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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Honey, did you shrink my trousers??

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Honey, did u shrink my trousers?
.the title has been edited from something snapped! to Honey, did you shrink my trousers!, following a creative suggestion in my comment box from RAD.I came out of the bathroom this morning humming my favourite tune ..."wajah kesayangan hamba". As always, LiL has laid out my trousers, shirt, boxer and vest on the bed. I looked into the mirror - naked. I found myself looking at a face which is good looking enough for me to smile to myself. I tried to see a reflection of the top of my head - checking on what the Palestinian hairdresser claimed to be thinning away. Ah, I cant see anything wrong - my hair is as good as it has always been except for strays of silver which added to my character to a good measure.Shifted my focus to my belly - inhaled hard and held my breath - ah, not bad - no visible spare tyre ....I could only see a macho man ....almost a perfect V.
I have moved on to humming Bee Gees "How deep is your love" when I was putting on my cloth.-100% cotton vest on - checked!- Nike boxer on - checked!- White Long sleeve 100% cotton Ralph Laurent shirt- neatly pressed- on. Checked!- My favourite tailored blue Italian wool trousers on - *inhaled hard to hook the button on*Not checked!*In-haled even harder - red faced, and difficult to breath*Checked!*Smile with satisfaction - did it at last!*Snapped!*Darnnn!*"Sayangggggggggggggggggg! please come up........" sounded desperate and annoyed."Yes abanggg, naper?"Lil appeared with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice in each hand.
"Look, my trousers hook came off! Did you wash it? You know right it must be dry cleaned! It has shrunk ka?"*LiL gelak guling guling......and she had to put down the glasses to stop them from spilling the orange juice*"Maybe abang yang dah expand kut...." came her killer blow.I stopped humming Bee Gees and went into a rap song....with a string of un-printable words - explaining, denying, justifying......!How could I not, only yesterday the Palestinian at the hairdresser told me about the thinning top - and this morning LiL said I have expanded!I still think there is nothing wrong with my hair and that my trousers have shrunk, at least by two inches!
posted by Idham @ Wednesday, January 24, 2007


At 24 January, 2007, k.d said…
Gosh..what to say...Emmm1. Gendang gendut tali kecapiKenyang perut suka hati2. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So I guess K.Lil is doing a good job...Hehehe..don't worry lah...I think you're right..the pants shrunk!!

At 24 January, 2007, norabella said…
Err.. I thought you look thinner ... gambar yang kat sebelah Mrs Trump tu! The hook tu yang tak function betul lah...

At 24 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
Alahai...LOL! -rad-Suggested titles:Honey, did you shrunk the pants?Next,Honey, did you shrunk everything else? Hardehar!!

At 24 January, 2007, ~ GAB ~ said…
Wahahaha expanding sideways such a norm as well. Again... the successful people that I see mostly never experienced seeing their expensive shoes when standing up straight on their backs.

At 24 January, 2007, actually-i-am-ur-fan! said…
echo'ing IDHAM,suggested title; "mirror mirror on da wall, who is the ensemest of them all"echo'ing K D to Idham,gendang gendut tali kecapimemang tak gendut, ensem lagi!my own to IDHAM,i think u rock la brudder! .

At 24 January, 2007, Ida said…
Abg Id, so funny la..and you always make me smile..:DTanda2 tu dah start tu bang Id..carefullll...Ida tengok gambar abang Id pun la ni makin chomel..aww..tak sayang mulut lak Ida nie..he..he..Ape2pun yang penting sihat ek..:) IdaPS: Ofis dah tutup like I told you,la ni kerja kontrak 3 months aje..nnt kita criter lagi..

At 24 January, 2007, Leeds Al-Malique said…
abg id, menteeeeeeeeeeeen!!!!!!!keep smiling,OK? don worry much..:)

At 24 January, 2007, Idham said…
k.d...hehehe, tenkiu.....u gave me a good start to the day!mmg suar yg shrunk....--norabella...:) ka i looked wow..jap nak gi tenguk cermin sekali lagik....i think u r right kut..:)--IDHAM

At 24 January, 2007, Idham said…
rad....:)u know what...i changed the title oredi....sounded better kan..TQ ! :)--GAB...:)We can really be bestest of frens...u rellay know the decorum of making remarks about physical changes in people in 'my age gorup' laa hehehhe...kawae suko ko demoe ! ahaks--IDHAM

At 24 January, 2007, Idham said…
i-am-ur-fan...:)waalalalalaa...dah kata fan tu haruslah nampak abg id mcm mentenn ok jer kan..*wink*---ida...:)lama tak nampak....alaaa nak cerita2 laa ...dah tak kerja ka? study dah abish ka? ermmm...yg kat atas tu, comment dari usha ka? *wink* heehhehe...kerem salam ek kat dier...--IDHAM

At 24 January, 2007, Idham said…
leeds....:) terimakacihhh....abg id menten kan kan kan...anyway....nak exercise byk2 nie...semangat nie...hup hap hup hap hup......buat push up pagi2 dlm bilek tadi...anak2 cepat ketuk pintu ingat kan i dah torture mama depa...hehehhe...*smiling*ABG ID.

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
*** tutup mata sebab Id naked *** hehe, no need to tell lah!Anyway, what you need is not hair transplant or unshrinkable trousers, but a dose of ego-boosting experience :-) Alaaaa ... you don't look half the size of the prosperous Arabs, so why worry.

At 25 January, 2007, Arena said…
hahaha ye lah tu, salahkan seluar..hehhehehe

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
let's blame it on all the good food and good company of ALL those wonderful trips you have been taking for the past month or two! time to get on the treadmill, bro!

At 25 January, 2007, simah said…
middle aged life fact.. hard to swallo eh idham? *chuckles*

At 25 January, 2007, Idham said…
Queen....hehehe...tercakap pulak ek...tenkiu queen sbb *** tutup mata sebab Id naked *** kita pun malu jugak kalau ada yg nampak..:)hehehe...what is wrote is quite ego boosting...-- Arena .. hehehe...masih salahkan suar nie...semalam tu pakai suar yg sama gak, tapi jerut dengan belt jer...kat hook tu terbuka dlm 2 inci hehehe...:)--D .. i think u r right...treadmill time....:)adesssss, malassssssnyaa!!--simah ... memang hard to swallow la simah...heheheinikah yg di kata kan syndrome menopause itew? lelaki ada menopause ka ek?--IDHAM

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
oh oh the signs are there first the thinning of hair and now the middle spread and whats nexttttttttt?I'm counting....I'm counting....

At 25 January, 2007, Idham said…
kak elle....hehehe...oh ho ho...i am paranoid nie...what is next what is next....menopause agaknya saya nie ye...huhuhu...:)idham

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said… don't menopause they watch it huh all the sign and symptoms.......:))

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
If Lil was responsible for shrinking your trousers, why not ask her to shrink you?! The same method she has shrunk the trousers. Tak payah treadmill ;)

At 25 January, 2007, Idham said…
kak elle...:)ys yes, i'll be very having extra appetite for certain female types a form of symptons too? hehehe...gurau je...:)--mamasarah..betul gak tu...actually, LiL belikan byk nya baby carrots tadi masa pergi supermarket, dia kata for me to snacking in place of sweets and nuts....better for health tu kan.also, no more fried food for a while, semua stim stim jer...and staying away from red-meat...uhuhuhuhu...there goes my lamb chop!--IDHAM

At 25 January, 2007, Anonymous said…
she lays out your clothes for you?t.thistle

At 25 January, 2007, Idham said…
anonymoues - t thistle.:) yesssss.....she does, every morning!a good thing to do. and even better, she does get the colour coordination right too...IDHAM

At 25 January, 2007, Mama Rock said…
oh, tata is my favourite phase when i need to go shopping...most of my clothes have shrunk in the wardrobe :)

At 25 January, 2007, Idham said…
:) mama rock...look at it a an opportinuty la renew our shop for new clothes..maybe to even change our fashion sense...heheheh:)idham