Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, May 14, 2010

Haziq won~!

Haziq, having quiet moments watching the world goes by. The caption he wrote on this profile picture on his facebook reads,
"As cars and people pass
It feels like standing still but I know
I'm just moving uncomfortably slow.

I'll get there someday. :)"

Haziq, 16yrs old and will soon be sitting for his final exams for GCSE is studying at JESS, one of the international schools in Dubai.

Today I received this sms from my wife who is in Dubai, "Haziq won a prize in a photo competition run by Murdoch University!"

For his winning, he received one of these fuji cameras as the prize. As a show of support and knowing that Haziq already has a Canon 40D, his class teacher has offered to purchase the camera at a premium! In fact, I was told that upon getting the news, the teacher immediately sent out an announcement to the whole school! She too was proud.
The picture at the top is the winning entry, and the picture below is his prize! The theme, as I understood from Haziq today, was 'Street Life in Dubai'!

Needless to say, I am very proud of his achievement and knowing how thrilled he is, makes me truly happy.

Let me gloat, let me brag. I am just proud, my son has a prize in the bag~! Amongst other photos he has captured are displayed below:


  1. Salam,

    Mabruk !!!!

    I'm proud of Haziq too ...Haziq , auntie loves all those pics , you are a very smart and talented son , Alhamdulillah .

  2. kudos... bravo haziq..!!!

  3. Hey there!
    Gloat on buddy.. it's your child! I would too, if it's one of mine who wins this sort of prize.. hehehe..

    to talented haziq: congratulations, son, you did your Ma and Pa proud..

  4. Wah.. lama tak datang sini :)

    Congratulations Haziq!! He really has a good eye.
    By the way, PokPayne, when are you going to be in Dubai? We wanna go visit Kak Aishah (and you lah of course), but Taufik so segan (as in malu) to go without you around.
