Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Saturday, January 16, 2010

"A captain's love..."

"This is your captain speaking. I have a special announcement and request to make. Today is my wife's birthday, but I am not able to be with her because I have to fly you to New York. If you would sing a happy birthday song for her, she will be very happy and I will be even happier! In return, I will make sure we will land safely in New York on schedule!"

No sooner after Captain Azim clicked off his PA microphone, the whole plane echoed with "Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to captain's dearest...happy birthday to you~!"

Not known to the passengers on flight XX202 to New York was a beautiful lady seated in the Business Class seat number 12L who was blushing away. She eased herself into her seat, trying to make herself as small as she can be even though her heart has expanded like a balloon .

The singing subsided. A few passengers were seen giggling away at the little act of love. A young couple were seen kissing each other, withdrew, smiled and gazed longingly into each others eyes. Everyone had a warm good the public display of love from their flight captain. Then, three cabin crew appeared from the front with a birthday cake, and approached row 12, and started to sing...'happy birthday to Mira...happy happy birthday to Miiiiiraaaaa'.
Spontaneously, the whole cabin cheered and clapped!
Mira, the birthday lady, and the dearest wife of the captain stood up, took a bow and whispered, 'Thank you everyone', and with the sweetest of smile, cut the cake. She took a pie, place it on the serving plate and gave it back to one of the crew members. "For the captain!" she said, audible enough for everyone to hear and once again cheered and applauded!

Four seats behind her was another lady, of slightly older disposition, and seemingly in deep thought. She has been watching the whole scene, silently. When the unexpected ceremony was over, she reclined her seat, pulled the blanket over her face and leaned on her right side facing the window. She started to cry a silent cry. Tears flowed down her cheeks. Exactly one year ago, on the same flight, it was her who had cut the cake. The birthday lady then was Lina, not Mira! And it was the same captain Azim who announced and made the request. The cake was different. While Mira got a strawberry cheese cake, hers was a chocolate cake! Captain Azim paid attention to details. And that was what made him so endearingly charming to his ladies.

Lina, or Marlina, was the one and only wife to Captain Azim for a good eleven years. A marriage so blissful and happy she would have never guessed that her husband was contemplating taking a second wife. When the news was broken to her by Zue, one of her girlfriends, that Azim has married a young stewardess from the same airline, she refused to believe. In fact she was angry and raised her voice in denial. She was almost screaming with the words, "Don't you dare repeat that again, not ever again!"
When Zue left, she slumped into her sofa, face in her hands, and sobbed. She somehow knew, deep within her heart, that Zue was telling the truth. She did what she had not done for a long time, she called Azim on his mobile. The phone rang but was left unanswered. Exactly the reason she hated calling Azim, he never answered his phone when on duty, overseas. His usual excuse, "Oh I did not see the caller ID, so I didn't know it was you!" Lina swallowed that excuse. In retaliation, after a few tries too many, she just quit calling. Mistake! Her mistake. That was exactly what Azim intended to happen.
She was left with no doubt at that point, that Azim has indeed re-married, and most probably was with his new wife and may even be making love to her. She cried even harder. Her whole body was shaking. When Azim returned 5 days later from a flight to Sao Paolo, she confronted him.
He didn't deny. He also didn't affirm. What he did actually hurt Lina even worse. He simply said, "I think it is time for us to go our separate ways!" Just like that. No 'if', no 'buts', simply his wish, and hers didn't exist.
They were divorced that day. She walked out that same day, with nothing but buckets of tears and a heart shattered to pieces.

That was only eight months ago, about 4 months after her thirty-fifth birthday.

She never recovered. She has lived a life obsessed with Azim and his new woman, Mira. She followed them, even joined their face-book friendship list, using an Indian male name she has created, Anil. Somehow, using all the alphabets of her own name made her feel real, and made her feel close to Arif. Pathetic! She realized that many times over.

It was when she discovered that Mira actually shared the same birthday as hers, that she decided to book a seat on the flight Azim was flying. Facebook has made it easy for her to follow his flight schedule, and their lovey dovey banters on FB even told Lina and the whole world that Mira was following him to New York! She actually paused to ponder over the risks of using facebook, so much information are displayed for the world to see! But on that occasion, she was thankful that such cyber thing existed! Anil, was stalking and no one cares! Perhaps the FBI was the only who noticed that Anil and Lina actually shared the same IP address.

One hour before landing, Lina buzzed for an attendant's service. One lanky Moroccan stewardess approached her. She passed a folded note in an envelop to the stewardess and requested her to pass that to the captain. The Moroccan looked at her quizzingly, and whispered, "For security reason we can only pass this to the captain after we have left the plane Ma'am!"
Lina wasn't aware of such rule. Nevertheless, her quick thinking made her proud of herself. She whispered back, "If you ask him first whether he wish to take a note from Haslina Mohd Ali from Malaysia, then if he knows me, I supposed you can pass the envelop please. I am his neighbour!"
"Yes ma'am" said the Moroccan and swayed all of her assets back towards the cockpit.
Lina smiled to herself and waited!

A few minutes later, the captain's voice came over the PA system. A few of the passengers laughed, a few others giggled loudly. But everyone burst into singing, and even louder than the first time.
"Twinkle twinkle little i wonder what you are...twinkling twinkling up so a diamond in the sky!"

Everyone then cheered and applauded enthusiastically. One by one the passengers in the business class came over to wish Lina "Happy birthday, you are a diamond in the sky today!"

The passenger in seat 12L remained seated.

A minute later the same Moroccan stewardess returned with a big smile on her face and carrying the same enveloped. Lina thanked her, and nervously opened to read a hand written message. It was his hand-writing. The little twist at the end of the letter 'L' in the word 'Lina' and 'Love' has been his trademark, and has been one of the things Lina remember dearly about him. She smiled, folded the paper and kept it inside her wallet. The message, although short, gave her palpitation of excitement. Her hand turned cold all of a sudden. She has been chasing his shadows to get his love back, and now that was happening, she didn't know how to handle. She re-opened the folded note, and read the message again. This time, she even spelt the words, one by one. It still says the same thing as she read the first time. There is "if" in his message. Why would he be able to love only "if" she would give him a second chance. Why would he not fight for her love.

"Welcome to the mile high birthday club. I still love you Lina, if you would give me a second chance. urs forever, A"

Lina started to feel in a way she has not felt for the last eleven years. She felt a tinge of confidence and indepence. It started with a little reassurance from a spot in her belly, and it spreaad fast to whole being. She got back herself! the way she had not got what she had lost for the last eight months. She got back herself. She smiled, this time from her heart and from the deeper side of her gut. Free at last! Yes, free from Azim. Free from a need to depend on love for her to feel happy. She realize how pathetic a person can be, and she was convinced then, it was Azim who was even more pathetic than she was. Her love for Azim was unconditional, and she was ready to chase the shadows of it. To reach and feel it . Not Azim. His love was a love of convenience. She didn't consider herself an item from a shelf at a convenient store. One which can be grabbed whenever it suits someone's fancy. Never! Not even for someone she love. She got back her dignity. Closure at last!

Lina's thought drifted back to Idham, her FB friend. A friend of Marlina and not of Anil. Idham has been asking, more like pleading, to have dinner with her. Their chance meeting at a seminar sparked the interest. A man in his late forties, single after the death of his wife seven years ago due to a road accident, and has never been in love since. That was what he has told her. "Time to check him out!" Lina smiled. This time a naughty and confident smile. A smile of someone who is back in charge of her own life.

The flight landed with a screech. She too had landed! Back on firm ground at last.


  1. Bro Pp,

    Jarang saya nak baca any 'fiction' sampai habis.This time 'glued to the seat' baca sampai habis..Hehehe...

  2. Dr Bubbles....:-)
    bro, memang inherit in 'budak STAR' kut, that our ability to concentrate on anything is low...our span of focus is short. hehehe. So I am honoured to know u read this story till the end.


  3. ..for sometimes you have to look love in the eye and thumbed your nose at it...
