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Monday, January 17, 2011

Midnight Pain~!

When I changed the title of my blog to 'Diary sebelum bersara', I had planned to write about anything which preoccupy my mind. Be it happiness, frustration, fear, or hope of any kind. Afterall, being over fifty surely has earned me the right to speak my mind. Little though I anticipated that I would be writing about physical pains.
I anticipated wrongly.
Very frequently I have been experiencing pain of some sort; joint and back pain being the top two by far. Ocassionally, I would have bloated stomach and a serious discomfort especially at bed time. Rarely, but it has happened, like all human would, I experienced 'Sakit Hati'.
Tonight, without exaggeration, I was gritting my teeth holding back silent tears from excruciating pain which originated from my lower back and sheared through my nerves down to my lower leg! The fact that my front tooth chipped a couple of days ago didn't help the situation as the sharp edge was cutting through my lips! Ouuch! the momentary distraction from lower bodily pain to that in the upper lips helped somewhat.
The silent tears were prompted more by my emotional state, having to suffer this pain alone in my room inside my guest house on the prawn farm. I was preparing to sleep and wanted to go to the bathroom for pre-bedtime gosok gigi grooming. It was then that my leg went numb, and my back was pierced with sharp painful sensation. I could not get up! I tried various ways, using every moves I learned during my silat lessons when I was young. I reached for my phone and instinctively called my wife. She was 200 km away, and except for some comforting words of encouragement, not much else she could have done.
"Call the doctor!" She said.
"Take care, I love you!" She said.
I called one of my managers whom I knew had the doctor's number. Fortunately, there is a medical center with 24 hours service on site.
One doctor, two males nurses and the manager whom I called arrived about 20 minutes later. The first thing the doctor did was to check my pulse.
"I am very much alive doc! It is only a back pain!" I joked.
He was all serious as he asked me to lift my leg. Failed!
"Wiggle your toes!" He said. I did. Passed.
He then spoke in Tamil with his two nurses. One of them took out a syringe and needle.
"Are you allergic to Voltaren?" He asked.
I said, no.
That was 45 minutes ago. The effect of the pain killer was quick. Sensing less pain, I went against the doctor's order and reached for my laptop to type this entry!
A diary must be filled. Especially for someone awaiting retirement, a diary must be filled immediately - the opportunity to do so may not wait!
I am okey now darling. Tomorrow will be another day, and if panjang usia, may even get another pain!


  1. Alhamdulillah dah baik sikit,.

    Macam slip dics aje , kalau sakit pinggang n tak boleh angkat kaki... Hmmm jags diri baik2 Pp...

  2. Pak Payne, kesakitan adalah ujian yang menandakan kasih sayangNya pada kita. Insyaallah Pak Payne akan segera sembuh. Amin.

    Ehem...saya juga sakit sepanjang minggu lalu...sehati sejiwa, sesakit sedemam? Hahahahaha... Gurau pagi Isnin....

  3. Hi Pak Payne,

    Just to share.. A friend of mine had the same problem couple of mths back and he is 73yrs old but i guess his condition at that time was much worse. He was only comfortable lying down even driving was unbearable. He was advised by doctors at Pantai Hosp. to undergo a surgery but he wasnt comfortable with the whole idea. Then i took him to see this guy from China that perscibed him with some herbal pills and also acupunture and cupping. Its not cheap but Alhamdulillah he recover after about 1 month. Now he's busy sailing here and there...
    If the pain is unbearable maybe this is worth a try but u have to come to KL tho'

    Let me know.

    Norin F.
