it is the tradition of the school to engrave the names of Best Students on a plaque hanged on the wall of fame of the school hall.
However you can't find Fuad Abdullah's name. The name you can see taking that space is Yeoh Keat Hean!
There is an enlightening explaination to that. 1978 upon graduating with an Enginerring degree, Yeoh Keat Hean embraced Islam! SubhanaAllah...
I asked him tonight when we met for Iftar, "how did you first got attracted to Islam?"
He answered, "from STAR days. Even when I was in STAR i fasted during Ramadan" Allahuakbar...
He is today a Syariah advisor to a reputable financial institution in Malaysia.
Bro Fuad, after all these years, still is the same vibrant, unassuming, humble and deeply intellectual person whom I admired when he was my senior in STAR.
I was in form one when he left after his MCE exams.
Tonight is out first meeting since then.
May God continue to bless you brother!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device from STC
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