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What goes on inside a man's mind whenever he steps out of the door on the way to the airport for a business trip? As he takes that last glance to see his wife waving goodbye from the gate, what does he think about? And as the stewardess tries to settle him in his seat, does she notice a wedding ring on his finger or does she see a mark left by a ring which has been stowed away temporarily?
And, what goes on inside the mind of a wife left alone?
I know of a certain wife who feels lonely and insecure whenever her beau pulls his trolley bag out the door. Any out of ordinary action is viewed with suspicion. Why is he not in business suit as usual, but instead in Jeans and sneakers, and why is he changing to a different after-shave? Why doesn't he tell which hotel he will be staying, and why does he bring home fresh flowers the morning before he departs for his business trip? There have been far too many stories glorifying business trips and linking them to sordid affairs.
I know of a certain husband who feels lonely and insecure whenever he pulls his trolley bag out the door. He wonders why was his wife looking chirpy and her cheeks glowing as he waves goodbye? Would she be too lonely and seeks company outside of their house? And whenever he calls, why does she speak as if she has company? In the distance he hears the sound of flushing of a toilet. His heart misses a beat. Who is flushing the toilet if she is talking on the phone?
Do you know anyone who fits the above descriptions? - I do.
For people who has to do it regularly, travelling on business can be very mechanical, routine and a point-to-point thing. Home to airport-to-hotel-to meeting-to hotel-to airport-to-home! And yes, along the way - there are many distractions, attractions and temptations. There are things which are normally forbidden at home but widely available away from home. Of course, the saying that absence makes a heart grows fonder can be true too - the only thing is, the heart may grow fonder of something that is forbidden. The other saying tht grass always look greener on te other side - brings curiosity to try it out. And here, it works both way - for the one who is travelling and the one left behind!

Have you not been a witness to how your colleague transformed into a complete different personality during a business travel. This normally happens to people who rarely travel, and whenever that opportunity comes he behaves like he has just escaped from a life's imprisonment. As a malay saying goes, "Tak cukup tangan...semua dia mahu!"
I was once on a business trip to Manila with a friend. That was my tenth times and his first. As soon as we checked in, he knocked on my door. His curiousity about what goes on in Manila reached a point of no stopping. I obliged and agreed to take him out for a city tour. Just before we left the hotel he told me he needed to make a phone call to his wife. He moved away to the end of the hallway but from where I was, I could hear his side of the conversation. Below I illustrated what he said although not in verbatim, I captured the gist of his intention in making that call.
"Hello darling......"
"Yes, I have checked in.....and now it is raining cats and dogs"
"No...Pakpayne and I decided to just stay in the hotel and have dinner here. We have to sleep early because of early meeting tomorrow."
"I miss you already!"
"Bye....kiss boy for me."
And as soon as he said, bye bye to his wife, he punched the air, and said, "Yesss!! now we can go!"
Do you know anyone similar to the above character? - I do!
I also know of a friend who travels very frequently, until his wife became suspicious. She made it a point to send him off to the KLIA airport, and reassured herself that her husband was indeed travelling overseas for business. What she did not know was the husband never took the airport train to international departure, but instead has been taking flights to KB where he has another wife with a young child.
On the flip side, a close friend of mine was shocked when he returned home earlier than planned to find his wife fast asleep in the arms of his best friends - in their marital bed! Their marriage failed to withstand the test of separation. He has been faithful and not once fallen off track. She has found a perfect replacement to fill in the gaps. Tragic!
I know I am not being fair by painting only one side of the story - the black and gloomy side. Of course there are couples who live separately for months at a stretch and their love grew stronger! They got to know themselves better, and became closer to God - for His love fills any spaces available in their hearts.
Bila suami keluar rumah.....eluklah isteri yang ditinggalkan di temani olih muhrim jika anak2 sendiri masih kecil dan belum mengerti. Ada hikmahnya!
Bila suami keluar rumah.....eluklah suami tadi keluar dalam keadaan berbaik2 dan penuh kasih sayang. Cubalah elakkan dari meninggalkan rumah dalam keadaan marah-marah dan bermasam muka.
Bila suami keluar rumah....eluklah isteri menganggap dirinya dalam keadaan "iddah", kurangkan dari berhias atau bersosial.
Bila suami keluar rumah.....salinglah berhubung melalui telefon dan ucapkan kata-kata rindu.
Bila suami pulang dari merantau......isteri harus sambut lah dia dengan kegembiraan! Sediakan makan minum kegemarannya, dan berhiaslah diri se umpama itulah kali pertama bertemu! Lebih afdal, jika anak-anak di pastikan tidur awal...hehehehe
Suami yang pulang....harus membawa buah tangan tanda ingatan....dan se eluknya, bukan yang di beli dalam pesawat semasa penerbangan pulang! Berilah sedikit perhatian mengenai apa yang isteri suka dan berusaha mendapatkannya.
Bila suami keluar rumah.....Syaitan masuk bersama puak-puak mereka! Pagarilah diri dengan Solat dan AlQuran.
Suami yang merantau akan selalu mendapat bisikan dari para Syaitan juga.....waspadalah! Setidak-tidaknya, bentanglah sejadah di dalam bilik hotel penginapan.....percayalah, ianya akan menjauhkan maksiat dari memasuki ruang yang sama.