I have not laughed like I did tonight for a long time. It was fun, it was clean light hearted fun of having decent conversation about every day things ~!
The presence of Lil and two of the younger boys Haziq and Luqman joining Amirul and I in Jeddah provided us with an opportunity to do one of the things we enjoy doing - entertaining friends at our home for dinner.
This evening, we played host to Ahmad Kamel, Idris, Tengku Arif, Nasir and family, and His Excellency the Consul General of Malaysia in Jeddah and his wife.
The theme was obviously the Prawn of Arabia! I went to my prawn farm this morning and came back with 5kg of freshly caught ones. Lil cooked seafood tomyam with extra portion of prawn, sambal udang, goreng udang, and the boys did BBQ prawns.

For variety sake, Lil prepared daging dendeng~!
The evening was wonderful, the house was filled with laughter throughout. Perhaps the prawns had magical effect, or maybe the kuih Koci sweetened our sense of humor, whatever it was, our funny bones were appropriately tickled. It went to prove that adults could have fun simply by having decent conversation about everyday things ~! There were no government bashing, no scandal gossiping, no fantasy churning or the likes! The topics may not be memorable, but I know that I will remember the wonderful time and the good feeling!
Hidup penuh dengan udang........udang di sana-sini. Ambo yang duduk tepi sungai ni pun tak pernah dapat tangkap udang.