Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Friday, January 30, 2009

Meeting with Tan Sri Muhyidin !

Picture by Abdul Halim.

The author posed for a photo with Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin, the Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia.

"I will come back and that time you can organize a dialog session with Malaysians in Dubai!" he said to me as he was leaving the dinner function.

"Tan Sri, I await your return visit!"

Known as one of the hardest working Minister, Tan Sri Muhyidin came across as an unassuming, warm hearted and a leader who leads from the front! He has created legacies in all of the Ministries at Federal level for which he has served. At state level, Johor took significant strides forward during his premiership as the Chief Minister.

During my brief meeting with him at the dinner function, unlike most politicians he spoke little and listened more! And unlike his reputation for not smiling, that evening he was ever so charming ~ smiling all the time, especially when teased about his future. It was his listening and genuine smile which endeared him to those who were fortunate enough to have been there !

Looking ahead, it is not hard for me to imagine that one day in the future, I will be telling my children ~ I took this picture when he was not yet a Prime Minister, not even a deputy at the time!

HERE my meeting with the PM!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Meeting the Prime Minister!

Pic by Abdul Halim

The author of this blog met the top leader of his country!

A leader communicates! Whether to inspire, to direct, to garner support, to get ideas, or simply to inform, a leader must have the highest level of communication skill. Leadership moments are communication moments.

The Top Leader of my country visited and met with fellow citizens in Dubai at a dinner function last Thursday. I was there, and like others I was expecting to hear 'messages' from his honorable Sir. The messages were lost somewhere between his rostrum to my dining table. And looking at faces around the hall, I got the impression that the messages were probably left behind in the suites of Atlantis. *I came to understand from reliable sources later on that the visit and the stay at the super luxury hotel were paid for by the hosting government - so, cool it you guys who worried that the country's pot of gold could have been mortgaged to pay for the trip!*.

The PM's salvation moments came when he walked from table to table after the dinner to greet fellow citizens and to pose for photos with us eager beavers. Anyone dropping in during those moments could be excused for thinking Hana Montana was in town amidst her fans. Even known die hard political critics were seen shaking hands and smiling from ear to ear as they have their pictures taken with the soon to retire PM. He was a very friendly man, our PM. Smiling as always, he gracefully floated from one table to the next and warmly obliging to requests for photos to be taken. Under the chandelier lights of the ShangriLa, I saw a tired looking PM who tried his level best to leave behind a positive impression. Given that his legacies were little known, impression was probably the best he was hoping for. I was enchanted with the beauty, stateswoman like and grace of his wife, Datin Sri Jean. She radiated a kind of motherly confidence and affection which told those who noticed that Paklah would be well looked after , and his injuries from the battle of politics would be ably nursed ~ post his retirement.

For me, that evening was my moments to feel proud being a Malaysian! Away from home I was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Prime Minister!

Thank you H E Consul General of Malaysia for hosting and for inviting us Malaysians. Sir, more of such opportunities to meet Leaders from our country please...!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Malaysia 7 : Singapore 3!

Friday 16th January.


Satu perlawanan Bowling di antara Malaysia dengan Singapura berahir dengan kemenangan cemerlang untuk pasukan Malaysia.

Nik Rahman, selaku orang kuat pasukan Bowling dan wakil dari MyUAEPRO telah bermain cemerlang dan juga telah berjaya menaikkan semangat pemain-pemain lain.

Perlawanan ini turut di sertai olih Tuan Consul General Malaysia ke Dubai, Tuan Syed Mohd Hasrin. Sikap Tuan Consul yang mudah berdamping dengan warga Malaysians di sini cukup di senangi ramai.

Presiden MyUAE PRO, Ariffin Mamat turut menghadirkan diri walaupun tidak mengambil bahagian.

Syabas kepada pasukan Malaysia!!

Tahniah buat Team Terbaik Malaysia yang mendapat score tertinggi diantara 10 team Malaysia dan tahniah juga buat Team Terbaik Singapore .

Terima kasih kepada penganjur, pemain2 dari Abu Dhabi & Dubai dan semua penyokong2 yang hadir.

TQ. Lapuran extracted and expanded from Nik Rahman's report.

More Photos HERE

Malaysia Boleh!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Young Tigers roar in Dubai!!

The MyUAE under 11 team which is also known as KidzSpeedz beat a team from Korea to take third place in a tournament this morning. The 6-a-side tournament which was organised by sports academy Super Sports also had five other teams competing in the 8-11 age group.
In the first match, KidzSpeedz was defeated 5-0 by the eventual champion but they managed to rise and won their next match by the same score line. With that win, KidzSpeedz qualified for the third placing match.
In the final match, the Malaysian team which was captained by Mohammad Nezar bin Zarir defeated the Korean team 5-1. Midfielder Hazim Hanif scored a hattrick to become the top scorer of the team. Forwards Muhaimin and Haziq scored the other two. The match saw a tight first half. KidzSpeedz were leading 2-0 when the Koreans scored one and had a goal disallowed. They even had a penalty which was saved by goalkeeper Nabil. The youngsters were given a rousing and inspirational talk at half time by the coach En. Hanif "Sir Alex" Hamid which saw them keep a clean sheet in the second half. They even scored three more goals to win convincingly.
The match has given the players and coach a boost of confidence for their match with Singapore next month.

KidzSpeedz: Nabil Jamil (goalkeeper), Ilyas Shahrizan, Mohammad Nezar bin Zarir, Aqil Zed, Hazim Hanif, Muhaimin Fudzail, Haziq Zed dan Ali Hakimi bin Mahadi.

Reported by
Redza Jamil

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Kali kedua menerima sebungkus Tempe dari Rini ~ waktu itu aku masih di kantor, bila budak pejabat datang membawa beg plastik hijau. Serta merta aku tahu isi kandungannya kerana sebelum itu Rini ada menalifon memberitahu. Murni sungguh niat si Rini! Dia membekalkan Tempe kerana dia tahu aku dan isteri meminati Tempe. "Untuk Ibu masak di rumah, sampaikan salam saya kepada Ibu!" begitu kata Rini waktu memberitahu dia ada membawa Tempe untuk kami.

Pertama kali dulu sewaktu menyambut Aidil Fitri. Masa itu, Tempe itu kami goreng berlada! Enak....Berhari2 dapat di makan. Isteri kehairanan juga di bulan Ramadan itu apabila aku membawa pulang Tempe. "Dari mana dapat ni?" Tanya dia.
"Oh Rini yang bagi....!" Kata aku, ringkas. Yang aku terlupa, isteri belum mengetahui apa2 tentang Rini, cewet Indonesia yang baru saja menyertai syarikat aku bekerja. "Siapa Rini?" Pertanyaan susulan dari isteri.
"Oh, Rini ini cewet Indonesia yang baru menyertai syarikat, masih muda, bersuami dan ibu kepada seorang anak!" Aku memberitahu, sambil memerhati reaksi mukanya sekira ada tanda-tanda cemburu. Tidak ada sama sekali! Begitulah apa bila rekod suami bersih, tidak menjadi punca masaalah walaupun ada nama-nama cewet yang di sebut dalam perbualan. Tidak semua isteri begitu, dan tidak semua suami agaknya boleh di percayai! hahahaha. Bisa aja aku mengambil markah penuh untuk diri sendiri di sini!!! Tunggu aja reaksi dari si Anonymous A hj yang selalu menegur dengan nada sinis apabila aku mendapat markah percuma sebegini....hahahaha!!
'Suami dan anaknya di Indonesia atau di sini?" Ada lagi soalan dari isteri rupanya.
"Di sini! Suami juga bekerja begitu hampir dengan kantor kami!" aku menerangkan supaya isteri tidak sangsi langsung mengenai keihlasan Rini menghadiahkan Tempe!

Petang itu apabila menerima beg plastik hijau itu aku terus terbayang-bayangkan sambal goreng Tempe! Ahah, pasti enakkkkk makan bersama nasi panas. Isteri pula kali ini memasukkan ikan bilis bersama goreng Tempe berlada......adushhh, sedappp sihh!!

Kepada Rini, terimakasih. Sebenarnya aku telah pun mengucapkan terimakasih kepadanya. Tapi terimakasih daun keladi, jika di beri mahu lagi !!! hehehe.

Terlalu kerap memakan Tempe, aku sendiri kadang2nya bertutur umpama cowot Indonesia! Tak begitu Pak Hasnol.....?? hehehehe.

Entri ini membutuhkan rujukan mengenai Tempe di SINI.

RESEPI SAMBAL GORENG TEMPE DAN IKAN BILIS: Dari siapa lagi jika tidak Hanieliza!! ( Pergi ke blog Hanieliza tu, ada gambar yang sungguh membuka selera!)

1 paket tempe...]potong kecil dan goreng dalam minyak dan toskan
1 biji kentang....]
1 cawan ikan bilis.. goreng garing

Sambal [mesinkan]
20 tangkai cili kering
2 labu bawang besar
2 ulas bawang putih
sikit belacan..jika suka

1 s/b cuka

Cara memasak
1. Tumiskan sambal sehingga garing dan masukkan cuka. Masukkan garam dan gula sikit.
2. Bila dah naik minyak dan pekat baru masukkan ikan bilis, kentang dan tempe tadi.
3.Gaul rata dan angkat dari kuali.
4. Hidangkan bersama nasi panas...ikan goreng dan sayur lemak kobis...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Friendship ...on foreign soil!

" He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,
And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere".

Ali ibn-Abi-Talib, A Hundred Sayings
(602 AD - 661 AD)

I lived four years in Singapore between 2000 to end of 2003. How many Singaporean friendship did I make and developed? How many are still flourishing today? While I was there I made a few friends in the office ~ but friendship was very much limited to office matters. A few years after leaving Singapore, I am hardly in touch with any of them. Much to my regrets....which has led to one of my new year resolutions for 2009: that is to rejuvenate old friendships worth keeping.

After Singapore, I lived in Jeddah for four years between 2003 and 2007. Perhaps learning from the missed opportunities from Singapore days, we made extra effort to befriend locals and other expats living in Saudi. One year after leaving the holy land of Saudi we're pleased to say a few friendships are still blossoming! Today for instance we received Mr B and his family visiting us ~ one of the true friendships which has sustained the test of time and distance. Today's reunion brings a lot of joy to us, especially my wife. She and Mrs B have developed into a close friendship ~ cross-culture ~ sharing and exchanges of recipes and cuisines during their frequent meetings. Those were the good old days in Jeddah.

Cross-culture friendship requires extra effort to start, and requires understanding and open mind and heart to develop. One need to appreciate diversity and its values in order to sustain such relationship.

By being a friend of Mr. B, I learnt that for Arabs hospitality towards guests is of utmost important! Food is prepared in abundance! Every time we were invited for meals, their dining table were filled to the brim - lots and lots of food and almost all were home cooked! To them, it is about giving the best to their guests. Such is the Saudi way!
I also learn that a visit should not be done in a hurry. There is a proper visiting etiquette to be followed ~ tea or Arabic coffee upon arrival, normally taken with dates. Light conversation follows, and the subject is nearly always about family well being. Men talk with men, and women with women. Praising the cooking or anything to do with women of the house is not appropriate for another man to do! Always praise only the men of the house. All praises, must always be followed with exclamation of "MasyAAllah!" to ward off Syaitan from disturbing the praised.

Prayer time is respected. When call prayer is heard, then men are expected to perform prayer immediately. I found it very convenient to go visiting with my condition already in Wudu'.

After being invited to the dining table, you are expected to stop at the sink to wash hands and wipe dry. Then be seated. Always wait for the man of the house to start. He will normally serve you...personally. Eat heartily!! Arabs love it when their guests like their food. Always decline anymore extra offerings with a "Alhamdullillah!" Please stop when full, otherwise the hosts are obliged to continue eating with you.

And what they say about crossing legs is true. For fear of risking putting up the soles of your feet towards the hosts, it is best advised not to sit cross legged in the presence of Arabs. Showing the soles of one's feet is considered more than rude, it is taboo! Similarly, never pass or accept anything with left hand. Also, some Arabs are quite particular that you only use right hands for bring food or water to your mouth. These are quite similar with our Malaysian way, so not much problem there.

As much as I learn his way and his culture, he too have been interested to learn Malaysian way of hosting guests. However, we err on following the culture of the place we live in as much as possible when interacting with the local people. Therefore while in the Middle East, we have been inclined to follow their way, both as guests in their home or as hosts to them in ours.

So, we had dinner tonight with the Mr B's family. Step by step...lots of conversation, and revisiting the good old days.

I wish I have more friends from the local community where ever I live. Just ask ourselves and be honest with the answers: "How many of us Malaysians in Dubai have friends from the local community ?"
If not, why not??
"Is it not a waste of opportunity to spend all these time abroad and only to be concerned with ourselves and other Malaysians. True "Birds of same feathers tend to flock together" but.....

Would it not add to our and our children's development and spice our lives more if we occasionally flock with birds of slightly different species?? Especially the locals"

I close my entry with the above questions.

Monday, January 5, 2009

02.01.09 MyBOC- Bowling Competition !!

Wakil Dubai yang berjaya sebagai Top Ten!!

Pakpayne bergambar bersama Afza dan Tuan Consul General!
Nik Rahman (front row extreme left) with other Dubai players!

Berikut ialah lapuran dari Nik Rahman! Selaku MyBOC officer for Dubai, dan wakil correspondence MyUAEPRO!

Salam to All,
Tahniah buat Abu Dhabi Team yang berjaya memenangi perlawanan Inter-Emirates AUH vs DXB.
Tahniah juga buat semua pemenang untuk 10 bowlers terbaik bagi setiap kategori Men and Women, juga buat 3 pemain terbaik kanak2.
Men Champion dimenangi oleh saudara Wan Marzuki selaku President MyBOC sendiri. Tahniah Sekali lagi.
2nd Izwan AUH
3rd Hanizan AUH
4th Ishak AUH
5th Khairul AUH
6th Adly AUH
7th Radin DXB
9th Tan Tay Aik DXB
Women Champion dimenangi oleh Puan Haslinda . Manakala DXB pula berjaya di tangga 2th Rozana, 3th Syafizaz, 5th Juhaida & 7th.
Terima Kasih kepada Duta Besar Malaysia di UAE, Dato' Yahaya Abd Jabar dan isteri beliau Datin Sakdah Sanip yang sudi membuka tirai perlawanan boling Inter-Emirates yang merupakan pertemuan buat kali pertama untuk rakyat Malaysia di UAE. Beliau sangat terharu melihat semangat kesukanan yang ada di kalangan rakyat Malaysia di UAE.
Sambutan sangat meggalakkan sehingga ada beberapa pemain yang datang secara "walk in" terpaksa berputih mata kerana tempat sudah penuh untuk 80 pemain awal yang berdaftar sahaja.
Terima Kasih tak terhingga juga buat Konsol General Dubai, Syed Hasrin dan Isterinya Puan Sara yang turut sama turun padang untuk bermain bersama rakyat Malaysia dan mengakhiri perlawanan boling dgn pembahagian hadiah-hadiah kepada pemenang2.
Terima Kasih juga buat President MyUAE-PRO, Ariffin Mamat yang sudi datang dari Dubai untuk memberi semangat untuk pemain2 Dubai.
Terima Kasih kepada semua yang menyertai dan penyokong2 pasukan.
Lagi gambar2 Di Sini
"Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara"
Malaysia Boleh, Biar Boleh SOKMO!!
Nik Rahman