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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sssetok Anging~!

"Sssetok Anging~!"
Penyakit nih kalu terkeno gak boleh nyetok! hahaha. Entry ni kawae nok tulih dalae bahaso kelate handerek perceng. Kalu ado hok dop pehae, nasib lah wey!

Ambo jak kkecik lagi ado doh penyakit dok leh sssetok anging nih. Bilo terkeno gak, mulo lah masae muko, panjae mucong! Dop tahu lah guano boleh terkeno penyakit nih. Oghe kappo kato sebab maso kecik mulo kawae anok bosu, jadi manjo. Mok ayoh kawae bukae lah oghe kayo, senae pong dok. Tapi gak, kalu kawae nok gappo gappo gak, dio caghi ightia jugop sapa kawae boleh. Tapi mugo kito oghe susoh, jadi tak dop lah mitok bendo pelik2. Habih2 nok mmanjo pong, cumo mitok nok minung air milo o beng jah lah.

Oghe hop ado penyakit ssetok anging gak, payoh bbaso selalu lah. Keno bui angingg kor dio sokmo. Payoh wey nok ssaing dengae puok demo nih. Kalu boleh gak, mitok jauh lah.

Lorr ni gak, kawae dop peghati anok2 kawae pong ado nnughung penyakit nih jugop. Hok Aloh laa...doh nok buat guano~! Terimo jah lah~!

Halim Yazid, dalae lagu dikir dio ado cerito pasa penyakit 'Anging' nih. Lirik tu kawae letok bbawoh nie..

(The 'Wind' phenomenon - Within the context of traditional healing rituals and theatre, the word angin, refers to desires or urges, in particular those that may have remained unfulfilled or suppressed. Such situations result in illness which may be emotional or psychological. If left unattended, this illnesses have the tendency to manifest themselves physically. Cure is affected by allowing the patient to fulfil the supressed desires, which sometimes leads to the enactment of theatre...blogging is a form of theatre! hahaha. So this is my cure. You figure?)

Angin – Halim Yazid
Bade kurus kering
Sebule doh setok angin
Dok depe tengoh serambi
mano wei gende nok main teghi
Angin mokyong menogho
musing naik ko palo
pulut kuning nga bunga telor
bangun nok nyayin tabib nok lupo
Ribut maghi saloh musing
Hujan turun salah ketiko
Nok tohok bui koghe lain
Ingak pesan ayoh sako bondo
Nik tanggung la soghe dighi
Teluk Lesung tanoh negri
Sejuk kaki tange
Sebak didale dado
Duduk nok mitok sene
Sene lah soghe sene lah seghemo
Raja didale stano
Balae di rembak bala
Khijo biar sempuno
Tido lah male jange mengiga
Selekan lah nik selekan jaga
Toksoh ghalit duduk laung lamo
Balik asal sedio kalo
Pulang pulih adat seghupo mulo
To tabik pun ado cede
Nasik kunyit aye pange
Angin nyo manusio
Jadinyo tok seghupo
Ado angin besari bahalo
Ado pulok angin kecik dewo mudo
Angin ditengoh laut
Jange sapo nok sekat
Itu angin kepala ribut
Angin lah kudo duduk beghama
Tokleh tughut sangat angin
Punoh tuboh rusak habih jiwa
Hok gemuk jadi kuruh kering
tokleh nok wat khijo gapo sekaro
Maghi kito pakat la tukar
Angin sako tohok lebar
Tughut la angin baru
Angin semangat nok maju
Arghini lah kito melayu
Di tali angin keno besatu
Samo kito wat khijo
Rebut pluang hok ado
Kayo wi samo ghato
Sene lah soghe
Sene seghemo