I attended a dinner with the PM, 3 Ministers, and 3 Chief Ministers in Jeddah tonight. The dinner organized by the Malaysian Business Council was well attended by Malaysian professionals and businessmen. The PM and his delegation are in Saudi at the invitation of the King, the Custodian of the two Holy Mosques.
In his speech, among other things he said:
1. The Saudi Government hold Malaysia and Malaysians in high regards, and especially rate the Jemaah Haji from Malaysia as the best! ***Kata saya: Memang kita tahu orang2 Malaysia di sini di hormati. Kita terkenal dengan budi bahasa dan nilai murni, dan tahap profesionalisma yang tinggi. Sedikit sebanyak, kesan dari TDM punya era dan aura, menaikkan nama Malaysia di sini***
2. Malaysia is the 13th biggest foreign investment in Saudi!
Malaysia have managed to narrow down the trade deficit, although it is still in favour of Saudi. When the Jizan economic city is fully developed, Malaysia will rank as the fourth largest investment.
***Kata saya: Bagus tu, dan semoga banyaklah peluang pekerjaan untuk rakyat Malaysia di Saudi ini. Juga, eloklah jika kita tidak abaikan domestic investment, supaya lebih ramai rakyat kita mendapat manafaat!***
3. Malaysia focuses on tourism, health tourism, education - in attracting Saudi money! ***kata saya: yes, saya setuju dengan sasaran itu. Kita harus juga go up scale, supaya kita boleh attract tourist yang dari kalangan berduit - bukan yang kedekut nak belanja duit. In health, we have to compete with Thailand and Singapore! Masih banyak yang harus di perbuat untuk berjaya***
4. The PM stresses his committment to further enhance relationship between the two government so that more opportunities will be opened up for Malaysians and Malaysian companies. ***Kata saya: Salute. Haruslah kita Malaysians juga memainkan peranan kita sebagai profesional di luar negara - menaikkan nama negara~!***
On the side, I was seated next to the Chief Minister of Malacca, Dato Seri Ali Rastam. He was his normal self, cordial and informal. The work and travel demands were taking their toll - he looked tired, but didn't stop him from having a good chat and showing interest in ideas thrown across the table. I suggested for the government to re-activate "Undi Pos". He nodded, but was silent.
maybe, nodding as a sign he heard me. I opened up a business venture idea for the state of Malacca - which to my delight, he took seriously. I was introduced to his General Manager of Invest.dot.Malacca.
Overall, it was a good evening. I think the PM has genuine interest to re-build Malaysia and definitely has the vision and the support of good advice. He spoke like a leader, he looks like a leader, and I am inclined to call upon Malaysians to give him the support he needs to bring back our fading glories.
Dato' Hishamudin was also present. He was jovial and confident in talking with people who came crowding him for photo shoot. Everyone was too polite to ask any sensitive political questions. TokPa was at the main table. I introduced myself, as "Ambo oghe kelate" and he replied endearingly , "Kawae kelate jugop!" I gave him my business card. I hope he will remember me, the next time I visited him at his Raya open house in Jeli!
PS: Dato' Zurai...Thank you for what you did! Both had my name in their note book, but I only managed to sit with Dato' Ali. Much appreciated. Pictures will follow.
PPS: Thank you and syabas the Malaysian Business Council, especially to Encik Kamel who extended the invitation to me, and SYABAS to Tuan Consul General Malaysia di Jeddah, Tuan Hidayat di atas satu lagi kejayaan merapatkan Malaysians with Malaysia!
Salam Pp. Glad to note you had an enjoyable & fruitful evening.. Saya suka Tok Pa, orangnya sangat humble and unassuming.
ReplyDeleteSounds like a post from a person who had a very satisfying evening. Did you walk the walk? ;-)