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Friday, October 10, 2008

Brands and me....

Global TOP TEN brands, as reported by Milward Brown Optimor, are...

And here are some of the Top Luxury Brands....
I spent 11 years working in a company which focus on making consumers part with their money buying 'dreams' they wish to come true.
Aspirations and dreams sell! A person with darker skin aspires for a fairer one - hence Fair-n-Lovely skin care! Women aspiring for silky flowing hair buys one of the many shampoo brands off supermarket shelves, paying way above the cost of producing them.

Brands are 'aspirations'! Brands are 'dreams'! Brands are something which the media hype has placed them 'in your minds'! Ok, before you shoot me, of course brands represent appropriate quality and status. Each brand has its own brand promise, made of certain DNA, and bring alive certain personalities.

pictures from abdul halim, and shoes are certified originals! hehehe

Each of the brands in the picture above offers quality and no doubt self gratification to the beholder!

Why people spend their hard earned money on brands requires a full study by experts in human pyschology. Some even spend money which they can hardly afford.

Today's young executives are so vulnerable and conscious of branded luxury goods. They don't think twice about spending as high as 30 to 50 percent of their monthly salary to shop for those items.

I was at a social gathering not too long ago when a young man came and sat at a seat next to mine. He extended his legs forward, carefully lifted the helm of his jeans to expose a pair of 'Branded shoes!'. Walalala - they sure look expensive and smart. I know the young man, and I know that the shoes had to take long walks on stone pavements to find taxi stands. Well you see, the shoes belong to a young executive who has just started in his career and does not even own a car yet. But he chased his dreams .... of owning the second best thing which can carry him around, SHOES!
That observation prompted me to ask a question, but only to myself.
"Why would someone place out of proportion priority on buying luxury brands?"
My own son when asked whether he like to buy a car of 'certain made' gave an instant he reply, "No, the car is for old people!"
Such is his perception of the car. He ended up driving my 5 year old Beetle! The car is 'cool!' according to him. And of course!! - It is my car!!

His clothes are mainly from store labels. Tasteful, smart but not excessive! That to me is getting it right. At his age and earning power, boutique and brands can wait! Right now it is about basics!
"Ukur baju haruslah di badan sendiri!" which simply translates to mean, "Don't spend more than you can afford!"

Brands, especially luxury brands should not be purchased to compensate for things one 'do not have'! When I was young, I used to admire an old Towkay called uncle Chim - he would walk in and out of local banks in Kuala Lumpur wearing Pagoda singlet, Hawaian shorts, and Japanese slippers but with bags and bags of his Malaysian Ringgit!!!
That despite the fact he was wealthy enough to have built a Pagoda, danced to rumba dance on a vacation in Hawai, or to fly weekly for Sushi in Japan....
He was the brand - Towkay Uncle Chim!! When a man is himself a brand, there is Not a need to compensate anything with anything.....

Come to think of it, I wonder why my ex boss was always wearing expensive shoes, suits, and watches?? Ermmmm....'something' missing sir??


  1. I only wear kasut Bata..and sandal cop Dunlop (betul!-for rm9.90 kat Giant).If people ask i tell them it's rm99.00 hehe..branded thing that i notice is that all my clothes are cheaper than my kids'-shoe,sandal etc..hmm

  2. pakpayne..
    blame it on the creative advertisements..they sure know how to make people part with their money..

    adverts focus more on our nice feelings if we could get hold of these so-called branded items. it is a actually a make-believe coz not all things are needed. but i guess that what adverts are for..

    ramai live by "biar papa asal bergaya.."
    but i also live by the rule to occasionally reward myself if i achieved anything.. :-D

  3. sometimes they buy things to show off their wealthiness..

    sometimes they buy things they never get to wear before to boost self esteem...

    sometimes they buy things to fit into certain people, groups or society..

    sometimes they buy things to make them happy and tell us, why not?

    but most of the time..

    they buy things that they believe can represent their identity..which always doesnt reflect and mean anything more than plain ignorance..

    ingat, membazir tu amalan syaitan hehehe...

  4. its a pleasure to own some of those things mentioned Id ofcourse the budget should fit our pockets..and sometimes its worth paying for something that will last too:)

    I would not pay something more than a certain amount unless I have that extra $$ to spend...or I may *hint-hint* and hope someone hear me....hahahaha

  5. oh..maya ada dua kasut croc...satu RM 99.90 and the other one bagi sepuluh dulu...kasut crec kata along..

    budak2 sekarang memang suka yang mahal2...maklang cakap aje harga mahal supaya dia jaga barang tu..he..he...jam RM75 maklang kata RM750...Alhamdulillah..nampak cermat sikit kalau kata mahal...

    But to me...macam abg Id kata..ukur baju badan sendiri...pakai aje apa yang termampu!

  6. liyas..:-) sama kita. BATA men! hehehe

    anak2 sekarang citarasa tinggi...pengaruh internet dan TV.


    NUR :-)

    ramai yang terlupa untuk mengukur baju...di Dubai ni, terlalu senang untuk mendapat credit cards, justeru ramailah yang ada hingga sepuluh cards dan bertimbun2 lah hutang.



  7. qimy :-) that richest man in the world - warren buffet - masih tinggal di rumah satu tingkat yang sama sejak dia baru kawin. Lazimnya bangsa melayu - yang suka lebih kuah dari senduk! hehehe betul ka analogi tu??


    Kak Elle...:-)\\Jika kita dah kuat sebegitu lama, maka kita deserve la kan dan mampu pulak tu...ok la.

    Yang kita tak nak lihat tu...mereka yang berhutang sana sini sbb nak bergaya.

    Saya juga tak berkenan dengan mereka yang pakai barang Berjenama Tiruan! memang tak de character...

    Baik beli yg ori second hand tak per....that is honorable!!



  8. maklang..:-) yes yes....jika mampu, baru lah pakai. begitulah se eluknya.

    Mampu tu, harus di ambil kira prioriti lain2 juga...
    Tak kena lah jika asyek tumpang rokok member sebab nak berjimat untuk melaram...sebagai contohnya!!



  9. Salam ...Pak Payne,

    Setuju dengan qimy, setiap orang ada purpose masing-masing untuk memiliki barang berjenama mewah .

    Tapi kalau beli barang berjenama untuk tujuan menunjukkan kekayaan…..rugila kan :)

    Menurut Robert Kiyosaki “ukuran kekayaan sebenar adalah berapa banyak simpanan kita bukan berdasarkan berapa banyak pendapatan kita ” .

    Saya masih belum ada kemampuan beli barang berjenama mewah ni….duit simpanan masih belum mencukupi untuk sara hari tua……:))

  10. hai anis...:-)

    betul tu kan, one is to his/her own.

    i like the quotation u shared, "Ukuran kekayaan itu berdasarkan simpanan!" selalunya kita terlupa.
    May I add - mungkin juga ukuran kekayaan itu ialah how much we willingly give to others in need!.
    I always admire orang yang memberi - dan mereka yang kita lihat seperti tidak kaya pun sungguh kaya di mata saya bila mereka menghulur dengan ihlas!!



  11. PP,
    The fact that u know the brand of his shoes the moment he lifted his foot indicates that u are brand conscious too..well, everyone is, as a matter of fact...depending on one's taste and liking..there's nothing wrong with that as long as one doesn't enslave oneself to one's detriment....
    To the yound exec's defense, it cld be that, to him, owning a car is not the BEST way to carry him around, and owning shoes the he desires is not the second best thing....:D

    2 cents,
    Brand conscious - I prefer Mamee over Maggi!

  12. hai Ahmad... :-)


    a very refreshing way to look at the same situation, and honestly i like your perspective.
    yes, perhaps to is about shoes and not cars!!

    well spotted!

