Twenty five years ago I fell in love with a girl. My and her parents were informed of our intention to tie the knots with a certain aura of conviction they both agreed. Twenty five years on, we are blessed to be parents to three twenty-something children, two in their teens and a young one who is nine!
Time has definitely change. At least for me! While my parents left me alone in matters of my heart, I have become overly participative when it comes to my own children ~ especially when it comes to matters of choosing their life partners.
There is a girl, a daughter of a family friend, whom I particularly like. I can envisage her as my daughter-in-law. She is seventeen. I imagine her as a life-partner to one of my sons. When I was on the phone today with Fariz, I told him, "Ayah nak introduce you to Auntie A's daughter. You contact dia directly lah! Hopefully you and her will like each other. She is sweet..and perempuan baik dari keluarga baik2!"
Fariz later on joked with his mom, "Why is Ayah sounding like a match maker ! Dia nak kita cari orang Kelantan ke!"
Fariz's comment prompted my wife and I to discuss his point, "Why am I behaving like a match-maker!"
1. I am driven by a strong desire to see my children, sons and daughter, happy in their married lives. As much as possible I want to shelter them from 'bad' people and filter 'bad' people from them.
2. I have seen too many 'rotten' apples that I have become wary of my children's ability to pick a good one from a basket of what seems to be filled with ripe and nice apples. Even girls in tudung have 'done it!' Ermmm, shocking but so true.
3. I am old fashion when it comes to love and finding life partners. There are girls to party with, there are girls to share your life with. Party girls will party with the next guy who can dance better and own flasher car. Life partners, will be there with you comes rain or shine, for life!
I am fortunate myself to have found a life partner in my dear wife!
4. A marriage is an institution made up of many stake-holders. To have a happy marriage, all stake holders are equally important in their respective roles. Thus knowing the family and roots of my potential in-laws is important to me. I want to be able to get along and have a cordial relationship with the parents of my children-in-laws.
5. I have taken 'more salt'! I know my children will probably laugh their belly sick at this particular reasoning. But having taken 'more salt' has given me a fatherly intuition of what will and will not work!
In one sentence, I am participative in my children's lives because I love them and want only the best for them! ~ their education, their career, and their lives!
I wish I can lean back like my parents were twenty five years ago ! I wish...but I can't! Twenty five years ago, kissing a girl was forbidden. Virginity was a virtue. That was twenty five years ago!
I am a modern and open minded father who discusses things like love and romance with my children. At the same time, I am a father with traditional values!
Time has definitely change. At least for me! While my parents left me alone in matters of my heart, I have become overly participative when it comes to my own children ~ especially when it comes to matters of choosing their life partners.
There is a girl, a daughter of a family friend, whom I particularly like. I can envisage her as my daughter-in-law. She is seventeen. I imagine her as a life-partner to one of my sons. When I was on the phone today with Fariz, I told him, "Ayah nak introduce you to Auntie A's daughter. You contact dia directly lah! Hopefully you and her will like each other. She is sweet..and perempuan baik dari keluarga baik2!"
Fariz later on joked with his mom, "Why is Ayah sounding like a match maker ! Dia nak kita cari orang Kelantan ke!"
Fariz's comment prompted my wife and I to discuss his point, "Why am I behaving like a match-maker!"
1. I am driven by a strong desire to see my children, sons and daughter, happy in their married lives. As much as possible I want to shelter them from 'bad' people and filter 'bad' people from them.
2. I have seen too many 'rotten' apples that I have become wary of my children's ability to pick a good one from a basket of what seems to be filled with ripe and nice apples. Even girls in tudung have 'done it!' Ermmm, shocking but so true.
3. I am old fashion when it comes to love and finding life partners. There are girls to party with, there are girls to share your life with. Party girls will party with the next guy who can dance better and own flasher car. Life partners, will be there with you comes rain or shine, for life!
I am fortunate myself to have found a life partner in my dear wife!
4. A marriage is an institution made up of many stake-holders. To have a happy marriage, all stake holders are equally important in their respective roles. Thus knowing the family and roots of my potential in-laws is important to me. I want to be able to get along and have a cordial relationship with the parents of my children-in-laws.
5. I have taken 'more salt'! I know my children will probably laugh their belly sick at this particular reasoning. But having taken 'more salt' has given me a fatherly intuition of what will and will not work!
In one sentence, I am participative in my children's lives because I love them and want only the best for them! ~ their education, their career, and their lives!
I wish I can lean back like my parents were twenty five years ago ! I wish...but I can't! Twenty five years ago, kissing a girl was forbidden. Virginity was a virtue. That was twenty five years ago!
I am a modern and open minded father who discusses things like love and romance with my children. At the same time, I am a father with traditional values!
there are still good girls/boys around..
ReplyDeletecuma kena pandai memilih
sebab the good are like melukut di tepi gantang..
betul ke peribahasa tu yek?
ReplyDeleterasanya, Neeza tak dapat markah penuh tu...hehehe. Melukut d tepi gantang maknanya, di sisih.
yang lebih tepat mungkin, "like looking for a needle in a haystack!"
hahaha...saya tak tahu perumpamaan melayu.
kita akan menjadi jiran senegara tidak lama lagi. :-)
calon untuk along orangnya senegeri ngan uncle kan?
ReplyDeleteWah! It's been a while. :)
ReplyDeleteSo, you're a matchmaker now? Bila nak cari jodoh utk I plak?
**Your ol' fren - 'It's the happy flavor that counts'
adei2..dah kuar dah entry ayah ni..huuu..
ReplyDeletekalo setakat nak berkawan tu acik ok ajer..kenalkan la kat achik..=)
WANZUHA :-) hehehe...calon untuk Along kena lah tanya Along....hehehe.
ReplyDeleteAyahnya kat sideline jer....sambil memerhati dari jauh. hehehe.
Tapi dah bagi green light...
Cahaya :-) 'happy flavor' from Gombak?? no?
hehehe....it has been a long while, my memory is really testing me.
Catfish :-)
ikan keli bukan haruan
ikan haruan makan anak
Fariz sendiri dah bertanyakan
ayah setuju, cuma nak tanya mak!
ishk2..siap berpantun..
ReplyDeletenak balas pantun tak geti..redha jela..huu~~
ReplyDeletebestnya ada ayah yg concern ngan pilihan anak..takpe abg ipin, slow3..kang paksa3 sgt kang dorang lari hehe..
ReplyDeletepost la gambo budak yg bekenan sgt kat hati tu..nak tgk gak..:p
Yes! You got me. :) how have u been?
ReplyDeleteA timely, thought-provocating piece for protective parents everywhere. we want them to go, yet we don't want them to leave. i guess i am guilty of same, trying to matchmake, for the same reason too.. because we like the prospective menantu...
ReplyDeletedying to be a FIL ke Id?kalau nak kat Jellanie ni banyak juga calon2 nya....hehehe
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Abang Id (although my eldest is not even 14 yet!) Hehehe!
ReplyDeleteBut, yeah...I think I would want to find a good calon for my kids, but let them get to know each other for a year or two first, and IF they all serasi and have fallen for each other, THEN only go to the next step of meminang formally ke, etc?
Tak nak lah paksa suruh kawin kalau they all tak nak, kan? :)
Masalahnya - susah jugak nak cari a good calon nowadays...
Hu Hu... Banyak nak cakap sampai tak tercakap.
ReplyDeleteMy grandparents were NOT matchmated. My parents WERE. (Same goes for PE actually). PE and I were NOT matchmated, my kids will be?
Terlalu banyak cerita yang didengar sekarang ni. Di tahap sekolah rendah pun dah mula. Kids are waaay to curiuos. I try my best to be a hands on parent, for now. (send,pick-up fr school, know his friends n their parents) Guess when my son leaves the coop I hope whatever yang telah dibekalkan cukup. It's even tougher for girls. My Adeena is only 2 but I worry for her already,it's a tough world for girls now. Tak kisah la jadi katak bawah tempurung, it'll be a long time before I let her go out and face the world on her own.
p/s: isn't 17 a bit young Pp.. ke Pp nak book before disambar? :)
Salam PP,
ReplyDeleteMemang menjadi hasrat setiap ibu bapa inginkan supaya anak2 mereka mendapat jodoh yang pasangan yang soleh/solehah dan setiap perkahwinan kekal hingga ke akhir hayat.
Namun kita hanya mampu merancang, dan berusaha. Selainnya kita berserah kepadaNya untuk menentukan. Dia sahaja yang tahu apa yang terbaik untuk setiap makhluknya.
Seperti mana Dia telah menemukan tuan dengan pasangan yang sungguh padan. Alhamdulilah. Wallahua'lam.
ps. Akan ke Jedah ke? Tidak teruskan niat untuk kembali menabur bakti di Malaysia?
Apa pun selamat maju jaya didoakan. InsyaAllah.
ReplyDeletePakPayne, I like this entry!!
Hmm.. although Inas is only 6.. I have to admit I sometimes think about this also.. Haha!! Too early? :P
nie nak buat kenduri jemput menantu kat maner agaknya?
ReplyDeletebiler nak dilangsungkan nie?
catfish & AD :-)
ReplyDeletemalam ni Along balek ke KL tu...u berdua boleh lah bincang apa key points from entry ayah d atas tu ye hehehe...
Qimy :) pernah saya postkan gambar gadis itu ...dalam entry mengenai career talk di dubai...the first picture tu lah dia!! hehehe
sweet kan!
CAHAYA :) i hv been so good...mentening my happy flavour!! hahaha
Puteri Kama :-) dah berjaya ke puteri match making anak2 tu...?
ReplyDeleteBest kan bila anak2 dah besar2 nie...bila nampak anak2 kawan2 jer...kepala dok fikir, eh sesuai ke idak ye!! hehehe
Kak Elle :-) gamaknya la kan...saya ni dah tak sabar nak bermenantu la nie....hehehe.
ada calon....wow, best tu...lagi ramai lagi meriah kan...
wanshana..:-) baru 14....never too early...your motherly instinct tetap mahu memastikan yang terbaik untuk mereka ..kan!
Mrs A :-)
yes, nak intro kepada my son supaya mereka boleh berkenalan, berkawan....mana tau, jika ada jodoh ....
Zabs :-)
Harus lah kita berserah ...begitulah kehendakNya. Peranan saya memperkenalkan anak2 dengan rakan2 yang saya rasa baik budi pekerti, dan dari keluarga yang baik2....lebih baik rasanya dari mereka berkenalan dari alam maya...hehehe.
Little Muffins :-) never too early!
Dengan kita memikirkan hal2 begini, kita mendidik anak2 kita supaya menjadi seorang yang pada fikiran kita terbaik untuk di jadikan calon menantu oleh bakal mertua mereka...
errr....boleh faham ka saya cakap tu!
Mom of two :-)
Bila tu....kenalah tanya tuan punya diri.
D mana tu...hehehe....di Dubai boleh! Di Kelantan boleh! Di mana bumi di pijak di situ langit di junjung ..hehehe
Jong kako jange rungsing, ramai bulih keroh. hehehehe
ReplyDeleteYou have very valid points, PP. Paling takut kalau anak2 tersalah pilih jodoh. Even if they find their own match, mesti lulus scrutiny dulu, tak? I think they should also really take time to get to know each other (and for the families to know one another), tahu hati budi betul-betul, berulah boleh buat decision.
ReplyDeleteAwatla Pak Payne risau... Biar la anak2 pilih sendiri...
ReplyDeletePuteri saya satu je...Tapi saya dah pesan kat dia...siapa pun yang dipilih, saya setuju. Asalkan dianya Islam. Tapi ada syaratnya: tidak terlalu kaya dan tidak terlalu miskin. Kerana saya tak mahu anak saya jadi melukut di tepi gantang atau dikata orang tak reti bawa diri...
Ehem...Pak Payne punya benchmark untuk menantu tinggi sangat la...
Yang Ariff,
ReplyDeleteWith minimum 6 candidates to be your menantu..Ever consider outsourcing?!
As any parent worths his salt it is normal to wish the best for our kids.
A hj
rusdi :-) hehehe...ppalorr gulai adorr doh tuh....
Queen of the House :-)
ya betol...harus ambil masa untuk mengenali dulu.
my role is to intro....after that up to them la to be friends...or to jatuh cinta ka....
but at least kita akan intro siapa yang kita rasa pass the scrutiny on asal usul, on keimanan, on budi pekerti...
Suria :-)
eh, bench mark saya biasa jer...tak de apa2 kriteria selain dari ...berasal dari keluarga baik2, ada iman, dan baik budi pekerti. Itu sahaja bench mark nya...
A...Hj :-)
Rugi lah jika outsource...this role is one of the joys of parenthood...i enjoy having little and lights conversations with my children about life....
and about romance!
ReplyDeleteSometimes it's just the right timing factored into the right situation with the right parents and the right person..
I think I'll be happy and my parents played a big role in it. Belum cari loceng lagi tapi insyaAllah..
The beauty is not just in the find but also in the finding. I don't know if I'll be as involved as you are now but I don't see why not :)
ReplyDeleteGood choice. I noticed the picture has been removed. Ha ha...
Apa2 hal pun jgn lupa jemput kalau jadi.
saya sokong, PP..teramat baikkkk la budaknya..
laaa.. salah ke?? hahaha!!
ReplyDeleteooo.. welcome back to saudi!!
bestnya duduk Jeddah.. dekat dengan Mekah..