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Friday, December 14, 2007

What Turns you ON? - Survey done!

?Updated with a BBQ dinner pictures - hosted a few friends over the weekend. Entertaining friends at home is one of my TURNs ON! Please scroll down.....

Black and White of hosts!

*ayah-nya dengan his trade-mark pose!*

What turns you on?

That was the question I asked in the previous posting.
I received more than 30 responses – a few were sent anonymously, but more than twenty were sent from known readers. From what were written, I can safely assume that all except for 3 were submitted by female readers – if anything, it is a normal representation of comments I have been receiving. The nature of the question, which was purposely left open and vague has caused some confusion, as one reader wrote, “What turns me on, what? Spiritually? Mentally or what? I assume what turns me on sexually then... wahahahahah. OK Let's say I have just made a fool of myself by understanding that, it is sexually... so then my answer will be like....I am a sucker for big breasts and nice & round butts. Wink!!! Now you know the wild side of me.” Yes brother....Now I know! hehehe, behind that calm disposition, you are a real devil hehehe!

Thank you to those who have candidly shared on what ‘TURNS them ON”. I have promised to keep their identities confidential and so it will remain that way. I am hoping now we can revert to an open forum of discussion, following this entry.

After understanding what was written and what were underlying message between the lines, I decided to present my finding in the following format.

People get turned on by “Being appreciated”. There were two comments which supported this category.

“A man who shows (once in awhile) appreciation of how much I care for him.”
“A man who knows how to treat a woman & makes her feel good, feel beautiful, feel worth it, feel special, shares his knowledge, teaches her new things ... satisfies her ...”

The reverse is probably true when partners and spouses do not appreciate each other – it kills the mood and can be a turn off.

Sometimes, it can be such simple gestures of appreciating the dinner which was cooked and served, complimenting the fresh smell of the bed cover, or even noticing the aromatic candles which she has lit in the bedroom.

A few find “Freshness, Being smart” such a Turn On! Comments received which belong to this category are,

“Freshly cut hair! rambut baru bbojeng tu lah” *doesn't she sounds like someone from Kelantan? hehehe*
“The smell of rain, bau baby lepas mandi, ....” *tips to fragrance manufacturer - more baby like smell please...... But, what is it about baby smell which turns people on?*
“The smell of his after shave – anywhere, anytime!”
“Hubby in a suit with a tie, shaven and smelling wonderfully nice.”

The best is probably a combination of all of the above – a man in suit who waits to have his hair cut and his face shaven on a rainy day, with generous dabs of baby talcum powder and fresh spray of her favorite after shave.

“Power …” is also a Turn On according to these people.

…the power to turn him on, “Listening to the heartbeat of your love one going fast in your present”
And another, “the thing that turns me on is knowing that I turn the one I love on.”

…the power to be dominant, as stated by one male reader, “…But if in another form of also sexually, I'd be pleased to see the sumbissiveness, total submission I shall say, on the other half.”
…a visual indication of power, as a female reader said it here, “… the flexing of muscles when it's working - for eg, bila tengok hubby working on something which using strength; sweat that glistened over the flexing muscles and slightly shows the urat2 yang timbul! whoaaaaa!”

And another one prefer to get wet on a wet day * pun intended* , “What makes me turned on even more would be his sweat running down the body...even on a wet and cold day”.

Many readers get TURNed ON by “Seducing acts” from a partner. I received the following comments …

“hot, passionate kisses ... all over!”, I can’t argue with that one!. This uptown girl seemed to have found the right man for her, “gentle rubbing of his finger on my palm, the way he caresses my hair, the way he whispers my name and the way he holds me close and the way his breath feels on my neck”. And guys, she is single and available.....*wink*

“ bila dia senyum manis sangat dan buat muka nakal-nakal..hehehehe”, said a female reader who was probably smiling herself while typing those words. Lucky gal!!!

One really naughty female reader who used a very suggestive nick name shared what turned her on fire….“….Then seeing him making his way to the bathroom naked.....him under a running shower....all wet and dripping...”
the same reader went on to add, ….”How I just love to get warm in that shower with him....grabbing and ****ing him all over would be a start...him ****ing my ****y till I just cant hold on much longer and there's just no stopping from there.....WOW!!!” ( I have to blank out the words to make them printable here…hehehe ).
A male reader described his fantasy, …”A svelte, attractive woman wearing only a pair of black lace panties”. Ladies, black is an ever-green color and lace always works !!

Not all are seduced with lewd sexy acts. Some find wit and humor as sexy too….as evident from the following comments,
“..a witty & intelligent mind but doesn't mind playing a fool sometimes is a turn on”
“a person who can laugh at himself or shares anything & everything he knows” *could not help but think, I can fit this description hehehe *
“an ok looking, intelligent man who can make me laugh with a tray of cupcakes wearing only an apron” *I bet you, this works for guys too - to have our ladies only in apron...walalala...who needs food!!*

Some prefer going back to basics with her hubby….. “Ermm jawapannya his passionate kiss. And his touch :P ok tak jawapan? And it only apply to my hubby only heheheh”. By the this lady has a good looking hubby, from what I can see in her blog.

One even mentioned ” body hair!” as a TURN ON! I can share that this came from a female reader who probably meant “Bulu Dada!” and not "bulu ketiak".

This one reader lets her own imagination TURNED her ON. She said, “ …What turns me on? ..actually thinking about him , already turns me on.”

For guys who has sufficient funds, TURN ON your women with money to spend. One female reader said, “ Nak participate jugak! Chocolate, preferably with hazel nut. How about mega sale? These two really turn me on.”
To get your return on Investment, just be sure you bring her immediately back to your bedroom after spending those big bucks at the mega sales!!
This one is cute. Probably the reader has read my previous entries about kuis kuis kaki…..hehehehe. She said, “Bila sidia kuis kuis kaki”

Even more basics, one female reader gets all tingly mingly whenever she is next to someone she loves, her husband, “when me and hubby watch tv side by side... ”
I wonder what sort of TV programs they watch??

“A Sailor 1911 pen with a Nagahara nib (medium nib-stroke)”, it can’t get more basics than that. A pen and books get him going!! He also said, “A complete collection of F. Scott Fitzgerald's work”

One reader puts others needs before hers, “my children's desire & needs mine n my another 1/2's desires” and she also gets TURNed ON by, “old memories”. Memories are made of special moments together......good on you lady!

There were three readers who came in to say they find the survey interesting but they themselves were not ready to share what TURNED them ON.
One wasn’t sure, “actually i nak bagi pendpt gak tapi tiba2 rasa konpius dgn maksud tu.. sbb rasanya ayat tu boleh digunapakai utk macam2 benda/hal, kan?so i tunggu je le abg id buat n3 psl tu hehehe.. :)”

Another want some reassurance that , “Err betul ke anonymous ni”. She however added her contribution of what turns her on.

This female reader who is always in a state of TURNED ON, prefer to stay private,
” bak kata tok siti (not dr siti hasmah but siti hurhaliza, the penyanyi); biarlah rahsia...ahaks! how's that? Hehehehe” hehehehe to you too, you naughty woman!!

One female reader found the survey itself was such a TURN ON, she had to put off answering it because she had to attend to more urgent matter down below *pun intended too*. She said, ”I have till Thursday right? i'll come back if i have more ;-)u got my juices running (pun intended) hehehe” A lucky husband owe me big time here, if only he knew what started his wife on fire!

One reader from the East Coast dropped by and said, “salam, heheh..segan nak jawab. biarlah rahsia. lama tak ke sini hrp bro n famili sihat walafiat. cantik dah blog ni”

One KL lady came but said, “saje datang nak melawat...lama tak melawat! Lepas tu kena jawab soalan pulak...ape ek? tak leh cakap kot...rahsia...take care!”

One reader is so lucky, she is easily turned on with a zillion things…..she said,
“ ha ha ha apa punya survey nih...hmmm theres like zillionzzz things that turns me oN!!!well the top 3 goes to 1) Muscular Men 2) Gift3) Fights... ( Idham’s : Pillow fight ka ni ? )and I am leaving you to do all the interpretation.”
My name was not mentioned by any readers as a source of a hot fantasy *sigh*. However, these three guys from the Bronx figured on the mind of one female reader,
“Matt Damon, Ewan McGregor, Brad Pitt. *sigh* ;)”
Me *sigh* too…..hehehe.

And one happily married lady wants, “a good looking, well built hot blooded man who can bake a good choc cake & make a mean pasta dish” as well as “ a man who can sing & play an instrument - a guitar or saxophone”
Ermmm, aren’t you getting a bit wishful there ma’am?

It was fun for me to read and compile all of your inputs. Thank you. I hope you will gain as much fun reading the compiled version, and even better - in adding to the comments now that we are back to an open forum. The comment is no longer moderated. May our libido continue to " get all juiced up...."! errr, or should it reads, .....all juiced out!

**** One of my Turns On is....entertaining!

This weekend, we had the families of Mr H, Dr R and Mr N over for BBQ. In fact since the start of good weather, we have been having BBQ every weekend, either being invited out to friends house or inviting friends over. In any case - we enjoy time together as a family and tiume spent with close friends. Adie ( Along ), Achik, and my MIL have arrived from KL and their presence added to the fun.


The last guests left well past mid-night. I switched off the bedroom light - fully TURNED ON and a happy man!


  1. Sincerely, upon reading what you have to sum up and analyze, you are hell of a great guy. I have some basics in psychology, behavioral science and what not since I am minoring in Psychology too apart from my major in Engineering, plus some readings in my working years. From what I see it's very much to the quantitative and qualitative of the subject nature. And the most important thing is, you came up with a very, very good analysis. Given the right supervisor from the renowned & prestigious institution with the right sample for say n=100,000 (randomly picked from a few nations and age group and other well-studied variables in place) to a person like you, you can make wonder in this field. Or rather in later years you'll be known as Dr "Love" Idham.

    Wink! And Smile!

  2. Abe Id :o)

    What can I say ...? I'm still smiling after reading your entry.

    It was fun reading all the responses that you received & you made a good analysis.

    A learning experience too. Macam2 ek that can turn someone on :o)

  3. Hiiiiiii uncle Id... mine was in there.. he he he.. i guess you could guess which one. I am coming this sunday, oohh wii just thinking about going there turns me on...he he he

  4. Laaa lupa nak cakap... you have put them very nicely.. fun reading it. Buat lagilah entry yang macam ni..make people think..

  5. 'a man who can sing & play an instrument - a guitar or saxophone'

    wishful thinking?

    naaah ...

    found him, had him but then it didn't work out.


  6. hehehe very nice..

    i rs mcm takleh nak stop senyum lak.. :)

  7. Tuan GaB...:-)

    yea.....i enjoyed doing this entry.
    And you brother, I am sure is an able psychologist.....i saw that in ur eyes each time we met!


    Syana...:P yes yes, macam2 ...i guess imagination and creativity can really play good roles here... ur poem ...about the quiet mood u were in....has it been better since then?



  8. umieabudhabi...:-) hehehe....but honestly, I can only guess but does not know for sure which one was urs!
    Hhehe Raya datang lah rumah...ajak suami drive to arabian ranches.
    call me first!


  9. anonymous ....found and lost? sorry to hear....but there is a reason for everything that maybe u r now blessed with one even better...:)

    best wishes!


  10. darling.....:) senyuman itu penawar! teruskan.....

    and , ur new blog look ...'wow!'.


  11. Abe Id :o)

    The quietness has subsided. Just keeping myself busy with daily errands & chores. I'm also having a slight dry spell of ideas. I'll be back soon :o) Thanks for asking :o)

    However, you entry does keep me smiling whenever i remember about it.

  12. You're right. I am blessed with a better one. Sometimes I forget :o( Need to remember more often.

  13. HAHAHAHA... tak tahan gelak sakan...

    Guess mine were very mild indeed...

  14. Abg Id - Thanks for putting it in. Amy senyum sampai tinger.. sampai sekrang :D. Must tell hubby what you said...hehhehe

  15. syana...:) good to hear...someone tod me long ago..."no one ever died by beeing busy, but many fall ill when they become idle" u r doing the right thing by keeping busy! :-)

    abe id.

  16. ibu...hehhe...:) yes, yours were mild in comparison to some others....thanks for participating.


  17. amy...hehehe.....:-) now,readers can guess which one is urs hehhehe...

    keep going, keep the heat on!


  18. I love the topic though I did not have the chance to reply..
    What turns you on...hard to know..all i can remember is the old fairy tales ... the cindrella ... the snowwhites...all realizing their dreams... that passionate kiss at the end of each movie where the two lovers unite finally and win over the world..
    stupid ain't it :D but thats just me

  19. you always come up with crazy but creative ideas, usually those contradicting with the norm. In this case, I can only observe, and not participate.

    Komen pasal "body hair" - you sure ke 'bulu ketiak' tak termasuk??? LOL!

  20. "very suggestive nick name"....I like the sound of that hehehe

    reading through every single one, I am pretty suggestively naughty aint I....and needing to "blank out the words"...LOL

    Well....that's normal play time for me and my man
    ....I think I need that shower now....ggrrrrr

  21. alamak....terlepas nak join survey ni...was away again in the hotel with no free internet connection...

    Good one! and hilarous too...hehehe

  22. I missed the boat.Having a good fun reading though.I could never write along the same line of thought as you did Abe Id; Open,funny,gross & yet so subtle. It's your forte.

  23. dark S.....finally welcome to the public domain of blog-world! Many of my readers have been asking who is dark S....hehehe, bcoz you have left comments without url link before.

    Yes, fairy tales are made for that - to bring hope to people like us, boggers with dreams for love and peace in this world.

    Hey, you have real nice blog.

  24. d....hehehe :-) your observation of my creative prowess is a turned on! I guess I am taking your comment as a compliment...

    Thanks for making known that u do read this crazy and controversial stuff....hehehe...

    kee well there with the kids!


  25. ayoy yooo.....p Lady....*toleh kiri kanan, takut anak2 baca* hehehe

    cold shower lady....cold shower! hehehe give him a break to recuperate!

    errr...any chance of visiting dubai soon? *hehehe - this is not a flirty remark, but just a dierct question.-wink-*


  26. errr...umie....naper delete comment tu? eheh * JD idham konfius*


  27. anggerik merah...:) the thought of being stuck in hotel room without anything - is actually a turn on! I am assuming there are room service and plenty of good TV programmes...hehehehe


  28. duuhhhhhhh elara....:) blushing diri ku menerima pujian dari mu jauh nun di UK sana...:p

    will try not to be too gross...hehehehe. Not easy though!


  29. JDidham,
    Ingat tdi nak komen lain, tapi aleh2 DC pulak... hehehe ingat lom baca comment tu

  30. saja singgah.. n nak cakap "HAI" to u.. :)

  31. hang tak nak tahu my turn off pulak ke che idham? kan manusia ni cam swis lampu boleh turn on turn off jap...


  32. umie...hehehhe....sudah di baca....tak sempat nak reply tgk sudah hilang hehehe

    - ps : suka dak lagu dato kak pah nie? hehehehe mendayu2 tu.....

    JD idham

  33. hai ct....dinda....dah pulang ka dari melancung ke briben, sidni sana.....panaih kan d sana sekarang....ada sun bathing sekali ka hehehe....pi sana dengan sapa? buah hati ka? :P

    kanda JD Idham

  34. kc....hehehe....ada jugak ka masa OFF...hehehe...rasa rasa mcam selalu ON jer...hehehehe :P

    habaq mai....nak jugak tau...


  35. Idham, Wah...dah ada lagu pulak...good intertainment...

    Ergg..the fact that being in the hotel alone...terkebil-kebil at night...yes can be considered turn on..hehehe...

  36. JDidham,
    Hehehe mcm magic pulak,,, dah di baca terus hilang....
    umie suka la lagu tu.... rasa terhibur... pandai pilih lagu na.. nostalgia ka...?

  37. anggerik merah....:) when i travel and alone in hotel rooms, I don't even switch on the TV or radio. I prefer silence and get busy either with internet ot reading a book while tucked nicely under the duvet...



  38. umie....suka ka lagu tu...kita pun suka....suka sangat sebab tu masukkan kat situ....adoiilaaa memang nostalgic!!


  39. arif...sori la lama ttak datang r u?

    thanks 4 the call that was a nice suprise to hear a malay voice especially when one is engulfed by sadness..

    sempena bulan yg mulia ni..salam aidiladha dari kami disini... maaf zahir dan batin :0)

    our hugs n love for kak lil n ur family..
