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Monday, October 20, 2008

We are going to Istanbul....

Luqman was overwhelmed with the two plates of brownie and icecreams!!
Luqman was seen having a go on a super bike at the game arcade!

As planned, the family got together for a TGiF dinner last Saturday to discuss and choose 'Vacation Destination'. Everyone did their homework of researching the destinations assigned to them. Children's involvement in planning for vacation is part of tradition for the family. In fact, we have involved our children in most major decisions affecting them - including decision to relocate, choosing a house, choosing schools, etc.

It was a decision early in our parenthood - that we decided to practice a few family values.
One of them is 'participative decision making'. We encourage our children to gather information, be able to discuss their views openly, and be able to accept the final decision and support it wholeheartedly. As part of their development, they have learned to be tolerant of others views and accept rejection without taking it personally. Both tolerance and acceptance require practice and coaching. As parents, LiL and I encouraged use of logic and civil arguments based on facts rather than winning an argument by raising one's voice or relying on aggressive behaviors.

This time around, the topic was 'vacation destination'! By involving them early, we have created the buzz and excitement about the vacation well before the departure date. This in itself provides a good conversation subject. And I believe, that a family needs to have good conversation subjects which bind members of the family together.

Shared plates of starters, main courses, and two plates of brownie with ice creams later - we have agreed on Istanbul as our December vacation destination. It was a close choice between Masai Mara Safari and Istanbul. We decided a better time to visit Masai Mara will be between July to September when the Wilder beast makes their annual migration!!

The ball is now in my court - to book airline tickets!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Brands and me....

Global TOP TEN brands, as reported by Milward Brown Optimor, are...

And here are some of the Top Luxury Brands....
I spent 11 years working in a company which focus on making consumers part with their money buying 'dreams' they wish to come true.
Aspirations and dreams sell! A person with darker skin aspires for a fairer one - hence Fair-n-Lovely skin care! Women aspiring for silky flowing hair buys one of the many shampoo brands off supermarket shelves, paying way above the cost of producing them.

Brands are 'aspirations'! Brands are 'dreams'! Brands are something which the media hype has placed them 'in your minds'! Ok, before you shoot me, of course brands represent appropriate quality and status. Each brand has its own brand promise, made of certain DNA, and bring alive certain personalities.

pictures from abdul halim, and shoes are certified originals! hehehe

Each of the brands in the picture above offers quality and no doubt self gratification to the beholder!

Why people spend their hard earned money on brands requires a full study by experts in human pyschology. Some even spend money which they can hardly afford.

Today's young executives are so vulnerable and conscious of branded luxury goods. They don't think twice about spending as high as 30 to 50 percent of their monthly salary to shop for those items.

I was at a social gathering not too long ago when a young man came and sat at a seat next to mine. He extended his legs forward, carefully lifted the helm of his jeans to expose a pair of 'Branded shoes!'. Walalala - they sure look expensive and smart. I know the young man, and I know that the shoes had to take long walks on stone pavements to find taxi stands. Well you see, the shoes belong to a young executive who has just started in his career and does not even own a car yet. But he chased his dreams .... of owning the second best thing which can carry him around, SHOES!
That observation prompted me to ask a question, but only to myself.
"Why would someone place out of proportion priority on buying luxury brands?"
My own son when asked whether he like to buy a car of 'certain made' gave an instant he reply, "No, the car is for old people!"
Such is his perception of the car. He ended up driving my 5 year old Beetle! The car is 'cool!' according to him. And of course!! - It is my car!!

His clothes are mainly from store labels. Tasteful, smart but not excessive! That to me is getting it right. At his age and earning power, boutique and brands can wait! Right now it is about basics!
"Ukur baju haruslah di badan sendiri!" which simply translates to mean, "Don't spend more than you can afford!"

Brands, especially luxury brands should not be purchased to compensate for things one 'do not have'! When I was young, I used to admire an old Towkay called uncle Chim - he would walk in and out of local banks in Kuala Lumpur wearing Pagoda singlet, Hawaian shorts, and Japanese slippers but with bags and bags of his Malaysian Ringgit!!!
That despite the fact he was wealthy enough to have built a Pagoda, danced to rumba dance on a vacation in Hawai, or to fly weekly for Sushi in Japan....
He was the brand - Towkay Uncle Chim!! When a man is himself a brand, there is Not a need to compensate anything with anything.....

Come to think of it, I wonder why my ex boss was always wearing expensive shoes, suits, and watches?? Ermmmm....'something' missing sir??

Thursday, October 9, 2008


For a few days I went round believing and trying hard to help a friend of mine who has asked me to look for a 'madu' for his wife.
"Eh engkau biar betul!" I asked, bukan sebab jelous tapi sebab rasa macam tak percaya.
"Betul lah!" He sounded grumpy on the other end of the long distance call. I was paying for the call, so I could not quite figure why he was sounding so grumpy. Afterall, shouldn't he be excited when he was about to get a second wife.
"Kenapa?" I asked a follow up question.
"She is not well!" He said, and I noticed the impatience in his voice.
Then he said he had to disconnect, because his boss has entered his office and wanted to speak with him.
"Tolong tau! How much also ok. But I want original one!" He said and hanged up.
"Ciss, sempat pulak melawak mamat ni!" Kata hati aku.

Kamal ( bukan nama sebenar ), as far as I know has been a decent husband and father. He has been married for twenty years. He has had occasional office flirts, but that was about all. So I was surprised when he suddenly brought up the subject of wanting a madu for his wife!

So I have asked a few friends, "Do you know any ladies who do not mind being a second wife?"
The danger with that question was, as I found out, they immediately thought I was looking for a second wife for myself. Oh Nooooo.....LiL God forbids!! hehehehe.
Not me!

So after three days, I sms my friend, "K, hang cari sendiri lah calun isteri hang tu. Aku tak mahu terlibat! Kirim salam kat isteri hang yang sungguh baik tu!"
In less than two minutes, Kamal called me. Tak pernah2 dia tu nak call long distance. Jika ada call pun, setakat miss call and he expect me to call back! Hampehhh, I tell you, so cheap skate like la my friend yang sorang tuh! But this time he called.

"Hello....Apa cerita brother!" I said.
And all I heard was a belly busting laughter from his end. He tried to speak, but instead he continued laughing. Finally, he manage to say, "Oittt pakpayne! Aku suruh hang cari MADU lah weyyy....EMM. AAAY. DEEE. UUU.....MADU yemen tu lah....for my wife. She is not well! Yang hang nak carikan aku bini tu buat apa!!!"

Oh well, was it all in my mind? hehehe.

Coincidently, LiL is not feeling well tonight. Maybe I need to go out and look for madu too for her. hehehe

Sunday, October 5, 2008


A friend at work has been parading his antique cameras - a couple were models which brought me back to yesteryears of the late sixties. Model like the 'Seagulls' - top view, twin lens reflex camera! I used to pose in front of one when I was in standard four because my teacher wanted to include my picture in his Teacher's college report!And he has shown me a few more!

With a wide grin on his face, he told me, "I got this from e-bay!"

Hohoho.....that was one conversation I should not have had. Last weekend I registered myself into e-bay, and truth be told, I am now an addict! I have been bidding everything....from jewelleries to oil paintings, and from antiques to electronics!

In the last two days, have placed bids on 31 items....and I have been staying up late monitoring and counter bidding. There is something about this on-line auction that appeals to people like me.....people with certain 'kiasu' in their DNA. "Oh my God, you are heading for trouble - I can see that coming. Auction means it is also ok to lose, and there must be a limit to everything!!" LiL went berserk with my new found addiction. Even the seventy-five year old white gold ring with a clear Ruby stone which I have bid for USD123 and won failed to excite her.

picture above from e-bay! Go to the gemsymons store here.

Then when I accidently did not close my e-bay window, she took a look at what else were I bidding - she went wild-cat mad!!

"What on earth do you want all those 'cockerels' for? Where do you want to hang them?"

"Hey, there aren't any ordinary cockerels.....!! They are so beautifully painted - with texture of movements and splendid colour tones - they look so alive!!" I reasoned.

Huh....She has seen that I was bidding on seven oil paintings of cockerels. Two of them from the same artist! I just don't know why, but I instantly fell in love with painting of cockerels ! Perhaps it is another sympton of serious mid-life crisis huh??!

Both will be mine after paypal settled payment, and shipment is received! TQ Lisa Gloria, the artist!!

Anyway - of the seven, I was only persistent in seeing to the end two of them - and I paid USD149 for each! I googled the artist's name, and was delighted when I found her blog! And what more - she has actually blogged here, about the two oil painting which I have purchased! Aren't they gorgeous!!! LiL agreed with me that the paintings were splendid, but she still thought I should curb my e-bay hogging! hahahaha.

Now I am secretly looking for a 2 carat solitaire diamond to bid as a 'blackmail present' for her! I have been told, "Diamonds will melt a woman's heart!". I will give it a try. Ermmm, however my gut feel is not so optimistic that my tactic will work. I think, she will really trip off the cliff if she finds out about this one!!
