How could I not want to be here for him? Here, in Saudi, in Jeddah, in my territory! No, my heart didn't leap with joy. It was not that kind of excitement. Instead my heart warmed with each unfolding thought I replayed from the past; of Fathil I used to know and whom I was so certain didn't and most likely still doesn't realize just how much influence he had in reassuring juniors like me. Juniors who hailed from kampungs, and easily intimidated by the stare and glare of those bullies less friendly seniors, and there were a few of them there, then!
A few sms, and a couple of follow up phone calls later...we met tonight! The car he was in, driven by an ustaz from Mekah, pulled by the curb where I was waiting, and he stepped down the Prado. The 'moment!' was magic. That first 'moment' of re-union after nearly forty years made me choke with emotion. To see him as he has always been in my mind, smiling and reaching out, gave me the meaning of brotherhood. STAR old boys, no matter how much time lapsed, will always remain brothers.
He was with his wife and two children, and also accompanied by his sister-in-law and her family. Not wanting to appear rude to his clan, after brief formalities and greetings, I almost had Fathil to myself, puling him to be by my side and talking down memory lanes into yesteryears. If anything, his wife seemed well used to seeing her husband hi-jacked by strangers who seemed like long lost brothers. She smiled bravely and sportingly, and joined in with knowing smile and nods at appropriate time.
I didn't say it tonight, and I held back. But if I was honest to myself, I should have said what I swallowed at the last moment when we hugged to say goodbye. With permission from readers for sounding 'wet' as Simon Cowell would say, I will say it anyway.
"Take care Fathil. We are brothers!"
(Below: Bergambar bersama Fathil dan isteri)
Cahaya di belakang kita itu
mengembalikan berbagai kenangan
tawa tangis kitalah perintis
di bawa angin bersimpuh kasih
di Lembah Kinta sana kita berkelana
siang di terangi guru mencurah ilmu
malam di temani rindu terkenang ibu
kita lupakan seketika berbagai yang berbedza
kerana jauh di sudut hati kita masih sama
budak STAR talian harapan
begitulah, bercahayanya tuah badan!
Di senja waktu ini
mari lah kita bersama
renungi ke hadapan mengintai titian
"Sirratul Mustaqim"
yang sudah pasti kita tempuhi
yang belum pasti kita selamat lintasi
semoga cahaya yang bersinar di belakang kita
di penghujung terowong ada menanti
kerana walau pun kita budak STAR
di sana nanti
hanya amalan pedoman diri
semoga doa kita di terima illahi!
(Pakpin: Jeddah: 8th May 2010)
what a sweet posting, Pp..
ReplyDeleteSalam Pak Pin!
ReplyDeleteSatu paparan menarik!
Teringat p Umrah lepas pencen 2005...sepupu bawa p jalan2 d
Jeddah sampai suboh pagi..
Sdr buat apa di sana?
Memang betul cerita ttg sdr Fathil tu...seorang gitu humble..junior saya 2 thn.
Jumpa lagi Insyaallah
Lt Kol Basri bin Hj Omar(Bersara) FF 70
Dapat tahu Bro. Fathil pergi umrah semasa mesyuarat KOSTAROBA baru-baru ini.
ReplyDeleteBeliau seorang yang humble. Boleh ke tepi ke tengah. Mesra dengan super juniors too.
And very active with STAR Mentor Program.
Bangga saya sebab kami satu house, Rumah Hitam.
Puteri Kama :-) from my heart i wrote...and bro Fathil memang humble orang nya. Mungkin jiwa saya ni senang bertaut dengan orang2 yang merendah diri walau pun beliau sendiri begitu berjaya ~!
Tuan Basri ;-) what an honor to have you visiting my blog and to leave your foot print~!
I was a fan...cheering my socks off from the side line when you were doing you magic on the field...
realy happy to see u here~!
bro Is :-) black house indeed has produced many STARS..and yes, bro Fathil is such a humble and kind man. One to emulate...