I asked her, "What happened? Why are you crying? Anything serious happened to Zeti ka?"
She replied with a forced smile, and at the same time wiping her cheek and her nose, "No lah. I was watching the Korean drama series just now".
"And you cried!" I teased her.
"It was so sad....", She replied and sat next to me.
"Do you want to tell me about the story? Nak juga tahu what kind of drama made you so sad macam tu?" I enquired, and logged off from the internet.
LiL began telling me. The episode shown last night was about a young wife and mom to two young children who have been told she will die of cancer. A few scenes had touched LiL's emotion strong enough to trigger those tears welling and overflowing.
- The devastation of the young wife upon knowing the diagnosis. She immediately thought of her two young children and her husband - how would they cope without her.
- MIL's callous remark to her, "You must not tell your husband about your cancer to spare him of any trauma." She felt hurt by the remark especially when all she was thinking about was about her husband and her children. She was hoping for her MIL to at least comfort and think of her needs too.
- The scenes where she was teaching her children, seven and eight years old, how to cook simple food, how to make sandwiches and how to look after themselves were the final straw for LiL. It was seeing motherly love in action - putting her children before her dying self - which burst LiL's dam of emotion.
- The lady decided to run away from home, to prepare her loved ones to start living without her.
* An ability to keep in touch with one's emotion shows the human side of a person. I promised to join LiL to watch the next episode which was this evening. And after dinner, I joined her in the TV lounge*
Tonight: Yes, watching the two kids frying egg, and combing each other's hair before school touched both of us. Seeing how her husband waited by the phone for her call - moved me. Watching how she struggled with her own emotion, trying to do the best for them reminded me of love in its purest form - To love is to give the best part of you!
And yes both LiL and I sat there close to each other without too many words, but with our emotion flying to Seoul visiting and comforting the lady and her children.
Death, is our ultimate goal. But still, death takes away a part of us. In the movie, it was hard for the family because they didn't know why she has suddenly dissappeared. It goes without saying, it was very hard for her too. We sat there well after the movie have ended, shamelessly feeling melancholic - and we spoke about what we have just watched. And we both knew, we were talking about 'what if that same situation were to happen to us......how would we cope?"
Tomorrow: If death is the purpose of life, then more has to be done now to achieve excellence in death. Has enough been done?