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Sunday, October 5, 2008


A friend at work has been parading his antique cameras - a couple were models which brought me back to yesteryears of the late sixties. Model like the 'Seagulls' - top view, twin lens reflex camera! I used to pose in front of one when I was in standard four because my teacher wanted to include my picture in his Teacher's college report!And he has shown me a few more!

With a wide grin on his face, he told me, "I got this from e-bay!"

Hohoho.....that was one conversation I should not have had. Last weekend I registered myself into e-bay, and truth be told, I am now an addict! I have been bidding everything....from jewelleries to oil paintings, and from antiques to electronics!

In the last two days, have placed bids on 31 items....and I have been staying up late monitoring and counter bidding. There is something about this on-line auction that appeals to people like me.....people with certain 'kiasu' in their DNA. "Oh my God, you are heading for trouble - I can see that coming. Auction means it is also ok to lose, and there must be a limit to everything!!" LiL went berserk with my new found addiction. Even the seventy-five year old white gold ring with a clear Ruby stone which I have bid for USD123 and won failed to excite her.

picture above from e-bay! Go to the gemsymons store here.

Then when I accidently did not close my e-bay window, she took a look at what else were I bidding - she went wild-cat mad!!

"What on earth do you want all those 'cockerels' for? Where do you want to hang them?"

"Hey, there aren't any ordinary cockerels.....!! They are so beautifully painted - with texture of movements and splendid colour tones - they look so alive!!" I reasoned.

Huh....She has seen that I was bidding on seven oil paintings of cockerels. Two of them from the same artist! I just don't know why, but I instantly fell in love with painting of cockerels ! Perhaps it is another sympton of serious mid-life crisis huh??!

Both will be mine after paypal settled payment, and shipment is received! TQ Lisa Gloria, the artist!!

Anyway - of the seven, I was only persistent in seeing to the end two of them - and I paid USD149 for each! I googled the artist's name, and was delighted when I found her blog! And what more - she has actually blogged here, about the two oil painting which I have purchased! Aren't they gorgeous!!! LiL agreed with me that the paintings were splendid, but she still thought I should curb my e-bay hogging! hahahaha.

Now I am secretly looking for a 2 carat solitaire diamond to bid as a 'blackmail present' for her! I have been told, "Diamonds will melt a woman's heart!". I will give it a try. Ermmm, however my gut feel is not so optimistic that my tactic will work. I think, she will really trip off the cliff if she finds out about this one!!



  1. You do think blogging about a secret - for someone who has internet access and knows where your blog is - would actually work? ;)

  2. ya lor, pakpayne, macam lah Kak Lil tak baca blog nih..

    All I pray for you is that you don't get burned by unscrupulous traders on eBay. Kalau I tak berani lah..

  3. But do u have to pay extra for delivery charge?

    How about ebaying your own stuff/collections plak?

  4. saya pun giler ebay stuff jgk hehehhe. sometime kita bule cari barang yg susah kita nk jumpa & beli murah lg dr harga kt pasaran..

    romantik betol pakpayne & KakLil :D

  5. Tuan...Selamat Hari Raya!
    hehehe....of course she read the posting first thing the next day!


    Elisa :-)

    so far so good lah...there is a way to be cautious. I always check the rating of the 'sellers' and I only deal with those with excellent ratings.



    yes, cost of shipmet can be expensive. So I always check with the sller first on how much will the shipment cost me.
    There is a way to do that...and I always get back very fast replies.


    Tulip :-)

    dah habis ka cuti2 raya?


    biasa lah 'couple lama' terus ber romantika...hehehe



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