As planned, the family got together for a TGiF dinner last Saturday to discuss and choose 'Vacation Destination'. Everyone did their homework of researching the destinations assigned to them. Children's involvement in planning for vacation is part of tradition for the family. In fact, we have involved our children in most major decisions affecting them - including decision to relocate, choosing a house, choosing schools, etc.

One of them is 'participative decision making'. We encourage our children to gather information, be able to discuss their views openly, and be able to accept the final decision and support it wholeheartedly. As part of their development, they have learned to be tolerant of others views and accept rejection without taking it personally. Both tolerance and acceptance require practice and coaching. As parents, LiL and I encouraged use of logic and civil arguments based on facts rather than winning an argument by raising one's voice or relying on aggressive behaviors.
This time around, the topic was 'vacation destination'! By involving them early, we have created the buzz and excitement about the vacation well before the departure date. This in itself provides a good conversation subject. And I believe, that a family needs to have good conversation subjects which bind members of the family together.
Shared plates of starters, main courses, and two plates of brownie with ice creams later - we have agreed on Istanbul as our December vacation destination. It was a close choice between Masai Mara Safari and Istanbul. We decided a better time to visit Masai Mara will be between July to September when the Wilder beast makes their annual migration!!
The ball is now in my court - to book airline tickets!