Summer Surprise!

Poetry Writing Competition - Pertandingan Menulis Sajak. Find Out More By clicking HERE

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mid night train...

After a few nights of sleeping late, I was again having trouble to shut my mind even when my eyes were struggling under the weight of the lashes. I was counting sheep number 797th ...798, 799th and was getting very close to tripping into the much needed dream land. Then the unexpected happened!

Faintly I heard voices whispering.

Then faintly I heard voices laughing.

Then moments of silent.

I strained my ears.

Then....I heard strange but familiar sound. It sounded like some one was in pain...a little groan, a little moan, and someone else was in a sprinting race...out of breath and all.

And I curled and moved under my duvet, lost all concentration of the sheep I was counting! Instead, it was counting the rythm of the mid-night train next, slow, fast, slow, fast, fast, faster, even faster....and fastest! It was like someone was screwing pieces of a bed's parts together...the creaking noise, and a few whamm bangg bangg. The last hammering was vicious, surely someone was in pain for I heard a scream. It was a scream from deep within her belly. I heard, "Oh God!"

Then silent again, followed by little giggles! I closed my eyes but having my ears trained on what was coming next.

Running of tap water from the ensuite bathroom.
Little giggles again.
Then total silent.
But the sound of mid-night choo choo train echoed in my ears.
I curled tighter into a ball, with my knees almost touching my chest, and pulled my duvet over my head.

I started counting sheep all over again. This time backward.
999, 998, 997, .......
But, my eyes were wide awake, staring into the darkness outside!

Goodnight folks!