Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Cerita pasal burung~!

I woke up to a melodious alarm, did a 'menggeliat kucing farsi gemuk gedempul' and pulled the blanket for an extended snooze.

Actually, I tried hard to continue the 'mimpi indah menerima menantu' which was interrupted by the alarm from my blackberry. Snooze I did but the dream didn't come back. On cue, fifteen minutes later the oriental chime tone came alive again and this time I sat upright on my bed, staring out of the window.

Green leaves waved promisingly to a glorious morning, a sole bird was leaping from branch to branch. Was it the same bird as yesterday? I made a mental note of the bird's physical appearance so that I can check the next morning, if it would be the same one everyday which come to peek into my bedroom. Huh, I realized the birdie was in the company of a burung kakak tua which was reaching out from under its contraints! No wonder lah that little birdie on the tree branch was chirping so merrily, I smiled at the thought!

Lazily I did some yoga movement, just to get my rusty joints going.

Creeeekkkk, cruuukkkkk, sang my lower back. Huh, it felt so damn nice actually when my belikat made such sound. I then held up my knees to my chest and lowered my face in between. No, not to have a closer look at my burung, but to stretch my neck muscle!

Since a few days ago when I was in Dubai I have been having such delicate nerve in my neck, that any form of sudden movement resulted in sharp pain which traveled mercilessly and instantaneously down my spine.

Scary, the thought that it may affect the vitality of any unsuspecting burung! In fact, on the last day in Dubai, I went for a Thai massage at a place called 'Relax' in Jumeirah. The soothing sound of trickling water and birds chirping did wonder to relax me, so much so, I dozed off and was awoken only when the lady masseur whispered, 'Turn over!'

Honestly, I was embarrassed for when I was turning over I realized that one particular burung was in conversation with the birdie sound that was coming from the speakers discreetly placed behind some kind of potted plants. Behave, boy, behave! I commanded to be 'at ease!'

I got out of bed, walked to the window and made small tapping sound on the window panes. I was trying to attract the bird's attention. The damn thing buat donno and completely ignored me! I knew then, it was there not to flirt with any burung kakak tua, but in fact it was teasing my son's burung pipit in the next room. Obviously, it was a bird innocent of worldly things, for if it were like any young birdies hovering over the skyline of metropolitan cities like KL, then it would have known better - a burung kakak tua nearly always worth a lot more than a young burung pipit! Alas, birdies in Saudi are pure and uncorrupted, so they claim!

After a good hot shower, I toweled myself, standing in front of my bedroom mirror. Feeling rather jilted by the birdie outside my window a few minutes ago, I took good look at myself.

Errrm, I was quickly reminded by a psychological study which said, "A man tends to see only the better parts of himself in the mirror, while a woman tends to notice everything unattractive! "
How I managed to miss my expanded pot belly, but smiled gleefully at what little muscle I have in my bi-cepts, really underscored the pyscho study! Some modesty still existed in me, I intentionally ignored the temptation to stare further down, the burung kakak tua saved from any untowards remark!

I chose one of my favourite shirt today - the one I purchased at Marks & Spencer, and paid AED220.00 for it, after 15% discount. The kind of luxurious display which would normally attract KL birdies to feed out of one's palm. I chose my favourite pair of pants, blue with ever so subtle silvery pin stripes. Huh, something was not quite right! I could not hook the button without exhaling much of the air from my stomach ~! In a state of denial, I blamed the maid for shrinking my pants by washing it the wrong way! But, changed to a baggy pair of pants I did. My ego did deflate a little though, as I made stride towards my car.

"Good morning sir!" greeted one Pinoy maid. I smiled, and return a good morning greeting.

She actually gave me a reason to smile, simply because she was smiling. And by smiling, my stride automatically became bigger and with added springs! Half way to my car, 'Sonny' our cat from previous stay here came running towards me. I stopped briefly, to stroke his furs and tickled his chin and under belly. Ah, he loved that! And, that darling, was the reason I wrote this episode - for while I was doing that to 'Sonny' I was thinking of you.

I missed you...missing waking up next to you, stroking your hair and tickling ur cheeks and ribs! Not to mention, the nestling warmth much missed by a burung, kakak tua as it may be!

And with that, I was jolted, and kicked Sonny out of my way. How could I! I meant how could I started feeling affection for an over-fed, unkept cat ( and a male one too!), and be thinking of you, darling. I felt similar kind of guilt like I was 'bermain kayu tiga!' No, not that I know how 'bermain kayu tiga' would make a man feel. I won't bother finding out!

That was also the reason why I called you before I started the car engine this morning. Our conversation must have gone a little steamy, for I realized a sudden swelling between my trouser's pockets. You reminded me of what I was missing last night and when I woke up this morning. Only a little while after that, it dawned on me, you too must have been missing the same thing~! And I felt much better, despite having been ignored by that little birdie from outside my bedroom window earlier. Believe me, it is always nice to feel wanted!

Here is loving and missing you~!


  1. WHOA...! I like this naughty-but-nice entry! :)

  2. Put a smile on my face this one. :-)... Cakap je nak put a janggut n misai to remind you of your age. Pp is still young at heart. Bertuahlah Kak Lil!

  3. noticed there's a lot of 'bird' words around the entry..mula3 ok, kemudian pening, last3 ketawa're funny man lah abg ipin!

  4. Kama :-) hehehe naughty one ek...hehehe. i felt naughty just writing it. rindu juga nak bersama puteri kama dan pak abu di karaoke lagi...bila ek??


    Mrs A :-)

    me, young at heart? hehehe...thank you for your observation. janggut masih di simpan!


    Qimy :-)

    hehehe, me funny?? where got...

    bila nak cuti2 d dubai? now is good weather dan sales season.


