Picture by Abdul Halim.
The author posed for a photo with Tan Sri Muhyidin Yasin, the Minister of International Trade and Industry Malaysia.
"I will come back and that time you can organize a dialog session with Malaysians in Dubai!" he said to me as he was leaving the dinner function.
"Tan Sri, I await your return visit!"
Known as one of the hardest working Minister, Tan Sri Muhyidin came across as an unassuming, warm hearted and a leader who leads from the front! He has created legacies in all of the Ministries at Federal level for which he has served. At state level, Johor took significant strides forward during his premiership as the Chief Minister.
During my brief meeting with him at the dinner function, unlike most politicians he spoke little and listened more! And unlike his reputation for not smiling, that evening he was ever so charming ~ smiling all the time, especially when teased about his future. It was his listening and genuine smile which endeared him to those who were fortunate enough to have been there !
Looking ahead, it is not hard for me to imagine that one day in the future, I will be telling my children ~ I took this picture when he was not yet a Prime Minister, not even a deputy at the time!
HERE my meeting with the PM!
During my brief meeting with him at the dinner function, unlike most politicians he spoke little and listened more! And unlike his reputation for not smiling, that evening he was ever so charming ~ smiling all the time, especially when teased about his future. It was his listening and genuine smile which endeared him to those who were fortunate enough to have been there !
Looking ahead, it is not hard for me to imagine that one day in the future, I will be telling my children ~ I took this picture when he was not yet a Prime Minister, not even a deputy at the time!
HERE my meeting with the PM!
Hey where is the pic?
ReplyDeleteANy comment about him as leader?
Does he look as lethargic n hamsap as he does in photos/tv etc?
Pp!! You met with my boss!! Dia memang diketahui ramai sebagai seorang yang tak sombong dan sentiasa merendah diri. kurang senyum (some people say lack of warmth).. tapi sebenarnya memang tabiat semulajadi tak tersengih2 tak tentu hal. I guess sebab his speech and movement agak slow and measured, dia nampak lethargic sikit... and as far as hamsap is concerned - I have worked with him for quite some years dah - dia takder hamsap qualities... a good role model for husbands & fathers anywhere.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, where's the pix?
Jed :-) the Pic is there now....you may refresh your page.
ReplyDeleteAs a leader, you really have to ask people he has led. From my perception, he is a leader who lead by example, and who would be there with you come rain or shine. He seemed like one determined to achieve!
Putri Kama :-)
wow really!! I would be honored to have such an opportunity to be in his team. No, he was not sombong at ll at the dinner. In fact I dare say, he was the most cordial and relaxed.
Pak Man pernah baca sebuah buku bertajuk "Muhyidin Orang Berjurus".......buku ini diedarkan secara percuma beberapa tahun yang lalu.
ReplyDeleteYang Ariff,
ReplyDeleteAll the best to him if his niat is on the right path.
Just to compare, you look more radiant than him in the pic! (age-wise overlooked).. One is bred with tempe, the other with budu..
Pak Man..
Diedar secara percuma tu banyak persoalannya...
A hj
Pak Man :-)
ReplyDeletepada pendapat saya, Tan Sri Muhyidin ni memang orang 'berjurush'. WallahhuAAklam.
A Hj :-)
All the best to him, all the same!
My radiance probably came from excitement of dapat jumpa seorang pak Menteri!
TQ....ur comment membuat saya melihat cermin! hehehehe
ReplyDeletememang bagus orang yang tak cakap bnyk ni..sedikit buat kesilapan..dan bagus kalau kalau bnyk mendengar..lebih bagus jika diimplement dan diambil kira pandangan yang diterima dan didengar...lagi bnyk ckp espcly tanpa berfikir..akibat buruk pada yg bercakap esply if dia pemimpin..cth our MDN...boleh memalukan negara.
yg sebelah tu pun ada peluang gak..seronok gak nak bagi tahu anak2...menteri tu dulu teman blogger ummi :)InsyaAllah.
Pak payne,
ReplyDeletefrom the pics, you also ada gaya as politician. Smart and confident look as always..
dia nampak tulus walaupun dia nampak tua berbanding dengan orang sebelah dia tu ;).
ReplyDeleteapa lah agaknya rahsia orang sebelah dia tu.. 1 uban pun tak nampak?? hehehe..
anggerik..:-) tenkiu. i guess i look confident bcoz i am. hehehe
ReplyDeletetapi belum ada minat ke arah politik.
Neeza :-)
saya rasa dia memang lebih tua dari saya. mungkin sbb itu dia nampak lebih tua. lagi pun dia memikirkan masaalah negara....
ada dah uban ...hehehe.
Selalu jumpa muhyidin masa dia jadi MB johor, kebetulan my boss' wife is his elder sister and muhyidin's nephew was reporting to me. Once I joined their family's dinner together (sebab masa itu selalu melepak di rumah bos, ponteng ikut anak kesayangan bos tengok video kat rumah bos..he he he) along with boss' menantu - shahril's of Sapura boss now, we had a good time and they are good people indeed...not sure now...it was like 17 years ago.
ReplyDeleteBut personally we need better leader than Muhyidin & co to move ahead in the current world glut.