Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Salah siapa?

"Cantiknya biru...." tegur gadis.
"Cantik lagi ungu...." bisik teruna.
"Saya suka kamu...." Sambung teruna.
"I like you too...." reaksi gadis.

"Nak ka?" tanya gadis.
"Nak bagi ka?" tanya teruna.
"Jika awak nak, saya bagi la..." kata gadis.
"Jika awak bagi, saya nak la..." Kata teruna.

Perempuan dan lelaki itu kemudiannya resah dalam penyesalan.

Yang memberi menuntut janji
Menggigit jari
Lukisan teratai di kanvas tercemar
Kerana rakus nafsu sebentar
Biru dan ungu, terus kelabu
Meniti perjalanan kelikir berdebu

Soalannya: Salah siapa.....?

Jawapannya: ibu dan bapa!

**Semoga anak anak kita tidak begitu!!**

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is at the center....?

What we place at the center of our lives determines what go on around it. True or False?
The Sun is at the center of the universe and all other planets revolves around it. Likewise, whatever we place at the center of our life - other activities will inadvertently be influenced by it.
All parents must have gone through a period in their lives when everything from their sleeping time to their social activities seems to be revolving around the baby of the house. For example, going out has to be delayed due to a baby's sleeping time.
At one stage of my life, pleasure was at the center of my life. During that time, I seek pleasurable activities - some were actitivities which I would not have approved my children to even try.

At another time, my life priorities and decisions were centered around my career. My wife's career has to take a back seat then, and my children changed schools and left their friends behind. Fortunately for me, wife and children were supportive.
I believe in the saying, "What our mind can conceive, we can achieve". Steven Covey in his Seven Habits book talked about - everything are created twice! The first creation being in our mind, and the second creation being the physical or real creation.

Hence, I believe in having a personal vision - a kind of a picture of what I want to achieve in life at a given time.

For a long time until recent past, the picture of my personal vision has been that of 'material' things. In my mind I created wealth - houses in our names, dollars in our bank accounts, and other things symbolic of success such as car, holidays, gadgets.....etc.

For a long time, I thought what I wanted was 'to be wealthy!!'

I was wrong.

What I failed to recognize was the 'real center' - by answering the question, "why do I want wealth?"
At the core of my life pursuits has in fact been 'family'. I pursue those material things in order to provide for my family.
Therefore, it is very important to really get to the bottom of my inner self and finding 'the center' of my life. What is it I am placing there - And what is it I really want to place there. I can almost hear people whispering, "But of course it must be Religion...!" That is true. But it is an over simplistic answer. For first we must answer what 'is' there before we can move to what 'should' be there.

Hopefully, I am making the right 'move' in doing a self-assessment of my own 'center' at this time - and in realizing that what I real want to be at the center of my life is indeed 'Islam' and not wealth or family.

Therefore my virtuos circle is to be surrounded with activities which identify me as a muslim and which enhances my quality of life as a muslim and prepare me to die as a muslim.
A balanced circle of success, I have been told has to be surrounded by activities which improve our life in six areas:

- Spiritual; which for me is faith in Islam.

- Family; not limited to our immediate family.

- Health; That of ours and our loved ones

- Career; An ideal situation is when a career is designed around a life, and not the other way round.

- Social; networking and increasing our circle of influences, pursuing specific hobbies etc

- Wealth / Financial
What we place at the center will influence how type of activities and how much time we allocate in pursuit of all the six elements!
For example, a situation where we are caught in a traffic jam can result in different outcome depending on what is at the center of our life.
If we places 'career' at the center - we may be using the time making many business phone calls. However, if we are centered around family - we will be using the time to call our wife and childen. We may even call the bakery nearby our house and ask them to deliver a cake with a message, "Caught in a jam - and I was thinking of you!"
On the other hand, if Islam is at the center - the person caught in the jam may call our family and ask them not to wait for him for the 'jemaah prayer' but to go ahead and pray. He would stop at the next safe place to perform his own prayer. He uses the time to listen to Quran CD.
And guess what? All of the above can be done from the same situation. The difference is, by having Islam at the center of our life - we will be doing those actions 'dengan kerana Allah'.
The thing at the center of our life will definitely influences our actions - consciously or subconsciously.
Wallah Hu Aklam!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Jalan-jalan cari mesjid - part 3!

Alhamdullillah, syukur! - 'Jalan Jalan Mencari Mesjid minggu ketiga telah selamat selesai!'

Syukur ke atas nikmat Allah yang telah memberi peluang kepada kami untuk meneruskan 'jalan jalan mencari mesjid' untuk minggu ketiga ke Ras Aal Khaimah. Kami selamat pergi dan pulang, dan di sepanjang perjalanan terbuka hati untuk melihat, mendengar, dan berkongsi bersama - pengajaran dan ilmu2 Allah untuk membawa diri dan hati kami lebih dekat kepadaNya.

Syukur tak terhingga, kerana hari ini sepanjang hari aku tidak diserang penyakit pening2 seperti tiga hari sebelumnya.
Hari ini ingatan aku kepada kedua ibu dan ayah begitu kuat sekali. Masih nyata di ingatan bagaimana ibu semasa hayatnya begitu sabar dan tidak jemu2 mengingatkan aku supaya jangan sekali2 meninggalkan Solat dan jangan berbuat perkara2 Mungkar yang di larang Allah. Peranan ibubapa dalam mendidik anak2 adalah salah satu topik yang kami bincangkan dalam perjalanan.
Bagaimana pula prestasi aku dalam hal ini?
Mungkinkah anak-anak aku dapat merasai kasih sayang dri aku, seperti aku telah merasai kasih sayang dari ibu dan bapa aku dulu?
Jika ada satu permintaan dari aku untuk anak2, akan aku gumpalkan permintaan itu merupakan doa untuk mereka, "semoga anak2 ku hidup dan mati mereka di dalam keimanan!"

'Jalan jalan mencari Mesjid' ialah satu idea yang aku cadangkan kepada sahabat2 untuk memenuhi ruang masa setelah isteri dan anak2 pulang bercuti ke Malaysia. Surah 'Al-Asr, Demi Masa..."

وَٱلۡعَصۡرِ (١) إِنَّ ٱلۡإِنسَـٰنَ لَفِى خُسۡرٍ (٢) إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلۡحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوۡاْ بِٱلصَّبۡرِ

memberi aku peringatan untuk menggunakan masa hujung minggu yang terluang dengan sebaik mungkin.
Syukur Alhamdullillah aku mempunyai sahabat2 yang sehaluan. Begitulah di antara perkara yang dibangkitkan sewaktu Tazkirah kami tadi - 'bagaimana kita menggunakan masa, dan peranan sahabat2 dalam kehidupan kita'.

Sepanjang 'jalan-jalan mencari mesjid' kami singgah di sekurang2nya tujuh mesjid pada setiap hari Jumaat untuk solat sunat, beristiqamah kerana Allah, dan bertazkirah mengingati sesama sendiri. Tujuan kami ialah untuk menziarah kesemua tujuh Emiriyah di UAE.

Kata sdr Hasnol, di antara tokoh yang boleh kita tauladani dalam pengisian masa ialah Tuan Guru Nik Aziz yang menjadikan Allah sebagai paksi kepada jadual harian beliau. Pagi2 ada Kuliah subuh, di pejabat pula ada kuliah untuk warga di pejabat, dan masih ada waktu untuk berurusan parti dan urusan rakyat.
Tadi kami juga berbincang mengenai 'kematian', dan kata Sdr ZBA - orang yang pandai memang ramai, tetapi orang yang cerdik itu sedikit. Orang pandai sebab mereka belajar di sekolah atau di University. Orang cerdik - ialah mereka yang mengingati kematian, dan memenuhi aktiviti kehidupan membuat persiapan untuk mati!
Salah satu tajuk lain yang di ketengahkan ialah mengenai 'prasangka buruk dan bersangka baik'. Kami mengingati diri sendiri untuk sentiasa bersangka baik dengan manusia lain terutama sesama Islam.
Alhamdullillah syukur - dua belas jam di hari ketiga kami 'jalan jalan mencari mesjid' semakin mengeratkan hubungan kami sebagai saudara Islam. Tidak lupa kami mengucapkan ribuan terimakasih kepada abang Amin dan isteri Puan Laila kerana menjamu kami dengan nasi goreng istimewa pagi tadi sebelum kami berangkat. Semoga Allah jua membalas ingatan kasih dari saudara berdua. Aku juga ingin mengucapkan terimakasih kepada sdr Mushil yang telah menyertai kami buat pertama kali dan telah memandu Previa beliau sepanjang perjalanan.

Di penghujung perjalanan kami berkesempatan singgah di Shooting club di Sharjah untuk beriadah menembak menggunakan pistol Beretta-92 yang menggunakan peluru hidup! Pertama kali untuk aku menembak menggunakan pistol real dan peluru real. Aku sendiri tidak menyangka dengan kebolehan aku menembak! Not bad at all for a first timer.

Aku di beritahu, harga sebutir peluru lebih kurang limabelas sen! Begitu murah rupanya satu nyawa jika petikan di hujung jari di salah gunakan.....

Panggilan azan dapat di dengar di mana-mana bila tiba waktunya. Berhentikah dari aktiviti kehidupan kita untuk bersolat ? Dan di sini, kita dapat melihat bagaimana Ummah mempermudahkan solat. Mereka bersolat di mana-mana. Buruh kelihatan berjemaah di lokasi kerja, anak2 muda bersolat di bahu2 jalan. Bila kedengaran azan, mereka pun mengambil masa untuk bersolat. Begitulah .....
Peserta Jalan jalan cari Mesjid part 3 : Hasnol, KP, Mushil, Zuhairi, Adie, dan yours truly!
More pictures here from Sdr Zuhairi, dan tulisan beliau di sini.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Rezki 'Bujang' summer time....

Murah sungguh rezki 'summer time bachelors'. Setelah di layan mesra oleh Imran dan Zaida for a wonderful dinner selera kampung, malam ini bujang sesama bujang bertemu pula di rumah Ajim di Dubai Marina. Potluck orang bujang kali ini quite special. Pertamanya, Ajim tidak menggunakan disposable plates or cups - semua proper china-wares. Keduanya, pertemuan 'bujang bujang' ini turut di sertai oleh seorang puteri, the one and only Putri! I was quite impressed when I saw no pile up of dishes in the sink after the meals - bujang2 telah bersuka rela membasuh pinggan mangkuk!
Sempat juga bertemu dengan Sdr Zainal yang baru sebulan di Dubai. Mudah mesra orangnya! Welcome to Dubai....
To Ajim, Thank You brother! Boleh ajak kami time, kita siapkan DVD sekali!!
I really love the view from Ajim's balcony.....beautiful and captivating!! Sayang tak bawa my no pictures!
Cerita pasal murah rezki nie, semasa makan-makan tadi dapat pulak dua lagi offer makan free untuk besuk. Rupa-rupanya projek kami 'jalan jalan mencari Mesjid - part 2 ke Abu Dhabi' besuk mendapat perhatian dari Sdr Abang Amin dan Puan Laila. Mereka offer pulak untuk membekal kumpulan kami dengan sarapan pagi bungkus sebelum bertolak besuk. Ahamdullillah....semoga perjalanan kami di berkati, dan semoga budi baik Amin suami isteri di balas dengan kebaikan juga oleh Allah. Belum pun habis dok pekena sup tulang di rumah Ajim tadi, dapat pula satu lagi jemputan. Kali ini Putri menjemput kumpulan 'jalan jalan cari mesjid' ke rumah beliau untuk dinner malam besuk sekembali dari perjalanan kami. InsyAAllah kami akan sampai.....dan terlebih dahulu, saya panjangkan ucapan terimakasih. Semoga Allah jua membalas kemurahan hati Putri itu.
Buat pengetahuan pembaca budiman di Dubai, kami belum lagi menolak sebarang jemputan. Bahkan jika ada yang berhajat untuk menjemput kami makan-makan, sangatlah di alu-alukan.
'Jalan jalan mencari Mesjid part 3 pada hari Jumaat July 18th akan ke RAK dan Um Al Quwain'
Jika ada yang berhajat untuk turut serta sila beritahu saya atau rakan2 yang lain.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Di meja makan itu.....

Gendang gendut tali kecapi
Kenyang perut kenapa nampak macam susah hati>??

Di meja makan itu, kami di jamu dengan makanan lazat dan berzat malam tadi. Kami di layan mesra dan istimewa. Mungkin sebab tuan rumah begitu perihatin dengan jiwa raga 'bujang bujang' berkelana di musim panas ini. Apa-apa pun kami begitu menghargai - terasa masih ada yang sayang!
Aku bersama Hasnol, KP, Anakandaku Adi sebagai 'bujang musim panas' menjadi tetamu kepada Sdr Imran dan Puan Zaida malam tadi. Sdr Rusdi dan isteri wakil tunggal persatuan 'tidak bujang' ada bersama.
Jemputan dari Imran berbunyi, "kami menjemput bujang-bujang sementara, bukan apa cuma boleh makan sama, sembahyang sama2, dan sembang sama2."
Selepas makan, di meja itu, kami minum-minum. "What do you think will happened now?" Soalan dari Imran bagaikan mengundang perbualan ke arah pergolakan politik di Malaysia. Bila perut perut sudah berisi, kita berbual kosong. Komentar, perbincangan, kritikan dan bual bual politik memang menjerumus kepada perbualan kosong. Kata orang, "Pi mai pi mai - tang tu jugak!" Cuma dalam suasana politik semasa, aku lebih cenderung menulis, "Pi mai Pi mai - tang belakang jugak!"
Di meja makan itu, kami sering berpandangan sebelum menjawap soalan Imran. Walaupun ada perbezaan dalam pendapat ke mana arah tuju politik tanah air, kami sebulat suara bersetuju - rakyat juga yang telah, sedang dan akan terus kerugian! Semakin kita bincang pasal SD, Sodomi, spekulasi, tuduhan, tohmahan, semakin hanyut kita mengikut arus kehendak mereka yang gagal menjalankan amanah dan tanggung jawap! Semakin kita berdebat mengenai " Did he or didn't he done it?" semakin kita terlupa mengenai harga minyak yang begitu menghimpit! Bagaikan di ulit-ulit, kita terlena dalam igaun ngeri.....dan bila kita terjaga nanti, orang itu mungkin masih terlena dan negara kita mungkin sudah pun tergadai.
Politically speaking, we are screwed sodomized!! SD'ed!! C4'ed ermm, whatever lah!!
The conversation about politics was getting more and more depressing. We were saved from a total dismay by Puan Zaida who served us 'bubur kacang masuk lempuk'! Perut bertambah berisi, bermakna sembang sembang kAmi harus bertukar menjadi bertambah kosong.
A favourite 'topik kosong' is none other than how to make millions of dollars without coming out with millions in capital, and without sweating it out in the hot summer heat.
Kadang-kadang kita Malaysians yang merantau sebagai professional ni merasakan kita ni dah cukup terrer - maklumlah ada kelulusan, banyak pengalaman, dan kuat pula semangat! Tanpa semua tu manakan sampai kita di perantauan ini. Sedar atau tidak mungkin begitulah yang kita fikirkan. "So, if have been successful in coming this far - surely we can go much further now that we are wiser and smarter!"
My answer, "Nope, wrong!!!"
"What got us to this point in our life, won't take us to the next point!!"
What have given you many thousands of dollars, will not make you millions. What has made you successful in climbing the corporate ladder to be a manager, will not make you a CEO!
And my stomach is still too full with delicious food from Puan Zaida's dining table that I can't think of answers to the million dollar question of " How to make a million dollar!".
Perut berisi, kita jadi sleepy.
So....I wish you goodnight.
To Imran and Zaida, thank you daun keladi.
Semoga akan terus dimurahkan rezki!
Malam tadi, Berisi perut kami!
To my kawan-kawan sama-sama 'bujang' - thank you, seronok jugak tadi dapat sama sama sembang-sembang walaupun kosong!
Masa nak turun lift tadi, Hasnol berbisik, "Masih ada yang sayang kat kita yang bujang ni pakpayne"
Dan dari matanya aku nampak kerinduan kepada isteri dan anak-anak yang sudah berada di Malaysia. Dan dari lubuk hatiku, sememangnya aku tahu - aku juga dilamun rindu!
Tadi di meja makan itu.....kami mengingati mu, isteri!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

"Jalan Jalan cari Mesjid!"

Beautiful pictures as captured by Sdr ZBA - Here.

A week ago I wrote about projek 'bujang musim panas' ingin menjelajah UAE menziarah sebanyak mungkin Mesjid. Six of us did just that last Friday July 4th. For this time, we focused on Fujeirah.

Al Bidyah Mosque above.
Below is KP in prayer at our second stop over. Most mosques in UAE do not normally have names.

Above, At the fifth Mosque - Hasnol was seen taking a break from Fujeirah's melting temperature to check for latest news from Malaysia's political melting pots. Below, the beautiful Mosque on the Corniche where we performed Jumaat Prayer.

Above, at the Friday market on Dhaid road. We can go bananas with so many fresh fruits on offer at low prices. I bought some Rambutans, and the fruits were as fresh as any found along Malaysian's highways.
Below, captured moments of rejoicing at the end of the trip - at Nik's abode. We were treated to delicious fried Macaroni and ever so refreshing 'Iced cold Longan drink'. Thank you NiK for being so gracious with your hospitality.

While enjoying the food, we were already talking with excitement and anticipation about next week's trip. We may go into top gear next week - if an idea suggested by KP is to materialize. Next week, we may go Al Ain and Abu Dhabi! If there are others who are keen to join this expedition, please let anyone of us know.

On the trip were: Mr ZBA, Hasnol, Adie = click their names to go to their blogs, and also Imran dan KP ( both have no blogs ).

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

(updated) Jemputan ke rumah 'bujang'....!

'the ladies'

Latest update post the 'dinner menu orang bujang' dan tazkirah malam Jumaat!

I left the office heading for LuLu supermarket to get beef ribs for the soup, all kind of disposables from plates to spoons, onions, ginger, garlics and daun sup! I called LiL to check if there were 'beras' at home - she said, beras and everything I have put in my trolley except the tulang tu pun dah ada di rumah. Left Lulu at 5pm. Huh - not much time left.
Wah, tak tahan nangis masa peeling the onions. Huh, why like that....I never saw LiL suffered like I did when she was doing the onions. Then, I could not light the gas burner - tried all the knobs and pressed all the buttons. I called LiL, of course. She laughed. Five minutes and aed20 dirham of long distance call later, she diagnosed the problem for me. I forgot to switch on the power supply - hence no sparks ! Betul-betul bujang terlajak case....hahahaha.

Tumis bawang, garlic dan ginger - bau sungguh enak!

Washed and rinsed the beef ribs using limau nipis to bilaskan - I didn't know why limau nipis, but I have seen LiL doing that before so I did! Put beef into pressure cooker and added three uncang of sup adabi. Set fire to low. All set!
Phewww......what a relief! Menjadi dah soup.....

KP, Imran and his family arrived - more relief! KP helped to set up the tables. Imran's wife Puan Zaida helped to cook the rice. How much rice to cook? I called LiL again to ask. Aha - we estimated for 20 people.

Rezki orang bujang murah! Zaida brought a pot of her own cooked soup, and vegetables. Rusdi and wife Mastura brought telur dadar. Nik and his family arrived with kueh 'hijau' I think it was called bengka, and fried beef. Hasnol brought more drinks. Someone bawa tembikai, but I did not know who. Zaida also brought a cake - aha, what we did not know - it was their second daughter's second birthday! Happy birthday Ilham - berbaju merah jambu, sungguh comel! I felt honoured that Imran and Zaida have chosen to celebrate Ilham's birthday at the 'majlis makan makan menu bujang!' Alahai, if only pakcik uncle tau, mesti dah beli hadiah.

After Isya prayer, we had the Friday night Tazkirah from brother Hasnol. All listened attentively. Brother Hasnol is gifted with 'story telling' skills. He captivated us with his story from a leaf of glorious Islamic history. His messages were many, but there was one which infiltrated into my veins, "Each one of us has a role to play to uphold the truth of Islam".

'pasangan bahagia - rusdi dan mastura!'

I want to thank all present tonight - the twelve men, five ladies and everyone of the children. To Ilham, we wish you a HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY!
This evening I received this sms from LiL, "Oh, pokok ku dah layu...hehehe. Enjoy ur tazkirah. goodnite".

The pokok sudah disiram, cuma dia mash merajuk. We will keep trying to bring it back to life.....hehehe.
The original posting - Pre Dinner!

Jemputan ke rumah 'bujang'!

Today, I sent out an invitation to a few people in Dubai to my 'summer bachelor' house for majlis makan-makan menu bujang, tazkirah malam Jumaat bersama Ustaz Hassan ( Patani ) di samping mengeratkan Sillaratulrahim. If everyone accept the invitation then we will have a good 25 plus people.

I must say, it was a bold move - since I have not been known as an accomplished cook, and the only decent meal I have prepared for my family has been a pot of oxtail soup. My friend KP immediately sent me a text message upon receiving my invitation, "Nak masak apa?" There is a tone of concern in his message. I called him and a few others. We made up plans! One thing really assuring about my circle of friends here in Dubai is the "Can Do" attitude.

InsyAAllah - we will have decent foods on the table for our guests tomorrow. And hopefully, our meeting will be blessed.

My friend KP and I planned to do some grocery shopping after work today. A last minute change of plan took us to the corniche of Jumeirah beach - for an Ikan Bakar dinner with Adlil and three others. We had a jolly time sharing not only fish and Puratha, but especially lots of jokes and humour. Our laughter attracted one Malaysian from another table to come over to say hello. In fact he said, "Dari mana?" and we had a good laugh when Bob spontaneously answered, "Marina!" Of course that guy had meant, "Dari mana in Malaysia?" To which the answer should have been, "Muau!"(Muar). hehehehe. But this Bob in all of his six months here has considered himself a Marina dude!

As if taking cue from Bob's responce, we decided to adjourn to the Marina Walk for coffee and bersantai. Even in the midst of summer heat, Marina Walk is a cool place to be....

By the time we left the place, it was too late to shop for anything. We will do so tomorrow - and still have time to cook for the dinner! I promise.....Jemputan ke rumah 'Bujang' is definitely ON.

If you have not received any invitation and would like to join us tomorrow - you are welcomed! Just make sure you bring some food - potluck style! hehehe

A note to my dear wife,

I came home from the dinner at 12 midnight but I watered the plants. Doing for myself what used to be done by you made me miss you even more! I think even the plants miss you - their daun daun looked so sad, kind of wilting and layu. Errrr, or is it because I forgot to water them yesterday! **Sorry!**By the way, the temperature has been hitting 47degree the last two days.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

"Summer Bachelor's first day!"

The one hour waiting time at the check-in counter was a joy killer. A few times I was on the verge of shouting to the counter staff - but each time I turned to face my wife and she calmed me down. At one point she said, "Abang...your face look like you are ready to punch an elephant!" That was when the supervisor, a malay man came to me with both his hands held together to his chest gesturing apologies.
That little episode aside, I bid farewell to LiL and our three boys at the airport last night. They are now safely back home for a summer vacation. Today, I called her every one hour until I received an sms with a goodnight greeting. Eleven phone calls!!!

I wanted to know how was her flight, what did she eat, did she manage to sleep? I asked about their transit in Karachi, and how did the three boys cope with flying economy for the first time? Apparently, Luqman had asked "why we can't change the movie channels?" hahaha. I don't blame him - for all of his long haul travels until last night have been on business class. Well, previously our flights have been paid by my previous employer. This time, the new employer has given us the equivalent budget for business class travels but we have chosen to travel economy and save the difference to pay for the higher petrol price and other increased expenses while back home in Malaysia - negara Barang Naik! tercinta!!
"Back to basics! That will be good for him...otherwise he will be more spoilt!" LiL reasoned with me. Ermmm, with the situation in Malaysia nowadays, I think it is wise to prepare my children for hardship! So, back to basics is not a bad thing!!.

She is only gone for a day, and already I am missing her. The house is too quiet without Luqman! Coming home was without the usual cheek kisses, and the usual voices from upstairs responding to my salam! In fact, this morning when I slept again after the Fajr prayer, LiL was not home to wake me up for work. I overslept, and arrived in the office at 11am!
"I have dinner date tonight!" I called her after work while driving.

" fast you get a date already? With who?" She laughed, but I know she was curious. Truthfully, I wanted to make her jealous.

"With a pakistani!" I said, avoiding to divulge more than necessary details.

But she knew my game! Hardly five minutes passed after the phone call, Adi called me, "Ayah dinner kat mana....?"

"Oh...Dinner kat restoren near Lamcy" I told him, then asked, "where are you?"

"I am on the way to Lamcy...nak beli kasut! Maybe I will drop by to say hello!" cakap Adi.

Coincidence?? Or was there a 'talian hayat' going on between mother and son??! Hehehe.
My date and I got to the restaurent at maghrib prayer time. We prayed together with other diners who arrived early. After prayer, I mentioned to my Pakistani friend Danish that my son was in the neighborhood.

"Why don't you call him to join us for dinner....."
Tonight, father and son had dinner together, treated to a Pakistani cuisine by a friend who wanted to cheer me up upon learning that I was feeling the blues of "summer bachelorhood".

Thank you Danish! ....And Congratulations on the arrival of your second daughter!