Eid - where do I go from here?
Eid Al Adha is about Hajj and about Sacrifices. We know of one husband and wife couple who went to perform their Hajj. The husband's parents came from Malaysia to look after their grandchildren! In my view a sacrifice on their part.....
Another husband and wife friends of ours Mr FND were also in Mecca performing their Hajj. Their children were looked after by Mr F's family. May mr FND and wife get Hajj Mabroor, and may Mr F and family receive blessings from God for their help.
Sacrifices? Some do so knowingly while others doesn't even know they were doing some great sacrifices - But God is all knowing!
I have a school friend who was paralyzed from his waist down after he was hit by a fallen tree during a thunderstorm. That was eight years ago! His wife has been by his side, and at the same time turned into a lone bread winner for the family. She transformed into being a mom, a wife, a nurse, a chauffeur, and an ever present soul-mate all at the same time.....Her sacrifices are of the highest order! But mention the word sacrifice to her, she will shrug it off with a smile and words of love beyond measure, "It is his sacrifice for all of us, being stuck to his wheel chair while trying all the time to keep us happy".
Sacrifice? The meaning of 'Korban' and the spirit of it goes beyond paying some amount of money to slaughter a goat. To sacrifice is to give the best part, to give up the thing we value the most and to do so solely to get God's approval and blessings. In this material world of today, a 400 ringgit is of no consequence to many people - but time is! Therefore we have seen many well to do people who easily pay money to participate in ''Korban" but only to elect a representative to be there on his/her behalf because he/she was too busy with something else which he/she was unwilling to sacrifice! I salute those people who due to scarcity of resources, willingly and sincerely sacrifices their time, their effort, and some even their pride in order to please God.....
Sacrifice? Victorious are people who are able to sacrifice their whims and fancies in favour of His acceptance. Glorious are those who are able to sacrifice his own needs and desires to please people they love. I know of one lady, a well known and successful person in her own right. She was a regular to a TV network with her motivational programme. In pursuit of spiritual excellence - after her marriage failed, she gave up every worldly things and moved to Mecca. What did she sacrifice? In the eyes of people like myself who is a mere observer, she has sacrificed everything, even being away from her own parents and children in order to pursue a higher order love - and that is her Love for Him.
I reflect long and hard - on this fourth day of Eid. Sacrifice? I will start with sacrificing something from within my list of desires, whims and fancies......ermm.....it is not going to be easy to give up blogging, or chatting, day dreaming about a Porsche, a Range Rover, a twenty million dollar villa some of these naughty list things on my mind.
To Haji FND and Hajjah, Haji Faizal and wife - Welcome back! You too have sacrificed in search of His blessings.....
Gambar2 lunch at Yatie's and Matt's - Eid hari ke empat.
Uncle Id, thanx for inviting us to ur house...wah terharulah..maybe next time ya.. naklah juga rasa masakan kak lil..
ReplyDeleteowhhh marilah datang auntie / akak ummie...
ReplyDeleteSalam Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteThat was a very well written article, and a true essence of the meaning of the word "Qurban". Like you, it is not going to be easy for me too, to sacrifice my blogging time, day dreaming about a new BMW 7 series and a 5 million dollar bungalow I saw here in KL.
Take care and carry on blogging.
been here:)macam mana ngan korbn cinta pulak ...hehehe
ReplyDeletetang mana yang terkorban tu kak elle?huhuhuh
ReplyDeleteumie suka dengar lagu BERKORBAN APA SAJA nyanyian P.Ramlee...
id, eid mubarak to you and family.
ReplyDeleteabe id :o)
ReplyDeletei've just sacrificed my blog. remember i mentioned it before? it just happened. i'm free now.
ReplyDeletesalam aidiladha buat bro. Id sekeluarga..
tahun depan, saya kena berkorban lagi huhu..
umie abudhabi...:) tak per kam faham...maklumla kan..sesekali ke abu dhabi...banyak tu hutang nak kena bayar bersama ayahabudhbi hehehehe.
ad...amboi amboi...ramah nya dia@!!! dengan umie dan kak elle tu ye...hehehehe
pakzabs....wah, 5million dollar bungalow di KL tu di mana ye....adess....bagi saya hanya akan tinggal impian kut :)
ReplyDeletememang susah nak tinggalkan apa yg kita suka nie....mungkin itulah pengorbanan...tapi apa2 pun jangan korban kan blogging ni ye ...teruskan....:)
kak elle....korban cinta ye...ermm...saya pun tak pasti apa erti pengorbanan cinta nie...
ReplyDeleteapa2 pun asalkan ada waktu2nya sama2 bahagia ....kira ok la tu kan...
umie....arief tak jumpa la lagu tu....bila jumpa nanti akan di masukkan ....kita pun suka lagu tu..
ReplyDeleteraya ok ka?
javad...nice f u to come and visit...tq..:)
mamarock....to u too....and hopefully u recover well...!!!
syana....well done!! tabahkan hati...semoga menemui apa yg di cari....
ReplyDeleteabg id
kaklong syikin....best wishes....pengorbanan dan keredhaan...mungkin itulah kelebihan kita orang islam...
one sentence is not a sentence
ReplyDeletevery nice
sacrifices we make come big and small...sometimes when we think we're sacrificing, it means nothing at all. The act of qurbany every year is something that should seep through our hearts. Looks like your eidul adha was really a great one!
ReplyDeleteI know someone enjoy putting others first, sometimes neglecting hers. I told her she sacrifes a lot. She said that is her responsibility. Salute!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think?
Like the photo - very lively.
Pak Payne,
ReplyDeleteEid Adha really is big over in the middle east yer. Tak habih2 ngan entry jamuan... jealous pulak kita kat sini. Tapi we Malaysians gorged ourselves more than a month masa Aidil Fitri...
Tapi still ... I'm sooo jealous of the food and gahterings
hai Luqman.....sentence mana tu yg tak mcm sentence? hehehe, nanti malam ni show to ayah ok...
D...yes, I think EidulAdha amongst friends in Dubai has made it a happy and meaningful occassion....
cikmilah....me salute too !!!
ReplyDeletenot easy to find these days such people...
lucky are those people she loves!
hehehe Pak Mior....rasanya dah habis kut sessi makan2 raya nie...:)
ReplyDeletewahhh cantik nampak kereta di avatar pak mior tu....
jemput lah ke dubai pak mior...anytime....ckp jer!
nasi kerabu..??!! uwahh, lama tak pekena ni..
ReplyDeletesalam aidil adha to the whole family.. meriah!! meriah..!!