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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Iftar at the Residence of Dato' Hidayat - Consul General Jeddah

Above: In conversation with our Malaysian leaders!
Above: posing with Dato Sri JJ - Duta Besar Malaysia ke USA.
Below: Group photo with invitees to the Iftar at the residence of Dato' Hidayat ( in green baju melayu standing in between myself and Dato JJ) - Consul General Malaysia in Jeddah.
Again and again, I have this unique opportunity to meet with Malaysian politicians, Senior Government officers while I am living in the Middle East. Such is one of the intangible benefits of living abroad. When these public figures visit here, they too would like to meet with Malaysians who are the Malaysian flag bearers overseas. I have been fortunate since the Dubai days, and now extended to my Jeddah days, to have been included in the invitee list of this privileged club.

I am not a politician, and that is also to my advantage. I can express my views freely without any encumbrances, no fear or favor to inhibit my interactions.

Therefore, while I listen to what these senior leaders have to say, I too take the opportunity to provide my feedback on certain issues.

It is no longer responsible to say that issues in Malaysia are for the government of Malaysia to resolve. As a responsible citizen proud to be a Malaysian, I want to be part of the problem and hopefully the solutions too. It is only a remote chance that my views will be carried further than the dining table, but I feel I have done my duty in saying my thoughts.

Thank you Dato Hidayat, the Consul General of Malaysia in Jeddah for inviting me to his residence last night for the Iftar.


  1. is this the same dato' seri Jj the 'rubber' man ?

  2. Pakpin, please delete the above comment from the anonymous writer. I think the comment is not responsible and in bad taste.

    MZ (jeddah)

  3. I can't agree more of JJ the rubber man. Its the known fact, why want to hide the truth.

  4. well, i met Dato JJ when he was here on an umrah trip with his family. He was the guest of Allah.. i prefer to look at the positive side of things. Like a saying goes, "Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future"
    Sama2 lah kita berdoa agar kita termasuk dalam golongan orang2 yang beriman...


  5. ..salam pp..why cant blog have a like button so that I can click on it..? I like this post..and your answer at 4.42 am..cheers and salam Merdeka..
