please contnue to provide me with calm waters and smooth winds, ameeeen!
Merdeka! there is only one Malaysia......together, we shape our destiny!
Today Aug 23rd 2007
is the thirteenth birthday
for Haziq!
Happy birthday son.....
and may all your
good wishes
ReplyDeleteI read yr thots.
Merdeka has too many meanings. PETRONAS advert always attract my attention..deep meaning..
U take care bro!
Where are u during merdeka?? celebrate dekat kl ker dubai??
ReplyDeleteI'm still searching...
ReplyDeleteahh...i could not even begin what to jot down here, yes we are still "behind bars" in many ways and we have so much to do to make us one proud nation, Insyaallah with the right nawaitu those could be achieved...and so far we have had our achievements, right?
just look at you - you are one good example of how anak melayu who is so successful ...you make us proud to be Muslim and Malaysian!! InsyaAllah with a loving family to support, you may achieve what you have wrote here in your prayer. Ameeeeeeen.
Agaknya if negara kita blh bersuara...ia berkata2 seperti apa yang abg Id suarakan...
Saya pun nak aminkan doa abg Id...Ameeennnn...
Encik Idham,
ReplyDeleteYou have a very good-looking son. Nak book jadi menantu, boleh? HAHA!
Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka!
Hi Id,
ReplyDeleteI think it is time for a change of mindset in our country...Time for values and not any other...Someone said a country is truly independent when she is free from poverty. Otherwise we are only rejoicing for her cosmetic achievements especially when we let so much money be used just to wave the flags. I think we have a long way to go when values are concerned...moan..he he..oops sorry. I just want to be honest with my stand.
Pity we were caught up with activities langsung tak dapat nak catch up before you left. Next time Id. Take care.
haziq has the same birthday as my father! my father is 60 by the way!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCaongratulation to zeti and her parents..i know how u feel..
ReplyDeleteHaziq also shares the same birthday with my father - who's 70! Happy birthday Haziq!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Haziq! Dalam pasar besar pun sempat posing :)
ReplyDeleteHappy 50th Birthday in advance abe id! Amiin to all your wishes. (Sama ngan birthday adik saya, but he's 25, half ur age. hehe!)
Happy 50th Independence Day Malaysia! Semoga sentiasa aman damai hendaknya.
hai Anggerik....Life itself has many meaning kan....kemerdekaan sudah pasti untuk mereka yang 'be who they want to be' dengan sepenuhnya. In my view, Malaysia belum cukup merdeka lagi lah...hehehe....
ReplyDeletedari segi 'physical' memang nampak sudah merdeka, but from liberation of spirit, attitude, mindset kita masih dalam kongkongan.
Siapa yang mengongkong - juga banyak pengertiannya.
hey, thanks for dropping by.
zakiah....i am in dubai....jom jumpa!
O9nde Onde...:)
ReplyDeletebegitulah, ada aspects yang memang kita boleh bangga kan....namun ada juga kekurangan yang nyata.
i guess, we can be Happy with the progress so far - but we should not yet be Satisfied.
Just the infrastructure and mega projects are not enough...those are the HARDWARE, We nmust strive for better SOFTWARE....kemanusiaan, nilai2, mindset yang positive and progressive dan a sense of responsibility and accountability.
It pisses me to receive an SMS from LiL today reporting that Amirul's shoes were stolen from ourshoerack which is placed behined the grilled door of our condo. This petty thieving does not happen in Dubai or Jeddah. Not in London and not also when I was living in Spore.
Why the need to steal?
Malaysiaku....I am still proud of you!
Thanks for your views Wani.
raden ....:) begitulah agaknya...
ReplyDeleteApa apa pun, Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka !
cat cat....boleh boleh, your princess pun comel comel...:)
ReplyDeletepls come over for a vacation in dubai.
do you see malaysian flags over there?
dear ruby....i can't agree more with you 0on the need to go progressive with values!
ReplyDeleteThis time when I was back in KL, i was so grateful for the LRTs - a super implementation.
I went to the PC fare, and thousands of people there! Great to see people from all walk of life being exposed to IT.
At the property fare - millions were spent by buyers. Most of the pretisious properties around KLCC are snapped up by foreigners - a pity! So, in that area we are di Jajah! Singaporeans, Hong KonGESE, eUROPEANS and Arabs are buying with great fervour.
But on the negative side - I felt scared for the safety of my children and family. Crime are rampants. People got killed for a few bugs and a handphoNE. How tragic!
Road safety are apalling.
Regardless - Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!
wani...happy besday to ur dad! Uiks, he is 60.....that makes me your uncle!
pakcik idham
Puan Norma ---:)
How is yur writing progressing...?
ReplyDeleteAugust born people are sensitive, caring and loving!
ReplyDeletehehehe so boleh kenal eh itu posing dlm pasar besar...hehehe
thanks for the greetings.
mumy rizq...:) sorry tertinggal pulak..hehehe
ReplyDeleteapa yg mummy searching2 tu?