Dear All,
I am back in Kuala Lumpur, and it really feels great to be home. There is just no place like home.
This is a reminder to all who are interested to join me for the visit to the Darul Izzah Orphanage on August 11th, 2007. The programme is as below :
- 10.30am : Arrivals, and Majlis suai kenal
- 12.30am : Lunch / penyerahan Sumbangan
- 01.30pm : Solat Dzuhur & Majlis membaca Yasin
- 02.30pm : Bersurai
Harap ramai yang dapat datang.
Sila beri jawapan / confirmation of your attendance by Aug 4th.
you may call me at 016 6736723.
sekian terimakasih.
Have a wonderful time back home En. Idham... Aduh, jealous-nya Cath. Ni En. Idham bila makan kat Malaysia ni, ingat2 kat Cath ya..
ReplyDeleteDear Idham,
ReplyDeleteI have completed my "Tag for Charity"
May Allah reward you for your intentions.
Ok, biarlah saya mengorak langkah. Semua malu2 kucing nampaknya. Ke tunggu last minute 'permission granted'?
ReplyDeleteI reiterate -confirmed insyaAllah -though i'ts gonna be difficult to be in two place at around the same time but I'll jz try my best eh?
It's going to be my first visit to an orphanage - look forward to do something/any-small-thing for them!
Meeting bloggers are really scary to me.
ReplyDeleteu mean this RM27178 from 214 bloggers will come from your own money? some people find it hard to believe due to the huge amount, suddenly i feel the same. However i have done the meme.
Appreciate if u can pls explain further. Thanks.
Salam Idham
ReplyDeleteI was hoping to could make changes to my travelling arrangement to join you and the others at Darul Izzah. Unfortunately, I would have to give this a miss.
My salam to all those who will be going there. My salam to everyone living at Darul Izzah.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back home.. hope you are having a great time..
Come and visit my blog ; )
uncle id,
ReplyDeletehow i wish i was in malaysia rite now...boleh join u guys for d special event.
hope everything will go well as plan.
May Allah bless u for all ur effort.
ReplyDeleteWelcome home!
I sent an email to you about sponsoring the cola drinks but didn't get any reply. Boleh ke?
I would love to come, but may be out of action due to some health concerns. Dinner 3 serangkai pun x leh join.
Regardless of attendance, is the drinks a deal? I'll make arrangement to send them. Kindly revert, thanks. Appreciate your steer.
ReplyDeletetumpang lalu sikit? nak tanya 'ibu' kat atas tu...
ibu, dinner 3 serangkai?? r u Srikandi?? If yes, what year?
Idham, I memang nak sangat nak pergi... tapi I ada kelas hari Sabtu..takleh nak cancel atau tangguh.. tgk lah macamana, if after kelas I boleh 'lari' sekejap ke sana...
Assalamualaikum Idham,
ReplyDeleteMasha Allah I am very proud of you for the making of this event. It was certainly encouraging me to spend for charity. Subhana Allah look at the power of unity. Masha Allah, I am so touch that your creativity make people be together striving for good deeds. Jazak Allahu Khairan for your intentions and may Allah bless us, our family and our wealth.
I hope there will be a pictures posted after the ceremony at this blog since we don't have chance to attand this special even. Thanks and regard
ReplyDeletecath cath...:)after a week in malaysia...i am undergoing mandatory detoxing process....hehehe
ReplyDeletetoo much of all the delicious food which is not so kind to my cholestrol count..
a wonderful one week so far...and u and other bloger friends r always on my mind.... :)
hai syerinne....:)
i will ctach up with blog hopping when time permits..
hope all is well with u and others there.....missing the lot a lot!
rad...great! i will see u there...
ReplyDeletewe will start around 10.30am..
more details later. i am going there tomorrow for a visit first.
idham grateful for u having done the tag...ur support is much appreciated...
fauziah ismail...thanks for your continued interest in this project...much appreciated.
ReplyDeletei am hoping to meet a few bloggers who are in KL ...on Aug 4th ..
any chance? :-)
hai syarek....:) wah...wonderful blog u hv there.
hai shAz...ur support from afar counts wishes...:)
hai ibu...
ReplyDelete1. dinner tiga serankai tu...i am attending....:)
hope to see some friends from stf, sedarians and of course my friends from star! Aug 9th....see u there.
2. Sorry for not replying earlier...i was travelling to Kelantan...and yes, to your offer for the cola drink sponsorship.
Pls call me if u we can talk details...
3. Hope you get well soon...
idham :)
ReplyDeletesemoga dapat juga kita jumpa nanti di DIO tu....
and, r u coming to the diner tiga serankai tu? hello2 la....i will be there...
i hope the bloggers who attend will take some nice pictures and post la nanti..
ReplyDeletesemoga kita semua sentiasa dalam cahaya keimanan :)
nore...thanks ! :)
I insyaAllah will be coming, I will call you tomorrow..
ReplyDeleteI wonder, up until now, how many will be coming? :)
Anything else I can be of service?
hello, i've just found out about your tag. is it still open? if yes, i'd like to blog about it tomorrow, coz right now i'm on the verge of dozing off on my comp.. and i think you made my day by letting me know that there are still so many kind souls out there =)
ReplyDeletehello, i've just found out about your tag. is it still open? if yes, i'd like to blog about it tomorrow, coz right now i'm on the verge of dozing off on my comp.. and i think you made my day by letting me know that there are still so many kind souls out there =)
ReplyDeletehai banji...:) je...i will ait for ur call...:)
nyrac...:) yes, the tag is always it allows us to reflect on who we are...
ReplyDeletei have decided on the contribution to the darul izzah will be RM27178 ...:)
I am 99.999% sure of coming on Saturday 11-08-2007, all the way from the east coast... inshaAllah.
ReplyDeletemay Allah bless u and family for yr kind deeds, semoga lapang rezeki dan dikurniakan kesihatan yg baik...Amin!
ReplyDeletehope u'll have great time with the orphans and the bloggers get together-gether. dont forget to post the pics here when its over. wish i could join along...
till then!
mad redo....:) great to talk with you the other day...looking forward to seeing u on 11th....
kc....come la join....pleaseeee......
ReplyDeletewill be much more the merrier with u there...
LiL and I went shopping this afternoon...preparing hampers as prizes for winners for the games tu...excited sungguh kami nie..