The past few nights I have been going through the STAROBA official website from cover to cover. So much nostalgia, so many stories told, and secrets unfolded. Even when I was reading funny stories of old, I was biting my lips holding back emotion. Yes, we the STAR boys have 'Been there and done that!" Whether re-written by 'super seniors' or 'juniors', I related to every account of rules broken, every ring of the bells, every mentioned of teachers' names. I was there, and STAR is still very much here. In my heart!
I was low profile then, achieving 'cukup2 makan' in exams and participated just enough in sports to escape being called a 'bodger!' I didn't break too many rules, but I joined a few of the 'crooks' for an occasional smoking session simply to be known as 'rugged' to ward off a couple of seniors who had made advances with intention to treat me as a 'jambu'.
What ever they saw, I was darn certain of one thing, 'jambu' I was not! My tactical move of joining the 'crooks' and to be seen as a 'rugged' was effective. To further convince the persistent one or two, I enrolled myself into the under 15 rugby squad! Little did I knew then, it was the rugby players who were mainly, 'manly'!
Although I didn't want to be known as a 'Jambu', I was conscious not to be labelled as a 'Jebon!' Even at a young age, I was acutely aware of organizational dynamics and psychology. A 'Jebon' was not just the opposite of 'Jambu', it was downright degrading! The stigma might have eroded the self-esteem of a few, way into their adult life, prompting them to over-compensated by marrying more than one wife!! Errr, could this be a theory which can be used to justify? Maybe not! hahaha, so just forget it lah!
During my form 4 / 5 years of 1974 & 1975, I was pretty active in co-curriculum activities. My moderation turned out to be an asset; not many considered me as a threat. I was elected to the committees of a few clubs; memorable were the Science club and the BM club! As it turned out, I was announced as the best student in BM for MCE 1975! Thank you Cikgu Yang Razzali!
STAR built my character. Among others, STAR taught me that it was okay to share; we shared toothpaste and a packet of instant noddle, we shared 'joke beruk' and 'petai jeruk', we shared our joys and our sorrows! We were brothers we didn't want to admit!
On my second day in STAR, I nearly had a fight when an equally new arrival who sat on my bed and made my 'cadar berkedut!' During my final years, he and I rarely had moments when our shirts, trousers, what more cadar were not 'berkedut'. We were 'rugged' and berkedut was stylish! I met him last August when I went back to Malaysia for a brief vacation, I didn't get it at first when he laughed to my face while touching my shoulder. Then he said, "Hang pun dah berkedut! Aku ingatkan dok negara Arab tak berkedut!"
It was just what we needed to throw out formalities and awkwardness after years of physical absence, even if emotionally we have been under each other's skin!
It is funny what we remember of our dear old friends! Two weeks ago, a certain member of red house one year junior to me, came over for Umrah and with some connections via the TKC-OGA we got to meet. His wife and mine happened to be classmates in TKC, and they both decided long time ago that STARIANS were better lovers than MCKK boys! (Amran Rejab, pls note!) From afar, when I first saw him, despite not having met since 1975, I instantly recognized his walk! Of all the things, and after all these years, I remember the way he walk! Then after he greeted me, I remember his voice!
While having coffee, he quipped, "Pak Pin, hang masih funny macam dulu2 jugak!"
'Being Funny' happens to be what he remembers of me!
If I were born again and get to re-live those years in STAR, would there be any thing I would do differently? Nice thought, and one which makes me grinning at the possibilities. I am a sucker for happy ending, and would close this recollection with those thoughts. At least in my mind, I would get a second chance to be a Head Boy, move over Azlan, and I would be forcing my way to the touch line in rugby final with MCKK playing as the fearless wing forward wearing the famous white jersey worn by Jalil Yaakob! the end, it is not the what if's which makes memories of STAR linger on into the sunset of our ages; it is the what have been! I am what I am today because of what I have been through between that space of six years, with everyone who was there as he was! Ah, that includes Miss Pearly, Kak Melah, and anak dara Pak Hasan too, so I just need to be more aware in not being too gender specific!
As a last note, I finally found out who stole my rugby jersey! Hahaha. I shall not name him here, but all is forgiven since we are, after all, brothers~!
Salam Pin,
ReplyDeleteA very interesting anecdote of your yesteryears tenure at our beloved school STAR, well narrated. I hardly remembered you then even though we came from neighbouring districts, Pulai Chondong & Kok Lanas. My years in STAR was '65 -'72.
- Amran Hassan (ur FB friend)
Salam En.Idham,
ReplyDeleteDidoakan sentiasa sihat sejahtera dan berbahgia selalu! :-)
( he!..he! apa kes la Auntie nih?)
p/s: dah agak lama ta kesini.
En Idham yg hensem, gua ciplak artikel En Idham ni masuk kat STAROBA web site. Sorry, gua lama tak masuk blog En Idham pasal gua menghadapi masalah duniawi
ReplyDeleteBagaimanapun En Idham gua censor yang kes curi jersey tu pasal gua sure 110% depa semua akan suspect gua
ReplyDeletePak Pin, Amboi hang masih ingat Mrs Pearly Ong no. I am sure you are not one of those who used to "gelintil" lada putih in class!!!
ReplyDeleteAmran :-) salam...never too late to start something new!
ReplyDeleteAuntie Yan :-) I am honored ma'am every time you drop in...:-)
Rumah Biru :-) oh terima kasih kerana menciplak dan memfofularkan blog saya hehehe.
pasal jersey tu...yang mencurinya...ialah 'brother' kita dari rumah kuning...hehehe. Now let me say, yang telah mengambil sebagai hadiah ...hahaha.
Anonymous dari rumah putih :-)
saya cuba teka lah ye...ramai juga member batch 75 dari rumah putih nie...tapi tapi...saya rasa lah ini nazari ~!!!
You are right on the dot. The guy from the white house is me. Amazing Pak Pin after all these years u masih boleh teka.Just to tell u that I really enjoy this masterpiece of yours. So nostalgic...