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Friday, February 13, 2009

13-02-09 : I was in New York!

Friday 13th! Many believe the number 13 to be a very unlucky day. Malaysians of all races are probably the most superstitious in the whole wide world. In many buildings in Malaysia, you will not find floor number 13. Instead it is 12 and 12b.
Number 4 is also considered as unlucky and can bring 'death' to its owner. Hence, floor 4, 14, 24, 34, 44 are identified by some other numbers.
I can bet you RM444,444 that a car registration number 4, 44, 444 or 4444 would not belong to a Chinese!
Such is the extent of Malaysians numerical superstition.

Friday 13th! A day where bad things are supposed to happen. Something did happen to me. Today I tried to stay awake, but after a good roti telor breakfast with fish curry, I kept drifting into slumber on my favorite sofa. I woke up, cleaned up and went for Friday prayers, fully awake. Upon my return and after having 'mee mamak' from Puan Sharifah I drifted back to sleep. This time I even had a dream. It was a nice until I was awaken. ~~~ In my dream....

I was going to New York with Hasnol. Both of us were at an Airport, with one hand carry luggage each. After checking in, we could not find the departure hall. We searched the whole airport and found departure hall to Boston, Michigan, Dallas, and other USA cities except the one to New York. At one point, Hasnol asked me to sit down to take a rest  and stop searching. Then he said, "I already miss my daughter. Shall we cancel the trip?" 
I was disappointed if we had to cancel because I have been looking forward to it. Then one blond girl came and sat next to us. She was wearing a pink blouse with long hanging earing. She was tall, slender and she looked friendly and was smiling. I asked her, "Where is the departure hall to New York?" She looked at us with a puzzled look. "You are in New York!" she said. 
At that point, my wife woke me up to go for our weekly grocery shopping in Lulu Al Barsha. While pushing the trolley around the butchery area, there I saw a blond girl in pink. I moved closer to her, and she had long hanging earings on. She was slender and pretty. She was not smiling or as friendly as the one I met at the airport but she gave me that Deja Vu sort of a feeling. I wished I had asked her whether she was indeed from New York! I didn't.

Perhaps next time, I will put a sign on my forehead, "Wake me up only after I have come down from the Empire State Building!"

1 comment:

  1. ive just updated an entry about dreams too!

    such a co-incidence!
