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Thursday, March 12, 2009 closer to home than you think!

When I arrived in the UK for the first time in mid 70s, amongst things I was excited about was to visit Soho. There had been so much hype about what were going on in Soho amongst Malaysian students who have 'been there and seen that'! I could not helped but be curious.
However I was not placed in London. From the Heathrow airport, a group of senior Malaysian students whisked us directly to various little towns where we were placed to do our A levels. Mine was to be in a little town called Grantham! Other new and more noble things to which I was exposed to made me forget about Soho and all of its porn glories.

Now in 2009, the porno virus is much closer to all of us including our children than Soho was to me back then in the seventies. A porn virus lurches in clouds above us, carried by porno websites and made accessible only by a few click of the keyboards. If I was curious back then, why would I not want to believe that my children would harbour similar curiosity today. I did not get to entertain my curiosity due all the complexities associated with having to physically go to Soho ~ but what would stop my children from surfing even accidentally into such websites from their laptops in the comfort of their own rooms?

A fourteen year old may do a search of the word "Boobs" and may get to see what he was hoping to see in all of their fleshy glories. What seemed like an adolescent innocent curiosity about a human anatomy can easily ended up with a peek into a full-fledge porn pictures and videos. At least here in the Middle East, I can breath easy that almost all of such sites are screened and banned by internet service providers! I would like to believe this is true...although I know of employers who have terminated the employment of their staff for browsing into porno sites at work. How on earth those staff managed to penetrate the firewalls???

Some facts:
1. There is full nudity on MySpace and, according to a recent survey, there are also 26,000 registered sex offenders on the site.
2. 90% of children in the UK have looked at porn online and the average age for first time view is eleven!
3. 50% of all internet traffic is related to sex and porno sites.

Now consider this, "Your own children may have visited such sites too....!"
You can say, " No never!" and be in a state of denial for the sake of wanting to feel good about your children or you can be a little more accepting of current reality and find ways to guide and educate them about porn and what bad influence those porn sites can give them.

Realizing that whether I like it or not, Porn is so close to home, I have chosen the later. I let my children know first of all that in the UAE it is illegal to view porno pictures and videos or go into porn sites! People caught doing so can be deported! It is that serious....Second of all, I let them know all the bad things that can happen from indulging in porn. Thirdly, I relate to teachings of Islam....about why our religion has forbidden display of Aurat! There are good reasons....

"Curiosity in children, is but an appetite for knowledge. One great reason why children abandon themselves wholly to silly pursuits and trifle away their time insipidly is, because they find their curiosity balked, and their inquiries neglected!"
- John Locke

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

When a father becomes a match-maker!

Twenty five years ago I fell in love with a girl. My and her parents were informed of our intention to tie the knots with a certain aura of conviction they both agreed. Twenty five years on, we are blessed to be parents to three twenty-something children, two in their teens and a young one who is nine!

Time has definitely change. At least for me! While my parents left me alone in matters of my heart, I have become overly participative when it comes to my own children ~ especially when it comes to matters of choosing their life partners.

There is a girl, a daughter of a family friend, whom I particularly like. I can envisage her as my daughter-in-law. She is seventeen. I imagine her as a life-partner to one of my sons. When I was on the phone today with Fariz, I told him, "Ayah nak introduce you to Auntie A's daughter. You contact dia directly lah! Hopefully you and her will like each other. She is sweet..and perempuan baik dari keluarga baik2!"

Fariz later on joked with his mom, "Why is Ayah sounding like a match maker ! Dia nak kita cari orang Kelantan ke!"

Fariz's comment prompted my wife and I to discuss his point, "Why am I behaving like a match-maker!"

1. I am driven by a strong desire to see my children, sons and daughter, happy in their married lives. As much as possible I want to shelter them from 'bad' people and filter 'bad' people from them.

2. I have seen too many 'rotten' apples that I have become wary of my children's ability to pick a good one from a basket of what seems to be filled with ripe and nice apples. Even girls in tudung have 'done it!' Ermmm, shocking but so true.

3. I am old fashion when it comes to love and finding life partners. There are girls to party with, there are girls to share your life with. Party girls will party with the next guy who can dance better and own flasher car. Life partners, will be there with you comes rain or shine, for life!
I am fortunate myself to have found a life partner in my dear wife!

4. A marriage is an institution made up of many stake-holders. To have a happy marriage, all stake holders are equally important in their respective roles. Thus knowing the family and roots of my potential in-laws is important to me. I want to be able to get along and have a cordial relationship with the parents of my children-in-laws.

5. I have taken 'more salt'! I know my children will probably laugh their belly sick at this particular reasoning. But having taken 'more salt' has given me a fatherly intuition of what will and will not work!

In one sentence, I am participative in my children's lives because I love them and want only the best for them! ~ their education, their career, and their lives!
I wish I can lean back like my parents were twenty five years ago ! I wish...but I can't! Twenty five years ago, kissing a girl was forbidden. Virginity was a virtue. That was twenty five years ago!

I am a modern and open minded father who discusses things like love and romance with my children. At the same time, I am a father with traditional values!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Island Escapade - Malaysians in UAE!

Bernama report HERE.
From Mastura's blog HERE.

Success wipes away any signs of tiredness and exhaustion. To have seen smiles on the faces of 300 Malaysian who were there on the Island Escapade ~ that was the magic of satisfaction felt by the organizers of the event, MyUAEPRO!
His Excellency Dato Yahya Abdul Jabar, the Malaysian Ambassador to the UAE repeatedly expressed his pride and joy to see the great Malaysian spirit conquering the inhibited island for a day!
Besides sun-tan, all participants hopefully went away re-energized and rejuvenated!
Tuan Syed Hasrin, the Consul General was one active participants, mingling and competing with Malaysians.

As organizers, MyUAEPRO can take pride in knowing everyone of the participants had a jolly good time. We thank our sponsors, especially Mr Teo of TAK!
Other kind sponsors are Veritas, Mutiara Restaurant, Nutrilite, Iffco through Tiffany and London Dairy products, and MAS.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Island Escapade - Hilang penat!

Bernama report HERE.
From Mastura's blog HERE.

Success wipes away any signs of tiredness and exhaustion. To have seen smiles on the faces of 300 Malaysian who were there on the Island Escapade ~ that was the magic of satisfaction felt by the organizers of the event, the MyUAEPRO!
His Excellency Dato Yahya Abdul Jabar, the Malaysian Ambassador to the UAE repeatedly expressed his pride and joy to see the great Malaysian spirit conquering the unhibited island for a day!
Besides sun-tan, all participants hopefully went away re-energized and rejuvenated!
Tuan Syed Hasrin, the Consul General was one active participants, mingling and competing with Malaysians.

As organizers, the MyUARPRO can take pride in knowing everyone of the participants had a jolly good time. We thank our sponsors, especially Mr Teo of TAK!
Other kind sponsors are Veritas, Mutiara Restaurant, Nutrilite, Iffco through Tiffany and London Dairy products, and MAS.