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Monday, March 15, 2010

If you know her...she died tonight!

It is with deepest regret, shock and sorrow, I am sharing the news of the sudden departure of Ruby Ahmad. She passed on to meet her Creator tonight, at the Gleneagles Medical Center, KL.
Innalillah hi wa inna illai hi ra jiun...Al Fatihah!
Our condolences to her beloved family!
I am sure her departure is mourned by thousands of her friends and fans from all over the world!

Sama2 lah kita berdoa semoga roh beliau bersama para Solihin.....

Her blog here.

Ruby that I came to know through blogging a few years ago has always been a cheerful, friendly, and kind hearted person. I always find her enthusiasm as contagious, and her smile so heart warming. May God Bless you Ruby! Keep on smiling...


  1. Innalillah... I pun terkejut when I read OGA mailing list this morning. I didn't know her personally but I enjoy reading her ideas/thoughts on blog/fb/emails. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat *AlFatihah*

  2. innalillahhi-wainnaillaihi-rajiun!

    i was just informed by a friend in germany who pointed me here. i'm still in shock!

    just saw her comment in fb a few days ago. she was a beautiful lady, in every way. al-fatihah!

  3. Al Fathiha even though I don'tknow her but always read abt her at kak teh's blog...she was a very active lady...semoga roh di cucuri rahmat olin Nya.

  4. Al Fatihah buat Ruby yang suatu ketika dahulu adalah rakan blog saya juga ( loveujordan ), semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat ... sedihnya bila dia pergi tiba-tiba, Allah lebih menyayanginya .

  5. Al Fatihah buat Kak Ruby..

  6. My deepest condolences to her family. I'm totally sadden by the bad news.

  7. I was in shock and sad.Terkejut betul.Al-Fatihah.

  8. al-fatihah buat kak ruby. walaupun tak kenal secara personal tapi pernah la ikuti blog dia...seorang yg positif kalau baca dari tulisannya....

    begitulah kalau dah sampai ajal...tidak sesaat pun akan ditunggu..


  9. Al-Fatihah. Used to follow her blog few years back. Didn't know her very well but I enjoyed reading her views. A very bubbly and loving person.

  10. al-fatihah.. moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..

  11. I am deeply saddened by the news of her departure. Exactly a week ago we were writing to each other, talking about girly stuff. And today, she's left us.

    She's always been so gracious and caring, to think that we've never even met in real life. She had checked on me when DW hit the news and had arranged to meet me when she was here in Dubai. Alas, she wasn't feeling well at the time, and now I know why! May she be kept within Allah's mercy.Amin.

