Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Thursday, October 9, 2008


For a few days I went round believing and trying hard to help a friend of mine who has asked me to look for a 'madu' for his wife.
"Eh engkau biar betul!" I asked, bukan sebab jelous tapi sebab rasa macam tak percaya.
"Betul lah!" He sounded grumpy on the other end of the long distance call. I was paying for the call, so I could not quite figure why he was sounding so grumpy. Afterall, shouldn't he be excited when he was about to get a second wife.
"Kenapa?" I asked a follow up question.
"She is not well!" He said, and I noticed the impatience in his voice.
Then he said he had to disconnect, because his boss has entered his office and wanted to speak with him.
"Tolong tau! How much also ok. But I want original one!" He said and hanged up.
"Ciss, sempat pulak melawak mamat ni!" Kata hati aku.

Kamal ( bukan nama sebenar ), as far as I know has been a decent husband and father. He has been married for twenty years. He has had occasional office flirts, but that was about all. So I was surprised when he suddenly brought up the subject of wanting a madu for his wife!

So I have asked a few friends, "Do you know any ladies who do not mind being a second wife?"
The danger with that question was, as I found out, they immediately thought I was looking for a second wife for myself. Oh Nooooo.....LiL God forbids!! hehehehe.
Not me!

So after three days, I sms my friend, "K, hang cari sendiri lah calun isteri hang tu. Aku tak mahu terlibat! Kirim salam kat isteri hang yang sungguh baik tu!"
In less than two minutes, Kamal called me. Tak pernah2 dia tu nak call long distance. Jika ada call pun, setakat miss call and he expect me to call back! Hampehhh, I tell you, so cheap skate like la my friend yang sorang tuh! But this time he called.

"Hello....Apa cerita brother!" I said.
And all I heard was a belly busting laughter from his end. He tried to speak, but instead he continued laughing. Finally, he manage to say, "Oittt pakpayne! Aku suruh hang cari MADU lah weyyy....EMM. AAAY. DEEE. UUU.....MADU yemen tu lah....for my wife. She is not well! Yang hang nak carikan aku bini tu buat apa!!!"

Oh well, was it all in my mind? hehehe.

Coincidently, LiL is not feeling well tonight. Maybe I need to go out and look for madu too for her. hehehe


  1. So...this must be what was your previous YM status message about huh? LOL!
    Ape daaa~~~

  2. Queen Of The HouseThursday, October 09, 2008

    Apa la!! Corrupt sungguh your mind, PakPayne. Your friend must have had a fright with the misinterpreted request :P Next time,make it clear it's madu lebah!

  3. hahaha..bukan masalah transmitter tu queen, masalah receiver ni..skali baca dah tau madu lebah..nak kena service sket itu receiver..kena tuned up sket ngan kak lil baru ok tu..hahaha...

  4. hahahaha.. aparaaa...
    Terkedu kejap teman ....:)
    ingat you dah bukak business baru..agensi cari jodoh..LOL

  5. Pak Payne,
    Bukan senang nak bermadu(-lebah) ye...Hehehe, jgn kan ur friend tu, k.LiL pun sure tergamam! Siaplah pak payne kena brainwash sat nanti...

    BTW, i like ur latest pix wid k.LiL - so cool!

  6. MADU ... double meaning tu

  7. kah kah kah..this was a good one, i dah hati sakit mula2 baca tu. nak nangis pun ada.

    i dah bekalkan dad madu.. bahaya tu dia sorang2 with madu..

  8. kahkahkahkah!
    yes, time to carik madu for your wife also hahahaha!

    lawak la abg id!

  9. Pak Payne, Pak Payne..

    As usual we need to score points with our eternal half apatah lagi
    Friday nite.

    Mula2 bagi suspicion with the word "madu" and then exercise the vote of confidence "she is the only one" topped up with the elixir MADU.

    He...he you are one damn good romantic husband PP!

    A hj

  10. ni cita betul ke?...hehe

    1 trackmind betul pakcik uncle ni eh?

    btw madu kat sana best eh?...hahaha

  11. pak payne...pak payne *sambil menggeleng2kan kepalanya yg tak gatal*

    salam raye dari saya!

  12. pakpayne ni lawaklah..
    nasib baik pakpayne x report kt wife dia,kalu idak haru biru jadinya nanti..

    ke pakpayne pening lagi pas kira untung niaga kt bazaar ramadhan hari tu..heheheh...

  13. Hahahaha! That is so kelakar...

    Memula baca tu marahlah jugak I! Ada ka patut? Wife tengah sakit, suruh member carikan bini lain?!!! Nasib baik tak kena sumpah dengan I...Hehehe!

  14. akmal..:-) yes yes, so u noticed my YM status it is all clear.


    Queen :-) hehehe, corrupted mind la agaknya tu ye...hehehe. Kadang2 kita dgr apa yg kita nak dgr...


    Qimy :) pagi2 tadi di kejutkan oleh isteri ku....hehehe
    Dia tanya di mana saya simpan madu? ...tapi tapi....enak sungguh tarik selimut di pagi Jumaat.


    Puteri kama...:-)

    bisness cari jodoh ni high risk...hehehe.
    lebih eluk bisness cari dan jual madu jer...



  15. rad :-) memang seperti di duga. Pagi2 mendapat perhatian dari isteri ku itu hehehe. bukan brainwash lagi, siap ada amaran ( tak bertulis! ) hehehehe.


    PB..:-) MADU? meaningnya manis! boleh di jadikan ubat. Banyak khasiat...kata orang boleh awet muda! hehehe


    ummi...hhehe DAD dgn MADU yang u berikan, sorang2 ....alahai bahagia sungguh seorang suami yang di hadiahkan MADU oleh isteri.


    arina...:-) wife kata tak yah carikan madu....dia akan sediakan LEBAH di rumah jer..hehehe


    anonymous A hj....
    (tak kenal ni brother!) hehehe but I think u r someone I know.

    score points! harussss....hehehe

    Romantics?? Sentiasa....*wink*


    Kak Elle..:-) madu di sini belum la pulak saya dapat cuba...hehehe.
    rasanya best kut. nampak pun segar bugar jer ...
    mungkin madu padang pasir memang manis kut naa



  16. KC...:-) gatalkan dulu kepala sebelum garu..hehehe....baru la berbaloi nak garu.

    salam raye dari saya jugak.


    NUR :-) hehehehe. saja ingat nak tolong kawan...hehehe


    wanshana...:-) hehehe . tu la kan, lelaki ni susah betul. asyik nak tambah jer...hehehe

    jika semua lelaki seperti 'ayah', dan suami2 bloggers wanita yang setia membaca blog saya ni, dan pakzawi, pakzab, pakmior, dan saya ni kan aman damai dunia. Tak de la madu gamaknya!!!


  17. hahaha,
    Nak madu manis ghupenyer, ingatkan nak madu pahit! Double meaning tuh, lawaklah...u made the day

  18. imeirda :-)

    hehehe....u tau, pagi2 pp telah di kejutkan olih LiL....untuk menjawap soalan darinya, di mana simpan madu?? hahahaha.

    saya tunjukkan botol madu yemen di dapur!

    *grinning sheepishly*


  19. Cant deny it..your n3s r very the way, Pak Man brought me i hv another blog 2 follow..hehe
