Summer Surprise!

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Island Escapade - Malaysians in UAE!

Bernama report HERE.
From Mastura's blog HERE.

Success wipes away any signs of tiredness and exhaustion. To have seen smiles on the faces of 300 Malaysian who were there on the Island Escapade ~ that was the magic of satisfaction felt by the organizers of the event, MyUAEPRO!
His Excellency Dato Yahya Abdul Jabar, the Malaysian Ambassador to the UAE repeatedly expressed his pride and joy to see the great Malaysian spirit conquering the inhibited island for a day!
Besides sun-tan, all participants hopefully went away re-energized and rejuvenated!
Tuan Syed Hasrin, the Consul General was one active participants, mingling and competing with Malaysians.

As organizers, MyUAEPRO can take pride in knowing everyone of the participants had a jolly good time. We thank our sponsors, especially Mr Teo of TAK!
Other kind sponsors are Veritas, Mutiara Restaurant, Nutrilite, Iffco through Tiffany and London Dairy products, and MAS.


  1. Wahh!! Seronoknya!!

    Congratulations on the success :)

  2. seghemo napok enjoy blako tu!

    lawanyo matahari tuuu...
