Bakpo? Why the sudden talk about retirement?
Rasa dah penat makan gaji!
August 26, 2012.
Why that date?
I will 55. Waktu itu, InsyaAllah...I wish to stop makan gaji. Itulah doa. Itu lah harapan. Namun, Allah jua yang lebih mengetahui...dan kita harus menerima dengan senang hati.
Apa rancangan setelah pencen?
Nak bisness. Macam2 idea ada. Harus lebih di fikirkan lagi, mana satu dan bagaimana!
Bagaimana dengan anak2?
InsyAAllah by that time, tiga sudah bekerja.
Dua di Universiti.
Yang Bongsu akan meneruskan pengajian di Malaysia.
Kenapa tidak terus saja bekerja...lagi pun kerjaya sekarang memberi kepuasan dan ganjaran yang baik~!
Rezki dimana2. Allah Kareem. Kepuasan berhidmat bermula dari dalam diri sendiri, bukan bergantung kepada tugas atau orang lain. Apa juga kerjaya yang kita berkecimpung, jika kita bersikap positif dan ihlas melakukan tanggung jawap, InsyAAllah kita akan mendapat ganjaran dan kepuasan.
Rasa dah penat makan gaji!
August 26, 2012.
Why that date?
I will 55. Waktu itu, InsyaAllah...I wish to stop makan gaji. Itulah doa. Itu lah harapan. Namun, Allah jua yang lebih mengetahui...dan kita harus menerima dengan senang hati.
Apa rancangan setelah pencen?
Nak bisness. Macam2 idea ada. Harus lebih di fikirkan lagi, mana satu dan bagaimana!
Bagaimana dengan anak2?
InsyAAllah by that time, tiga sudah bekerja.
Dua di Universiti.
Yang Bongsu akan meneruskan pengajian di Malaysia.
Kenapa tidak terus saja bekerja...lagi pun kerjaya sekarang memberi kepuasan dan ganjaran yang baik~!
Rezki dimana2. Allah Kareem. Kepuasan berhidmat bermula dari dalam diri sendiri, bukan bergantung kepada tugas atau orang lain. Apa juga kerjaya yang kita berkecimpung, jika kita bersikap positif dan ihlas melakukan tanggung jawap, InsyAAllah kita akan mendapat ganjaran dan kepuasan.
Tidak kah terfikir untuk berhidmat pula kepada Masyarakat?
Memang ada. Apa2 pun khidmat kita kepada masyarakat, saya berpendapat 'memberi jala itu lebih baik dari memberi ikan!' Instead of focusing on charity based contribution, saya lebih suka untuk fokus dalam pembinaan minda, semangat, bakat dan kemahiran supaya anak-anak bangsa kita dapat mengubah nasib hidup mereka sendiri. Secara kebetulan, ini juga bidang kemahiran dan minat saya!
Joining politics?
Not actively from the front. Maybe from behind, providing support and intellectual input into a worthy political leader who wants my views.
Jadi, berapa hari lagi sebelum pencen?
Let us put it this way, bermula musim panas tahun ini, saya ada dua tahun lagi sebelum pencen. Satu penantian yang sungguh menyeronokkan.
Apa-apa pun, saya berserah kepada Allah untuk menentukan. Saya hanya mampu merancang dan berdoa.
Apakah doa harian?
Itu terlalu peribadi, di antara saya dan Dia.
What are your hopes and fears, as you count down towards your pension days?
Hopes: For my children to be successful in chasing their dreams. For them to live in Islam, as Muslims, and be better than me in all aspects!
For my wife and I to be blessed with good health and be protected from kesesatan dan di permudahkan urusan mencari keredhaanNya.
Fears: That my children tersesat dari ajaran Islam due to my own shortcomings as a father. One thing, which will make me shed tears in my old age will be to see any of my children not praying the lima waktu, not fasting in Ramadhan, not making time to read Al Quran, not paying their Zakat, not performing Haj and Umrah when they can affrord to, and not mentioning my name in their prayers.
I also fear that I akan terus terlalai...dari segala suruhan Nya.
You talked about shedding tears. When was the last time you shed tears and why?
Too personal to mention! I prefer not to cause any anxieties amongst people I love and amongst those who care for me, so I wish not to answer the question!
How do you think people who know you will describe you in a few words?
That I am sensitive, kind hearted, ambitious, positive minded, optimist, friendly, forgiving, informal. My wife may even say that I am romantics. Come to think of it, why don't you ask my wife, my children and those people to describe me instead? Their views will be less biased! hahaha.
Do you have any secrets from your wife?
I thought you said you wanted to interview me about my decision to retire. What has this question got to do with that? *rolls eyes*!
Ok, back to your retirement plan. Does your wife support this plan of yours?
My wife has been supportive of me, in good and bad times. She is the wind beneath my wings. She has been in the past, she is in the present, and InsyAAllah I pray that she will continue to be. She is my pillar of strength.
Thank you for answering my questions!
Not at all. My pleasure. By the way, what will be the topic of your next interview?
I am curious to know more about your career. What have made you successful!
Syukur Alhamdullillah, I have been lucky and blessed. Yes, I look forward to our next virtual interview.
Bye for now, wassalam.
Wassalam, and my salam to your lovely wife!
Joining politics?
Not actively from the front. Maybe from behind, providing support and intellectual input into a worthy political leader who wants my views.
Jadi, berapa hari lagi sebelum pencen?
Let us put it this way, bermula musim panas tahun ini, saya ada dua tahun lagi sebelum pencen. Satu penantian yang sungguh menyeronokkan.
Apa-apa pun, saya berserah kepada Allah untuk menentukan. Saya hanya mampu merancang dan berdoa.
Apakah doa harian?
Itu terlalu peribadi, di antara saya dan Dia.
What are your hopes and fears, as you count down towards your pension days?
Hopes: For my children to be successful in chasing their dreams. For them to live in Islam, as Muslims, and be better than me in all aspects!
For my wife and I to be blessed with good health and be protected from kesesatan dan di permudahkan urusan mencari keredhaanNya.
Fears: That my children tersesat dari ajaran Islam due to my own shortcomings as a father. One thing, which will make me shed tears in my old age will be to see any of my children not praying the lima waktu, not fasting in Ramadhan, not making time to read Al Quran, not paying their Zakat, not performing Haj and Umrah when they can affrord to, and not mentioning my name in their prayers.
I also fear that I akan terus terlalai...dari segala suruhan Nya.
You talked about shedding tears. When was the last time you shed tears and why?
Too personal to mention! I prefer not to cause any anxieties amongst people I love and amongst those who care for me, so I wish not to answer the question!
How do you think people who know you will describe you in a few words?
That I am sensitive, kind hearted, ambitious, positive minded, optimist, friendly, forgiving, informal. My wife may even say that I am romantics. Come to think of it, why don't you ask my wife, my children and those people to describe me instead? Their views will be less biased! hahaha.
Do you have any secrets from your wife?
I thought you said you wanted to interview me about my decision to retire. What has this question got to do with that? *rolls eyes*!
Ok, back to your retirement plan. Does your wife support this plan of yours?
My wife has been supportive of me, in good and bad times. She is the wind beneath my wings. She has been in the past, she is in the present, and InsyAAllah I pray that she will continue to be. She is my pillar of strength.
Thank you for answering my questions!
Not at all. My pleasure. By the way, what will be the topic of your next interview?
I am curious to know more about your career. What have made you successful!
Syukur Alhamdullillah, I have been lucky and blessed. Yes, I look forward to our next virtual interview.
Bye for now, wassalam.
Wassalam, and my salam to your lovely wife!
Salam Pak Payne
ReplyDeleteAHA! I wish you all the best in your 'penantian'. Fifty-five is a wonderful age to wait for! I like to hear that you want to go into business. Semoga menjadi kenyataan dan berjaya hendaknya.
Puteri Kama :-) thank you for your comment...
ReplyDeletesebagai seorang yang menunggu hari pencen, knowing that someone else other than his wife and children still do care, means quite a bit~!
Salam Tuan,
ReplyDeleteTenguk gambar kkapo denge pokok nyor... esp. gambar2 from your earlier posting on Sek. Pangkal Kalong... buat I homesick... teghingat kkapo Pula Chondo... ni pun sama la... plan nak retire jugok tigo pa' tahun lagi inshaallah. Take care Bro. and keep the postings coming.
salam mr. payne..I wished you well..semoga dimurahkan rezeki dan dikekalkan kesihatan..InsyaAllah, dua tahun lagi, dipanjangkan umur kita berjumpa..:)..saya doakan segala perangangan mencapai kejayaan..cheers..and take care..
ReplyDeletepakmat :-) salam...insyaallah tu, kita dapt bertemu nanti pakman.
ReplyDeletebagus jugok buat club OTAI2 nih hehehe.
Bro Baharudin :-) oh dekat jah kkappo kito tuh, kemubu dengae p chondo gak! insyaallah, boleh kito juppo satu hari nanti deh. Ambo ado tanah lot banglo d telekong kalu bro Baha minat gak ghoyat lah...
salam pak payne!
ReplyDeletepada saya, apa yg pp rancang itu bukan untuk bersara tetapi untuk berhenti berkhidmat untuk majikan! ;D
selagi kita menyumbang kepada umat manusia, dalam cara mana sekalipun, kita tidak harus dianggap bersara.
p.s. terima kasih atas laluan ke blog lama. seronok saya tengok gambar, terutama gambar buah2an. :D
Mekyam:-) seronok juga saya bertemu oghe kelatae diUSA yang masih fasih berbahasa, walaupun sudah bertahun2 d sana...
ReplyDeletesemoga terus ceria di perantauan.
Bro. PP, inshaallah kita jjuppo satu hari nati... tanoh tu will keep in mind, take care Bro. and salam.