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Monday, May 17, 2010

Pole Dancing - uncensored~!

Watch only if you know what 'Pole Dancing' means and that you do not find it offensive~!
The video was recorded by an 'amateur' who happened to be at the scene, hence the poor sound quality.

In any case, the dancer is adorable, perhaps because I do like 'montok2 gitu! hehehe'.


  1. Salam Pak Payne,
    Reading from the French and the your English Intro, naik lah semangat nak menengok the video sambil mengingati yang PP berada di Hijaz Bumi para Ambia dan Aulia.. When the cat appeared to be the sole actor, I smiled to myself.. I am will not be Pak Payne to show the normal pole dancing that some of us know.. Anyway this will no doubt raise a lot of interest in Ms CiS

  2. Wan :-) hehehe....kawae nok tanyo la ...Ms CiS tu sapo pulok? hehehe.

  3. comelnya kucing tu. rasa cam nak hug

  4. Oops ,
    Ms Cis is Cat-in-Sydney of The Meow Factor fame. A young lady who normally comments on some of blogs that you and I follow..
    Maah lah wei, kawe ingat demo kenal..
